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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

smash/force sweep spec is faceroll in pvp


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Just wondering if there are any plans in the works to make expertise reduce chance to be crit and/or crit damage taken? I have 1300~ expertise yet consistently get obliterated on my sage by bunny hoppers. The average damage taken is between 4-5k, which is bad enough since i only have about 17k hps, but i just had a warzone where a Smash crit hit me for 7300+. 7300+...And that's not just to me, but everyone near me too... No other class has anything even nearly approaching that. A look into this would be much appreciated.
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smash/force sweep spec needs to be nerfed into the ground. Powertech/vanguards need to be looked at as well. Tank classes currently own this game and it needs to be addressed in the next patch. Oh and also while they are at it, fix scoundrel/operative dps as well as commando/mercenary dps. This balance is so out of whack I can't believe the devs think this is even remotely acceptable.
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smash/force sweep spec needs to be nerfed into the ground. Powertech/vanguards need to be looked at as well. Tank classes currently own this game and it needs to be addressed in the next patch. Oh and also while they are at it, fix scoundrel/operative dps as well as commando/mercenary dps. This balance is so out of whack I can't believe the devs think this is even remotely acceptable.


PT/Vanguards are FINE now. Don't nerf us MORE. We got ALL our skills range reduced to 10m. We are fine.

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Here is a question to ponder on. Rage/Focus has done the same amount of damage since day 1. So why is the damage so OP all of a sudden? They reworked focus/rage management for quicker sweeps.


Simple..now that there is no delay on the animation, it's far more effective and easier to stack 3+ jugs.

With the immobilize from force leap, multiple juggs can leap one target after blowing their instant 4xsingularity generator and put out 12k~ easily and instantly. And that's just from 3...


The only counter to juggs is to spread out. But bad players don't spread out.

So you put one or two competent healers with a bubble sorc shielding every jugg...now you have an unstoppable force that ccs you even when you manage to break the bubble.


It's not that its OP but everyone has jumped on the bandwagon and people would rather complain then adapt to adversity.

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Just wondering if there are any plans in the works to make expertise reduce chance to be crit and/or crit damage taken? I have 1300~ expertise yet consistently get obliterated on my sage by bunny hoppers. The average damage taken is between 4-5k, which is bad enough since i only have about 17k hps, but i just had a warzone where a Smash crit hit me for 7300+. 7300+...And that's not just to me, but everyone near me too... No other class has anything even nearly approaching that. A look into this would be much appreciated.


Happened to me most of the day as well. I'm getting wiped off the map in 3 seconds. 3x3k swipes back to back, 6.4k smashes.


I'm not sure what the deal is, it's been awhile since anyone cracked 6k on me. It's like I'm back in recruit gear.

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I don't particularly care about smash spec being nerf, but if they going to nerf it they need to give guardians a competitive spec for pvp. Vigilance is not competitive. It's like the middle tree of sorcerer or sages. You can pvp, but all it takes a good healer that knows how to dispel and even without dispelling it's doesn't have very good burst. Can't remember what patch it was, but I remember vigilance being ok in pvp. Perhaps giving them dispel protection or immunity. The same goes for madness spec.


Trying to balance dispels has never really worked. Even in wow today it's always been unbalance. Only cc, slows, or roots should be dispellable. It would be a lot easier for pvp balance from a developers point of view.

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Just wondering if there are any plans in the works to make expertise reduce chance to be crit and/or crit damage taken? I have 1300~ expertise yet consistently get obliterated on my sage by bunny hoppers. The average damage taken is between 4-5k, which is bad enough since i only have about 17k hps, but i just had a warzone where a Smash crit hit me for 7300+. 7300+...And that's not just to me, but everyone near me too... No other class has anything even nearly approaching that. A look into this would be much appreciated.


Wow, OP! This is new and exciting!

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Here is a question to ponder on. Rage/Focus has done the same amount of damage since day 1. So why is the damage so OP all of a sudden? They reworked focus/rage management for quicker sweeps.


Maybe the reason we're seeing such huge numbers is because players weren't aware of what they could do with smash/sweep until after the fix in animation. I'm constantly hit with 6.3K+ crits on my Sorcerer. I can take one or two with Static Barrier, after that...I have to hope my bubble burst stunning them so I can flee around a corner for cover. Otherwise, I'm dead meat. Likewise, now that we're seeing these kind of numbers, they may want to look at reducing the amount of damage.


If I were to offer a suggestion it would be something like this.


- The target receives the full amount of damage from the first person who lands their smash/sweep. However, the others that hit do not critical against the target or only do 50% critical damage or less.


- Those who are within the AOE and NOT targeted, do not receive the full damage, they only receive 50% non-critical damage.


Minor tweaks that would not reduce the damage from the original attacker inasmuch as it does reduce the effectiveness of multiple smash/sweeps against a single or multiple targets. I think by adjusting the damage against those who are not specifically targeted will make this a little more acceptable and playable.


