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Bioware/EA Question: Will there be further class story content in the forseeable futu


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In light of the first mini expansion (Makeb) there is quite a number of posts and people who are asking this so let’s give it a thread of its own. And in order to make it as clear and cut and dry as can be made here it is:

Is there going to be an expansion/content update/DLC paid or not that will continue the class stories of the core game in the following two years (2013-2014)?

For those of you thinking that this is a long time to answer for, rest assured that the business plan for the company is laid ahead at least for the next 5 years and that includes significant decisions like this.

So…a straight answer…please?

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I fully support this thread. This is the number one question I want answered about the game. I will happily purchase Makeb and remain a subscriber if I know class story content is coming eventually.


I sincerely hope you're successful in getting an answer from BioWare.

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I think they mentioned that they were implementing some class-story quests.


I wouldn't get my hopes up too much though. With only one planet and 5 levels to work with, it'd probably be just a very small bit of story.


And dialogue-wise, I wouldn't be surprised if each Player Character uses lines from out of the generic dialogue bank. Unless this stuff got recorded pre-launch, I'd be surprised if Bioware had the budget to hire all 16 of their english-language voice actors (not to mention the other languages) to come back for recording.

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Bioware/EA Question: Will there be further class story content in the forseeable future


They've already answered this on at least two seperate occasions.


The answer is: NO. :(



(they've said they have no plans for Class Story in the 8 seperate story Ch1 to Ch3, L1 to L50 sense for the foreseeable future - they haven't outright ruled it out permenantly though.)

Edited by Goretzu
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I think they mentioned that they were implementing some class-story quests.


I wouldn't get my hopes up too much though. With only one planet and 5 levels to work with, it'd probably be just a very small bit of story.


And dialogue-wise, I wouldn't be surprised if each Player Character uses lines from out of the generic dialogue bank. Unless this stuff got recorded pre-launch, I'd be surprised if Bioware had the budget to hire all 16 of their english-language voice actors (not to mention the other languages) to come back for recording.


There is no 8 thread class story on Makeb, there is just a 2 faction planet story, they have repeatedly said this.

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I wouldn't get my hopes up too much though. With only one planet and 5 levels to work with, it'd probably be just a very small bit of story.




This isn't about Makeb. We already know Makeb will be 5 levels and no class story quests. Allison confirmed that on Monday. This is about what happens after Makeb...what happens in the next two years...this isn't about some small team at BioWare Austin developing planet DLC, this his about whether we will ever get a full-blown expansion of the class stories -- aka the only AAA part of this MMO, the only thing that makes it stand out from the pack, the only thing that is worth subscribing for (and ironically the only thing they gave away for free).

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I would be very surprised to see a return of 8 differing class stories honestly. I would imagine it took a big chunk of this games development time for that.


I'm not sure this community would give them a 2 year pause to create such arcs for classes without flaming them for "no content" on the forums.


A single or dual story, like they're giving in RotHC, simply takes less time to develop and can be pushed out to us on a more consistant timeframe.


I could be wrong, but I believe logistically this is what we are moving to now. Serial type adventures, full of great quality story...but one we're all going to take part in together. I think we'll end up being happier for it in the long run, as we'll get more content.

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I would be very surprised to see a return of 8 differing class stories honestly. I would imagine it took a big chunk of this games development time for that.


I'm not sure this community would give them a 2 year pause to create such arcs for classes without flaming them for "no content" on the forums.


A single or dual story, like they're giving in RotHC, simply takes less time to develop and can be pushed out to us on a more consistant timeframe.


I could be wrong, but I believe logistically this is what we are moving to now. Serial type adventures, full of great quality story...but one we're all going to take part in together. I think we'll end up being happier for it in the long run, as we'll get more content.


Yeah...you can count me out of that. I was attracted to this game for the class stories, I played 6 alts to max for the class stories...the idea of this MMO turning into just another boring faction-story MMO sounds awful to me, the idea that I could finish Makeb in a single week on a single character and never want to play it again (just like every other MMO out there) sounds awful to me, no matter how great the story content may be (and if its' anything like the rest of the planet storylines, it will suck).


BTW, can you imagine never again having companion dialogue? Try to imagine..if we get planet story after planet story in the Makeb fashion and always with the pre-recorded one-liners and never with new dialogue from either the companion OR the class voice actor? And people want that? That's SW:TOR's future?

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Yeah...you can count me out of that. I was attracted to this game for the class stories, I played 6 alts to max for the class stories...the idea of this MMO turning into just another boring faction-story MMO sounds awful to me, the idea that I could finish Makeb in a single week on a single character and never want to play it again (just like every other MMO out there) sounds awful to me, no matter how great the story content may be (and if its' anything like the rest of the planet storylines, it will suck).



Was SWTOR your first and only MMO? If not, are you saying you only made one max level in other games? Never had an alt you leveled to max running the same stuff?

