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So much for not charging subs for Makeb


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Well they could fix this if we could only use cartel coins to buy the darn thing.


You will most likely be able to buy it with CC but only some time after it's release, cough up 10$ if you want to play it when the vast majority of people do.

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Also to put it bluntly with your last sentence in your first paragraph. You are an absolute moron, no other nice way to put it. Maybe you're OK with them selling you a half developed product only for you to buy it so they can buy drugs, really get lost.

You don't HAVE to buy it if you don't like it. They are not forcing you.


The sub you payed last month got you a month worth of game time and nothing more. It didn't entitle you to game updates, bug fixes, patches or expansions. It didn't even guarantee you access to the same character each time you logged on. If you think they are robbing you by charging you for something then don't buy it. And what they do with the money has nothing to do with you, no company has the responsibility to invest any profit back into the business, they could take your money and run as long as they provided you with what you paid for, which they have.

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You don't HAVE to buy it if you don't like it. They are not forcing you.


The sub you payed last month got you a month worth of game time and nothing more. It didn't entitle you to game updates, bug fixes, patches or expansions. It didn't even guarantee you access to the same character each time you logged on. If you think they are robbing you by charging you for something then don't buy it. And what they do with the money has nothing to do with you, no company has the responsibility to invest any profit back into the business, they could take your money and run as long as they provided you with what you paid for, which they have.


Yes, they can take the money and run...but do you like it? Do you want us to feel ok about it? Do you not want to try and changing their attitude by voicing your opinion?

What is the argument here? The corporation is not breaking the law so shut up and take it?

Is that kind of argument ok with you?

Do you think that this line of reasoning and this kind of corporate behavior will lead to a healthy swtor community and a long lasting game?

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You don't HAVE to buy it if you don't like it. They are not forcing you.


The sub you payed last month got you a month worth of game time and nothing more. It didn't entitle you to game updates, bug fixes, patches or expansions. It didn't even guarantee you access to the same character each time you logged on. If you think they are robbing you by charging you for something then don't buy it. And what they do with the money has nothing to do with you, no company has the responsibility to invest any profit back into the business, they could take your money and run as long as they provided you with what you paid for, which they have.


So let me get the arguments straight here:


-EA gets money then openly admit to NOT returning it back into the game.

-EA can purchase contraband and by white knights THAT"S OK!

-Subbing for a game guarantees you NOTHING at all.

-Lying is ok by them but the ones who catch their lies are WRONG!


So when we go from 1.7 million subs to a figure so low they're embarrassed to announce it during an investor call which brings up our shoddy cartel market and then lying about a promise the only response corporate shills and apologists have to say is EA can do no wrong and don't buy it lol. Yeaaa that worked out so well for this game already.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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From june this year at E3, James Ohlen, game director (maybe not anymore...):



Starting at the 5th minute mark:

"Makeb will be the biggest, non expansion pack, piece of content that any online game ever released"


- for free (read "included in the subscription")

- before the end of the year


He also speaks about Ancient Hypergates and Terror from Beyond being developed, so all of that content was being worked on and almost ready for release in june.


Then some idiot from Bioscrooge decides to go F2P, shaft the subscribers by giving all that content piecemeal and making Makeb a fake paying expansion.




$10 is almost free anyway, it is less then I spend on a lunch

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Seeing how everyone is all about repeating points.. I'll repeat mine..


How is Spring 2012, even before the decision of the game going F2P and in a time when subscription numbers were still well above the Million, in any way relevant to things that are going to happen Spring 2013.


As you may notice.. it was also said it was planned for end of 2012 at the time. So why not complain it was delivered late but do complain that it is now no longere a content patch in a subscription based game but a small expansion in a Freemium one.


Let me tell you why this complaint is not valid very clearly:

There is a difference between plans and eventual actuality. I planned to be married by 25 when I was in a good relationship at 21. Now I'm 29 and still not married. What happened? Well, the girlfriend of the 21 year old me turned out to be a rotten diva.

Plans change when reality catches up with them. But yeah, reality is not something the basement dweller is strong in.

Edited by Devlonir
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I SMELL GREED... and it stinks


When this game was first announced years ago, I waited for it since. Bought it instant it came out.

BUT. I'm not sure how many time I will be let down by you BW, before I'm done with you.


This news made me really sad and disappointed. I once stopped play this game, reason=1.2 and no players.


Now I feel betrayed and hugely disappointed, again. I thought this was supposed to be different than wow.

Now they are making swtor even more into a wow image. Isn't it already enough the same?


Why should I invest my time and money on a game that is gonna be unplayable in the future?

We have seen where the wow road takes us and I don't want that.


Raisin level-cap this way, will cripple the game, or force me to upgrade = PAY. NO Thank You!

Forcing ppl to pay DOES NOT WORK, just gonna make ppl stop play.

Why this F2P then, at all? Then its only F2Level, but only until 50?


AND why am I subscribing? So I can buy the game again and a gain??? FFS


I promise, this is gonna make me jump boats, if any better games come out.

I would have rather bought the stupid cartel coins to get crappy stuff, but

NOT LIKE THIS, this will ruin the game.


WE HAVE SEEN THIS SAME SH*T, do something new!!!

Forcing me to RE-pay, again and again, made me stop play wow, gonna do same here.


