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The Republic: SWTOR is "Out of Control"


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As they say $18.00 for a really, really nice mount is one thing (something like they Overlords Throne).


However for something as bad as the Santa mount, basically it should have been given away free, but if they were to charge than no more than $2.00 per character.


The thing is - it's a rather subjective thing. I think the meditation throne is really crap.

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I agree with much that was said in that episode.


Again, the SWTOR team had an opportunity to raise the bar. Yet on more than one occasion they have chosen to ignore such opportunities. I agree with Gary Gannon's assessment that clueless or indifferent leadership is at play here. Being in the creative industry myself, a lot of the issues look like the decisions of creative leadership that is either simply clock punching, don't care or are clueless. Despite the team size and the many issues on their plate, they COULD have taken the challenge of Life Day and elevated it to something engaging, meaningful and story-driven. But they didn't. They chose the easy way out. I want to believe that this team has the interest of the fans in mind, but it is clear that their priority (either by their own intention or not) is the cash shop and nothing more.


And let's face it, the team has seen better days...it's got to be a tough place to walk in to every day and keep your chin up. This team needs new leadership that wants to challenge the situation, meet it head on with positivity and passion and inspire this team to dig deep and live up to the original core values of SWTOR.


As Guy Kawasaki says, "If you make meaning, you will make money." Stop trying to chase money and make some meaning for a change.


Regardless, the passion is gone and it's starting to show.

Edited by aharoncagle
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I don't think I did. :confused: Did you mean that lots of people are concerned, if so, yes I agree. :)


I meant it more in terms of many people don't like the looks of the items anyway, and in that sence don't care about those particular items :).

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Yeah I think the lack of anniversay events has got a bit overlooked in the lack if Life Day events, if you look at what Warhammer Online did for its 1st anniversary and contrast that to 1 stack of fireworks....... there is no contest at all.


what did WoW do for it's first year anniversy? oh that's right nothing. In fact they really didn't do anything till their 5th year when they had the Onyxia throwback

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what did WoW do for it's first year anniversy? oh that's right nothing. In fact they really didn't do anything till their 5th year when they had the Onyxia throwback


No I agree completely, if SWTOR had been released in 2004 it might have got away with a stack of fireworks and no seasonal event.............. but this is 2012 not 2004.


WAR did much more with much less. :eek:

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No I agree completely, if SWTOR had been released in 2004 it might have got away with a stack of fireworks and no seasonal event.............. but this is 2012 not 2004.


WAR did much more with much less. :eek:


ok what did WoW do for it's 8th celebration?




an achievement....

You were saying?

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Yep it's pretty rubbish indeed, and yet a 8% bonus to exp and rep for a week is still better than 25 fireworks. :(

Edited by Goretzu
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not at all. Everyone can use the fireworks. Only people leveling can use the 8% xp boost. Especially since it ran out.


It is rep too, there aren't many people that will be full exp and full rep, certainly less than those that found 25 fireworks useful/enjoyable. :)

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Yep it's pretty rubbish indeed, and yet a 8% bonus to exp and rep for a week is still better than 25 fireworks. :(


It's only 8% bonus exp and rep per kill, quest rewards aren't even included, making that 8% of less value than the 25 fireworks if you ask me.

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Frankly, more people need to open their eyes and see what's actually going on with this game. It's not that they decided not to celebrate Christmas, it's EA/BioWare's idea of celebrating Life Day as well as the game's one year mark is not to have any sort of event, but to sell you crap. This stuff may not be important to you, but it sets a pretty bad precedent of possibly what's to come.


We all really enjoy this game, but we don't want to see it continue down the route it's going; which in the eyes of a lot of people is basically a free-for-all money-grab.




This pretty much sums up the majority of the threads of the last few days in general forums. I agree. :cool:


Oh hey ... their not gouging ... but, their charging (see sig below). :rolleyes:

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Exactly, adding Christian holidays to fantasy worlds is immersion breaking in my opinion. Life Day is all that was needed since it is in the Star Wars lore.


I am a Christian, and I agree with this totally. Somehow an evil Sith Lord with a Santa hat just doesn't bring anything to the table when it comes to honoring the Spirit of the holiday. :rolleyes: (Neither did Orc Death Knights in Santa suits)

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Exactly, adding Christian holidays to fantasy worlds is immersion breaking in my opinion. Life Day is all that was needed since it is in the Star Wars lore.


Christmas lights, snow and tinsel have nothing to do with Life Day, but everything to do with Christmas. Life Day would have been great if we actually got "Life Day" as content, not a relabel of Christmas. So not only did we not get an event, BioWare still managed to disrespect its IP with these real world references.

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