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Will you try to get to 55 during the 5 day early access....


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what DO you play it for?


because of all the games to say this about.. I just... it just does not compute for me. like at all.


PvP. Been here since Beta, and didn't finish my first toons class story until March, and even then I space barred through it as it was extremely boring to me. And honestly, lot of people find the storyarc boring after their 4th, 5th time through it (even the 2nd time around). It's not all that amazing to me at all.

Edited by -Mythix-
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Unless the XP rewards have been lowered or the amount of XP required for each level has been vastly increased I expect we'll have Lvl 55's within the first day, probably the first few hours.

The levelling xp required is far too shallow - people should not be able to reach lvl 50 (where they then complain about lack of content) in the tiny amount of time it currently takes.


So disappointed? No.

I'll just be the same as everyone else in the 5 day early access.

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I personally think people who try and say how quick one levels (be it fast, slow or whatever) is an idiot, because it doesn't conform to their own gameplay & leveling agenda. Irony.


Actually it is a proven fact from past MMO's that those that rushed to max level during the regular game and expansions were the first to race to the forums and whine there was nothing to do and that said company was horrible etc..

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News flash: Not everyone plays this game for story. Shocker I know. :D


I agree. The story is nice, but the number one reason I play an MMO is to play with other people. Call me crazy but I though this was supposed to be a multiplayer game. The issue is this game fights against you so much while leveling it's like a single player game. So the only time you really get to play with others is at endgame. So I tend to rush to max level for no other reason than it is the only time I am on the same page with all my friends and we can play together. Hopefully they will add some sort of level adjusting system soon, but until then if I want to take my time through a single player campaign, there are far better options than SWTOR out there.

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If you're asking if I will be power leveling to 55, the answer is yes, as I could careless about the content.


This will be the guy that, 2 days after ROTHC comes out, he'll be complaining in the forums there's nothing to do, lol

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Yep, I'm collecting XP boosts and everything. If the story is the same for every class I'll have 3 or 4 other characters I can enjoy it on... maybe. I would rather be in the first wave of max levels with my main.


Actually it is a proven fact from past MMO's that those that rushed to max level during the regular game and expansions were the first to race to the forums and whine there was nothing to do and that said company was horrible etc..


Well in this game they were the first one's farming Champion gear and farming gear off of low level suckers in warzones for 4 months or whatever.

Edited by Exilim
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Well... many of our guildies have pre-purchased so... no, I won't try to cap again in 5 days, but it might happen naturally as I play the content with them. It really depends on work, RL, etc. etc. FPs and Ops will also have an impact.


However, I can say most assuredly that some peeps will fly through the content and will be 55 on the first official day of launch. They can't help themselves.

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I won't. Rushing to maximum level and then asking "what I am going to do now" is not what I aim.


I'll go at my own pace. If it occurs that during this time, I want to play exclusively one of my lvl 50, and that I finish the 5 level durig these 5 days, it would be a coincidence.


Same here.


I play at a relaxed pace and enjoy the storyline. I don't want to max my level real fast.


Having the 5 day early access is nice, but it's not going to make any difference in my game play.

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