You'd be one of the first Ive met to have done that.


Everyone I know, and myself, always had a couple classes we ran through the same gauntlet to max up, even when it was the exact same steps and zones, because we actually liked more than one class.


BTW, can you imagine never again having companion dialogue? Try to imagine..if we get planet story after planet story in the Makeb fashion and always with the pre-recorded one-liners and never with new dialogue from either the companion OR the class voice actor? And people want that? That's SW:TOR's future?


has it been listed that this is the case??


A "shared" story by default does not mean Companions or the Character isnt going to have cinematic dialogue. If this has been stated, then please share the link and help me out, but it sounds like making assumptions at the moment.

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Yeah...you can count me out of that. I was attracted to this game for the class stories, I played 6 alts to max for the class stories...the idea of this MMO turning into just another boring faction-story MMO sounds awful to me, the idea that I could finish Makeb in a single week on a single character and never want to play it again (just like every other MMO out there) sounds awful to me, no matter how great the story content may be (and if its' anything like the rest of the planet storylines, it will suck).


BTW, can you imagine never again having companion dialogue? Try to imagine..if we get planet story after planet story in the Makeb fashion and always with the pre-recorded one-liners and never with new dialogue from either the companion OR the class voice actor? And people want that? That's SW:TOR's future?


This is 1 reason I am really on the fence with this. Even if it expanded the class stories just a little bit, I'd more than likely get it. But zero with no companion expansion even is just blah to me.

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Was SWTOR your first and only MMO? If not, are you saying you only made one max level in other games? Never had an alt you leveled to max running the same stuff?

You'd be one of the first Ive met to have done that.


Everyone I know, and myself, always had a couple classes we ran through the same gauntlet to max up, even when it was the exact same steps and zones, because we actually liked more than one class.


Yes I have levelled up alts in other games before just to experience new mechanics, what I'm saying to you now and in this thread is that those were better MMOs with better and more interesting gameplay mechanics than SW:ToR. The only reason I am attracted to SW:ToR, the only reason this otherwise mediocre MMO is tolerable, is because of the class stories. I know it. EA knows it. That's why they used it as their hook in F2P.


If this game remained absolutely the same as it is now with the only exception being the class stories were removed, leaving only planet quests and side quests with all the same gameplay mechanics we have now...I would have never gotten one character to max level, let alone 6.

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Yes I have levelled up alts in other games before just to experience new mechanics, what I'm saying to you now and in this thread is that those were better MMOs with better and more interesting gameplay mechanics than SW:ToR. The only reason I am attracted to SW:ToR, the only reason this otherwise mediocre MMO is tolerable, is because of the class stories. I know it. EA knows it. That's why they used it as their hook in F2P.


If this game remained absolutely the same as it is now with the only exception being the class stories were removed, leaving only planet quests and side quests with all the same gameplay mechanics we have now...I would have never gotten one character to max level, let alone 6.



Well thats your opinion, and you are entitled to it of course.


My opinion is totally different. I find even the planet stories to be far and away more fun, and engaging than clicking a dwarf , reading the text and saying accept.


I dont know what other MMOs have more interresting mechanics. Dropping a biscuit on your NE hunter's crab pet and watching the face go to smiley? Meh...to each his own.

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Well thats your opinion, and you are entitled to it of course.


My opinion is totally different. I find even the planet stories to be far and away more fun, and engaging than clicking a dwarf , reading the text and saying accept.


I dont know what other MMOs have more interresting mechanics. Dropping a biscuit on your NE hunter's crab pet and watching the face go to smiley? Meh...to each his own.


The thing is the Planet Stories aren't much different to LOTRO chapter stories, in fact often the LOTRO ones are better.

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Well thats your opinion, and you are entitled to it of course.


My opinion is totally different. I find even the planet stories to be far and away more fun, and engaging than clicking a dwarf , reading the text and saying accept.


I dont know what other MMOs have more interresting mechanics. Dropping a biscuit on your NE hunter's crab pet and watching the face go to smiley? Meh...to each his own.


If your experience is limited to WoW, then it's no wonder you're happy with SW:TOR as it is. I see SW:TOR for the thin, badly-put-together WoW-clone that it is whose only saving grace...nay whose greatest feature and the greatest feature in any MMO in the last decade, is the addition of class stories.


The thing is the Planet Stories aren't much different to LOTRO chapter stories, in fact often the LOTRO ones are better.


Even The Secret World has better cinematics than the planet stories in SWTOR.

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The thing is the Planet Stories aren't much different to LOTRO chapter stories, in fact often the LOTRO ones are better.



I'll take your word for that, I havent played Lotro...but a few friends really like it so it has to be doing something right.

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Oh man. You do not want to see the sub numbers for if they don't continue the class stories. This game will die even faster.

