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Getting HK-51 is way too difficult


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It is not that it is had to get, it is just extremely tedious and BORING.


People who say they got it really quickly in under 3 hours etc should keep in mind that when HK first came out there wree tons of people doing the scanning and everyone had a few seconds to grab the discovered HK part before it disappeared.


Now there is hardly anyone doing it so it is that much harder to find the parts.


The other aspects of the HK quest is great - theoretica being a fantastic example.... Imagine how much better it could have been if the HK quests were not slashed down and downsized...

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Well, u don't need to do boring quests, it's just your choice to do so.


You QQs want everything fast and without any effort. That's boring.


YAWN your comment is really boring. Dismissing legitimate concerns outright as a QQ? How about trying something new for a change?


Needing to put in effort to get it is good. Gives a sense of accomplishment at the end, but considering that this is a game, all tasks should be FUN.


There is no fun or effort involved in the scanning. It is merely a tedious frustrating, menial and repetitive task designed to waste people's time.

Edited by BaronV
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Well, u don't need to do boring quests, it's just your choice to do so.


You QQs want everything fast and without any effort. That's boring.

please refrain in future from wasting your and others time on posts like this. this is not new, nor brings anything constructive to such threads. and i'm indeed, skipping this boring part of game, just hoping for an improvement in future, to make these quests playable even for those who came here for story and play solo in open world.


and i really do not think that doing some very boring, repetetive, machine-suited work is a challenge or some effort. it is stupid waste of time, nothing more.

Edited by elstaar
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Yup, I've run it four times because I don't want to spend creds on the unlock. It was easy before and now with our new levels and gear it is super squeezy.


Scanning is not an issue if you are smart about it. Grab a few guildies and go scan. Each planet will only take a few minutes. In our guild anyway, those that don't have HK get help from those that do and thus you can have HK in a few hours.


Quite enjoyable actually. Theoritika always cracks me up; most especially when newbies get trapped.

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please refrain in future from wasting your and others time on posts like this. this is not new, nor brings anything constructive to such threads. and i'm indeed, skipping this boring part of game, just hoping for an improvement in future, to make these quests playable even for those who came here for story and play solo in open world.


and i really do not think that doing some very boring, repetetive, machine-suited work is a challenge or some effort. it is stupid waste of time, nothing more.


Oh right so it's fine for you to label parts of the game that sooooo many enjoy as boring, repetitive and machine suited but others cannot label your preferred play style as boring?




I for one thoroughly enjoy the HK quest line and would not want to see it changed. HK should either be gated behind a long time consuming quest line that takes a commitment in time....OR gated behind an Op that takes commitment in skill and coordination imo.



Edited by ImperialSun
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HA! I agree you have no clue what difficult is.


Go to FFXIV and level up all those classes/crafting classes/gathering classes. All the neverending grinding. THAT is difficult. HK is easy peasy.


It's not really difficult but it is incredibly grindy.


On my fourth job now and I have zero quests beside job quests every 5 levels so having to grind Fate's, Leve's and dungeons.


It can get quite boring at times. Only advantage is I get a hell of a lot of grand company seals.

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Go to FFXIV and level up all those classes/crafting classes/gathering classes. All the neverending grinding. THAT is difficult. HK is easy peasy.

no, thanks, leave all the grind to koreans. one year of aion is already enough for me.


and stop mixing grind with difficulty, it is not the same. killing a challenging boss or solving a puzzle = difficulty, challenge. farming something with 1% drop or doing search in a large area without even knowing direction = grind.

Edited by elstaar
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Subscribers pay their hard earned money to do this quest line and I, for one, would like a cool, action packed story than a tedious, boring scavenger hunt that feels more like work than play. Even f2p players spend hard earned credits or dollars on cartel coins only to find that this quest line takes an absurd number of hours and boring perseverance. HK-51 was among the greatest ideas bioware had for Swtor and would be an unbelievable addition to a great game. To put in perspective how terrible they've made this mission series, HK-51 simply isn't the trouble, and that should speak incredibly powerfully to any fan of KoToR, swtor, and star wars in general.


Who agrees?


Don't bother asking for anything on these forums. Everyone that is left are hardcore fanboys denying every flaw of the game and being dellusional in general. Thats the main reason why the game is still a buggfest since beta and generally a unfun grindfest. Don't expect any improvements. Devs are lazy.

