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Getting HK-51 is way too difficult


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Don't listen to people who say they've solo'ed it. Not true. You need a group to run some of the quests. A few you can do by yourself but you need will need a group.


Only needed to group on the FPs on my Imp side run. Probably could have on the Rep side too but when I ran the FPs another guy asked if anyone was going for HK51 and I said yes so we finished it together. But on the Imp side I soloed the final mission.

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I did not find it hard. I have not done the two HM FP yet. Plan to do them this weekend. Only part that I had trouble with was on taris. I went through the area 4 times... I stumbled on it and about 10 other people came up to get their part. I made many people happy that night. The Dromand Kaas part was... not bad actually. I thought it would take awhile, but I found it after about 20 minutes. And the Hoth part was found after about 15. Missed the jawa on Tatooine the first time... he kinda blends into the area and if you are looking out for gankers, you will miss him.
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Dude getting hk is sooo easy. It took me just a few hours one day. Then you either queue up in the group finder for the two fp parts or look for a group manually and bam. I swear it's people just like you who wine and wine about how hard crap is and then the developers have to nerf anything challenging in the game. It happened to wow turning all the world elites into non elites and nerfing everything else. If that happens here I'm done.. If it's too hard get a walk through online or find a friend.
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Hard?.... no


Tedious?.... yeah after doing it a couple times it can grind the nerves a little lol. But generally there are enough people looking for parts that it isn't to bad. Will be bad in a few months or after new content comes out and HK is old news when you have to go out and scan an entire area by yourself and no one else is.

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Not to be rude but you are pretty much saying you want it handed to you.


Shouldn't the most desired companion be somewhat of a challenge to get? Be thankful you don't have to do a raid and roll for him.


He's complaining about the scavenger hunt, which is the most boring, unimaginative time sink since killing mobs for 1% drop rates. You're being a presumptuous cur.

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Subscribers pay their hard earned money to do this quest line and I, for one, would like a cool, action packed story than a tedious, boring scavenger hunt that feels more like work than play. Even f2p players spend hard earned credits or dollars on cartel coins only to find that this quest line takes an absurd number of hours and boring perseverance. HK-51 was among the greatest ideas bioware had for Swtor and would be an unbelievable addition to a great game. To put in perspective how terrible they've made this mission series, HK-51 simply isn't the trouble, and that should speak incredibly powerfully to any fan of KoToR, swtor, and star wars in general.


Who agrees?


I don't agree. It took me and 2 other guildmates a total of 5 hours to find everything, and that was on the day it was released, so we had to find things for ourselves. There was no guide at the time to help. It was fun. You just don't like the fact that you have to work for it. You'd rather have HK-51 handed to you on a silver platter. It doesn't work that way.



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Apparently you dont need to do HM Maelstrom Prison to get that one part either. I've heard that the SM Version also gives you the part.


You do. Thougth you can due hm maelstrom without some serious gear(me and my frind manage it(we have never done a hardmode before we did it(sent and sage).


From my point of view HK-51 was to easy to get.

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Subscribers pay their hard earned money to do this quest line and I, for one, would like a cool, action packed story than a tedious, boring scavenger hunt that feels more like work than play. Even f2p players spend hard earned credits or dollars on cartel coins only to find that this quest line takes an absurd number of hours and boring perseverance. HK-51 was among the greatest ideas bioware had for Swtor and would be an unbelievable addition to a great game. To put in perspective how terrible they've made this mission series, HK-51 simply isn't the trouble, and that should speak incredibly powerfully to any fan of KoToR, swtor, and star wars in general.


Who agrees?

I soloed hk quest chain in about 2 hrs of game play while the searching for part took a while it was easy enough to do. This quest is fine as is in difficulty the only tweak that need to be done is the spawn times on parts increased. I had a blast with doing this quest chain as well.

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My staff of four for my wizard was close to that as well.


Stupid plane of fear part was what took the longest due to the golem NEVER being up lol.


broken golem was added in to make that quest easier, originally you had to get cazic skin from CT which was an ultra rare drop, and CT was up waaaaaaaaaay less than broken golem.



wiz epic when they added broken golem was one of the easiest =P

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  • 1 month later...
Ugh, been on Taris for 2 days, and I still can't find it. Some one did find it though, told me where he was and it diapered within 15 seconds. I didn't get there in time...


Getting sick of this damn quest.


Taris one is easy, usually takes me less than 20 minutes to find it.

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I have to agree that it is too luck based. They should have had the searching system point you in the right direction. Even if they made the areas a bit larger. The fact that you use the item and hope its within range is simply annoying considering the size of the areas. It was a fun idea when it was easy to get 4 or 5 people together, now that its difficult to do so, its become a very boring chore.
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I got my HK about 4-6 weeks ago. I was able to solo the whole thing on my pretty-well-geared Smuggler (using Guss, of course)...dying maybe twice on the final mission. It felt like an accomplishment, and I was pleased to see that my HK came with 118 gear and some nice abilities. Good stuff.


However: gotta say the search quests can be real suck-fests. Some of those areas to search can be quite large. I feel like if they maybe doubled the range of the scanner, this wouldn't be quite as much of a chore, and a little bit more fun.


My 2 credits....

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The only thing i really HATED was the Dromund Kass & Coruscant scavanger hunt.... seriously who thought up of something so STUPID??


Theoretika however was AWESOME! Totally reminded me of KOTOR and the mood and setting was just right.


The others were just meh... nothing i didnt expect from this game though. Not too different from any other dailies.


Just imagine how much more awesome the HK aqquisiton quest could have been if it wasnt rushed and Bioware wasnt under the thumb of EA:rolleyes:

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