Actually, there may be a correlation between "people who are finished with their stories" and "people who are no longer subbed"

Sure you have the raiders and pvp people. They're going to get bored eventually and move on to better mmo's. You had story as your gimmick, and you dropped the ball, and gone F2P.

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If your experience is limited to WoW, then it's no wonder you're happy with SW:TOR as it is. I see SW:TOR for the thin, badly-put-together WoW-clone that it is whose only saving grace...nay whose greatest feature and the greatest feature in any MMO in the last decade, is the addition of class stories.


Certainly not, at 44 years old I started on Ultima Online, from there went to EQ, Tried EQ2 didnt grab me...played WoW and loved it...tried STO, COh/CoV, DAoC, Rift, Asherons Call, and Played Warhammer Online for a year or more.

So , no..WoW is not what i am limited to at all...but it is the market king so to speak, so it always comes up as a reference. I wouldnt bother comparing this game with some unknown MMO, or one that isnt popular.

There werent any mechanics in any of those that i find compelling. All pretty much the same IMO.



Perhaps you could enlighten me a bit on what these interesting mechanics other MMOs are offering, that this badly put together one is not?


Even The Secret World has better cinematics than the planet stories in SWTOR.


Havent tried that one either, and since I like this one..it'll likely pass me by like Lotro did. When i play an MMO, I play one at a time. I try new ones, but if they arent enough to make me switch, then I dont. Not enough time wiht RL, and Family to engage more than 1 MMO at a time for me.

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Oh man. You do not want to see the sub numbers for if they don't continue the class stories. This game will die even faster.

Actually, there may be a correlation between "people who are finished with their stories" and "people who are no longer subbed"

Sure you have the raiders and pvp people. They're going to get bored eventually and move on to better mmo's. You had story as your gimmick, and you dropped the ball, and gone F2P.


I think you are mistaken.


The percentage of people who actually take the time to post here are a minimal slice of players anyway....even less are the ones who are ************ about "unsubbing" over this.


Even if all of the people who are saying they will actually do, (which I dont buy anyway, and the people telling us how good other MMOS are..but still here on the forum and not there playing bears this out), it would be a miniscule bump in the road at best.


The numbers I see in game, reflected in there being multiple instances running even on questing worlds and areas tells me the playerbase has increased. On top of that, in game people seem positive.


Dont over inflate the importance of the .001% that sit here and cry. From what I see in game, people arent sharing the doom and gloom.

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I'll take your word for that, I havent played Lotro...but a few friends really like it so it has to be doing something right.


LOTRO central story takes in pretty much ever zone and has a central and progressive quest, it is I suppose somewhere between "Planet Story" and "Class Story" in SWTOR.


If they move to just Planet Story (which they have done for Makeb and may well do in the future) I guess it may well end up more like that.

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Well, fwiw, I'm here for the class stories too, no more class stories, no more sub. Though since I haven't completed them all they will get a subscription from me until I've completed them all. I've done some ops and HM's, I pvp every day, and space missions, well lol. The class stories are indeed the only AAA part of this mmo. I'll probably get Makeb if I have't completed my class stories by then, for the Makeb planetary stories (if anyone thinks they are more than planetary stories, they are deluding themselves). I don't have confidence that they will be decent stories unlike some of the existing planetary chains, most of the content they have provided since launch has been subpar, from both a subscription and ftp point of view.
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If your experience is limited to WoW, then it's no wonder you're happy with SW:TOR as it is.


When it comes to sales and subs, WoW's always the measuring stick. As soon as people start talking about gameplay and features, WoW becomes the store brand and SWTOR gets compared to every other MMO that hasn't been able to compete with WoW any better than it has.

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While I do support the expansion of each class storyline, I don't think it would be the greatest management decision they could make since it would only reach to a much smaller audience than a general planetary storyline content. The idea I am speaking about is, how can management deliver content for everyone with as moderate as possible of a budget.


Therefore I don't think a full fledged chapter 4 will ever come our way.


Currently I am opposed to expanding class storyline now, because frankly expanding individual story lines is very costly and they need to direct funds to stop the hemorrhaging of subscriber loss without incurring too much debt.


Besides that I think the whole individual class quest was supposed to be a jump off for bigger and grander adventures with other heroes/villians as players in the MMO. So it further reinforces the direction that appealing to a much larger audience is better than say a few can experience unless you played every class.


So the conclusion of class storyline is: Too much of a cost -> Too little of impact for whole audience. Whereas general expansions and adventures brings: Content for all -> At reduced cost.

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They've already answered this on at least two seperate occasions.


The answer is: NO. :(



(they've said they have no plans for Class Story in the 8 seperate story Ch1 to Ch3, L1 to L50 sense for the foreseeable future - they haven't outright ruled it out permenantly though.)


You sound very definitive. I am not questioning the validity of your post but I would like, if you are able, to provide the yellow post link that says that for documentation purposes.


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