Just a suggestion...I play a Jugg Tank, a pure tank and geared as such. I don't like how this is working either. Just my two cents worth. Take it for what it is meant for.

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Wow, OP! This is new and exciting!


It seems the title confused you into thinking this was a QQ thread. I was asking a serious game mechanic question. Other people got it and had their own thought-out opinions and suggestions. But thanks for the derivative dismissal anyway, it shows you care ;)

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Smash is no problem at all.

It is - under certain circumstances - Guardians most powerfull bang.

If you see a guardian flying by, just hit your 15s turtle buffs and you should be ok.



Yesterday I was smashed with 6k DMG with my Reactive Shield on.......soooooo NO.

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The problem is that no one can deal with four warriors aoe'ing for a good 30K so they need to either:


*Nerf said spec




*Put a cap on how many of each AC there can be on a team. This would help balancing as a whole. No more 6 sages vs 6 powertechs games and crap like that. I rather wait 5 minutes extra for a game with the potential of being good than being rolled/steamrolling due to the teams being completely off.

Edited by MidichIorian
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have you popped any stims before ?

wich ones ?


I was using the common "Power Stim" with 2h duration. Not popped any stim during battle.


6k Damage. With 1370 expertise and my Reactive Shield on (activated 5 secs Before cause i just dealt with an assassin)...don't talk me about stupid stims.

Edited by Royox
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PT/Vanguards are FINE now. Don't nerf us MORE. We got ALL our skills range reduced to 10m. We are fine.





VG internal damage instant cast railshot resets and insta dot on spammable attack.

Mando ranged damage 1.5 sec or 3 sec cast railshot resets and no insta dot on standard attack


Yes I have both full WH at 50. I stopped playing my VG as its presently a faceroll spec or don't bother with any other tree. I'd rather be known as a well played mando than just another OP VG.

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Actually people have cried nerf for this spec since before it was buffed. Largely due to the damage. Now they can sweep/smash more often when in shi cho form. But the problem isn't the necessarily the spec, its having people stack 3-4-5 of these in a warzone. You can't do anything when you have 3+ people AOEing people for 6k+ each. Thats 18k with 1 smash in a group of 3. We were even doing that today, 3 smash bombers in a premade of four, the fourth was a watchman. 2 sentinels, 2 guardians. The 3 of us alone were absolutely destroying people on the battlefield, it was EASY mode. We even went up against comped out imperial premades, and made them all camp nodes for a couple of matches because of how quick they all died.


The spec really needs to be nerfed. I'm using it, but I prefer watchman. Unfortunately with the amount of smashers running around, its smash or be smashed. When you have a group of smashbombers around you a watchman, theres only so much you can do. As a bomber, the more that are focusing you the more that are affected by your sweep. You'll at least do significant damage before dying, if not take a few with you.


As far as how a nerf would be implemented, thats the tricky part. It's supposed to be an AOE spec, and its really the only high damage ability. They could nerf the overall damage of smash, so that rather than seeing 6-7k crits on people with plenty of expertise, it could be 3k-4k for example. They could also make it where the singularity/shockwave damage increase affects only the target you're engaged with, not the people around you. Meaning the target will get hit the hardest, but shockwaves wont affect those caught in the radius, they will get the normal damage. Just some ideas. Again idk how they'll address the issue given that its perfectly fine when its 1 bomber, but the groups that are just too devastating.

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Here is a question to ponder on. Rage/Focus has done the same amount of damage since day 1. So why is the damage so OP all of a sudden? They reworked focus/rage management for quicker sweeps.


Because it was pretty easy to avoid before. Some people disguised it well and they'd give you a harder time than others but for every smash that hit 2 would miss against a competent player.

Its partly the bubble stun really and the sheer number knocking about atm but its the animation changes too.

Cant really complain about them fixing a wonky animation but they were more balanced with it.

Just spread the damage around a bit, if your avoid the sweeps their damage becomes irrelevant.

Edited by kaya
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Here is a question to ponder on. Rage/Focus has done the same amount of damage since day 1. So why is the damage so OP all of a sudden? They reworked focus/rage management for quicker sweeps.


This simply isn't true. Expertise got a major overhaul.


Smash needs a nerf.

PT/Van need a nerf.

Stun bubble needs a nerf.


PvP has no hope if none of these are addressed.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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Here is a question to ponder on. Rage/Focus has done the same amount of damage since day 1. So why is the damage so OP all of a sudden? They reworked focus/rage management for quicker sweeps.


If you don't call this an increase in damage I think you have something to work on..


-Overpower has been redesigned. It now gives Assault, Battering Assault, Vicious Slash, Force Scream, and Vicious Throw a 50% chance per point to reduce the active cooldown of Smash and Obliterate by .5 seconds per point.

-Brutality now additionally affects Vicious Throw.

-Saber Strength now additionally affects Vicious Throw.

-Shockwave: Stacks of Shockwave now additionally reduce the Rage cost of Smash by 12.5% per point per stack.

-Shii-Cho Mastery's armor penetration has been increased to 15% per point.

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