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It's not a 'challenge' as some people wrongly state... It's just *********** boring.


Quoted due to speaking the truth.


Some people seem to think length of time to get something equals difficulty.


Grinding, farming, running around doing inane crap is NOT a challenge.


It IS mind numbingly boring, thus why I won't touch the HK part of the game.

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Subscribers pay their hard earned money to do this quest line and I, for one, would like a cool, action packed story than a tedious, boring scavenger hunt that feels more like work than play. Even f2p players spend hard earned credits or dollars on cartel coins only to find that this quest line takes an absurd number of hours and boring perseverance. HK-51 was among the greatest ideas bioware had for Swtor and would be an unbelievable addition to a great game. To put in perspective how terrible they've made this mission series, HK-51 simply isn't the trouble, and that should speak incredibly powerfully to any fan of KoToR, swtor, and star wars in general.


Who agrees?


Food for thought. I understand this is not relevant in terms of the type of game, but in Everquest (the original Everquest) when you had to farm for you Epics 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 it would literally take months to get some of those needed parts. I am just putting it into perspective for you. The HK quest line is not in my opinion tedious or hard or to time consuming.

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Who agrees?


Cry more.


Did all of excavator parts in 3 hours. There's always someone looking for the part, and then if you're lucky, said guy will follow you around or ask you to follow him around for another part.


And the flashpoints, is, well, the flashpoints. So the part isn't going to be hidden anywhere.


So get out there and start digging.

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please refrain in future from wasting your and others time on posts like this. this is not new, nor brings anything constructive to such threads. and i'm indeed, skipping this boring part of game, just hoping for an improvement in future, to make these quests playable even for those who came here for story and play solo in open world.


and i really do not think that doing some very boring, repetetive, machine-suited work is a challenge or some effort. it is stupid waste of time, nothing more.


Please, do not tell me what should i do or not, I'm not your children, mother or whatever you want me to be.


If it that quest "stupid waste of time", don't do it, don't QQ and that's the whole magic. Don't bother with it. Nobody will change it because a few players find it too diffucult/boring/annoying/...

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I have not even started this quest yet....and may never do so. Just wanted to put that out there as a disclaimer.


That said, I would love to hear that they made the quest easier in some way. But I am fine with how it is now. It's difficulty to acquire combined with praise at early levels makes it reasonably desirable to me.


I only speak for me, but I think it's ok as it is, but would welcome any adjustment naturally.

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next time try it solo, preferrably while opposite faction is digging too. i know, you will adore this!


nah, I'll look for people in fleet at first, then call out everynow and then on the planets on which I'm searching.


Then be a proper nice guy and tell people that got the part within 5m, wait for the people who replied to come.


Dig out part, collect it.


Then ask who of the folks would like to tag along for other parts.


Search party formed. Easy parts.


but then again I'm an unforgivable sinner, because god forbid that people >>>** Group Up **<<< to do content together in an mmo. I'll surely burn to hell for this. D:

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Getting HK-51 wasn't difficult, it was time consuming. It was still a great excuse to get players to go anywhere but the fleet and 3 Daily areas. HK was a lot of work to get but it was rewarding. I had a blast doing this quest line and am really glad I did. Gamers these days, and I am not just talking about TOR players specifically, have too much handed to them. Games get easier and easier and rewards are given without achieving them. Game mechanics are removed from games because they are mildly inconvenient without thought to the removal of purpose.


Because of this my little brother will never experience what it feels like to make a mad dash for the Pokémon Center before his Pokémon dies of poison only to find Blue waiting at the door with a mandatory battle challenge. Because of this new TOR players will never know what its like to face down HK-47 with 600000 HP in an epic battle of attrition that leaves a body count too high to measure. Because of this new gamers will never know what it is like to trudge through a blizzard that rotates the world map so that the only way to know if you have been there before is to plant a marker, all just to find a silly summon with mediocre damage so you could finish your collection so you could unlock the Master Summon Materia.


Challenge should yield reward, reward should not be given for free, or for microtransactions for that matter. Players need to stop asking developers to baby them, and developers need to stop listening to the players who do.

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