And how many F2P want to pay, does this make any sense, BW?

Then, whats the point of F2P, anyways?


SO, it turned out that only little bit leveling is F2P in the future.


I will keep subscribing until that "expansion" comes out.

If they won't include the expansion to subscription, i will most likely stop pay that.

And if F2P is unplayable, I will change game, you will leave me no choice.


BioWare, you have no idea how much you have disappointed me with this news. TY

...and I think I'm not the only one.


Instead, you could have sold more and more new EXTRA OPS exclusively in CM, for those who want more PVE content than normal game has. And more pvp stuff, for those who mainly pvp.

Also, you could have made crafting more useful and fun, now its even more boring than in wow it ever was.

You could have sold recipes and materials in CM for crafters, to craft special extra items.

So much you could do better....


But raising the level cap this way, selling it. BAD CHOICE.

BW, you FAIL. You have totally missed the point of F2P.


We would gladly pay extra, IF we can choose ourselves, what we pay for.


Was the F2P option only a temporary campaign to get more players AND now that you have them, you think you gonna squeeze as much out of them as you can, before this card house is going to fall over.


This feels like some thing is coming to an end...





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I was at the release party in Austin. The question was asked about expansions for the game, James Ohlen, Game Director stated we would never pay for an expansion. Why am I now, my deal with SWTOR has not changed, I still subscribe.


Yeah, if they had kept all the subscribers they had the first month


But they did not, so if they want my $10 then they get it

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Things changed alright, we lost the doctors and the others who were bioware and we got hickman, thats the real change. nickle and dime here we are or should i say warhammer part 2. I remember many moons ago when bioware stood for value, quality and pride. Edited by Shingara
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Things change and I don't mind paying 10 bucks for the expansion.


But then again, maybe they've added to it to make it something worthy of more money? I mean let's not jump the gun here. There are very few details on this expansion as of yet.


How dare you bring logical thought processes into this discussion? Maybe you didnt get the memo but a sensible outlook and logic have no place around here as it detracts from the usual suspects specific agenda of hate :)



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I have no intention of being disrespectful or anything but that is just paranoia which is very unfounded in this particular case.

People have complained about lots of things here but out of hundreds of thousands of people who are paying subscription via credit cards no one has ever complained about being ripped off, charged more than he/she should have been etc.No one has also ever complained about compromised security information so it's fairly reasonable to say that you should just relax about it.


When you have had to fight with a game company because they repeatedly tried to charge your credit card for over $75,000 (which failed every time and piled up nearly $10,000 in fees). Then had to fight with the game company to convince them you did not OWE $75,000 you owed $75. Then they offer to give you a $10,000 game credit to cover the fees they incurred (meanwhile you still have to pay the credit card off). Yeah you tend to get a bit paranoid and refuse to take a risk again.


I respect others do not feel as I do about it.


Fortunately someone in another thread has given me a solution that might well work. EA Game Cards which I did not know work for this game as SWTOR is not listed on the site for them.

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If u hate the company why stick around? Why waste time here instead of playing something else...?


Because you....you....you...person,

because I like the GAME!


I L I K E T H E G A M E!


Not the company!

Because the company took over the studio that developed the game, forced stupid decisions down their throats and now is milking the game dry to close it down in a years time from now.

Because the original team all but left due to irreconcilable differences of opinion regarding the direction of the game.

Because they put their corporate clean-up guy in the helm and started charging for speeders with christmas lights on

Because the founders of Bioware left the gaming industry one to make beers and the other to see his family. Anyone who has opened a simple grocery store knows that it hurts to leave what you've built and that you do that only if you are fed up or think that your business is no longer under your control and following your vision. Now take that project it to a successful multimillion dollar developer that deals not in lettuces but in human creativity and get a clue to what happened to Bioware after the merger with EA.

That is why I hate the company.


Because I love the game and I am watching it getting killed by the EA/Hickman effect.

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Fortunately someone in another thread has given me a solution that might well work. EA Game Cards which I did not know work for this game as SWTOR is not listed on the site for them.


If that doesn't work you can use a debut card, nothing can go wrong with these because the amount of money you decide to put on the account related to a debut card is the exact amount of money you can use, so basically no one can rip you off even by mistake, you can get one for free, put 10 bucks on the account to pay for something and never use it again or close the account immediately after the transaction if you feel like it, i am talking about Visa Electron and it's Master Card's counterpart.

Edited by Vlacke
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How dare you bring logical thought processes into this discussion? Maybe you didnt get the memo but a sensible outlook and logic have no place around here as it detracts from the usual suspects specific agenda of hate :)




Yeah, I didn't get the memo. And how dare you compliment me on my rational and sensible arguments when this memo floating around clearly states we should be angry at something we couldn't possibly understand! I think this means we cannot be friends.


: ) : (Bipolar smiley face)

Edited by Alavastre
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If that doesn't work you can use a debut card, nothing can go wrong with these because the amount of money you decide to put on the account related to a debut card is the exact amount of money you can use, so basically no one can rip you off even by mistake, you can get one for free, put 10 bucks on the account to pay for something and never use it again or close the account immediately after the transaction if you feel like it, i am talking about Visa Electron and it's Master Card's counterpart.


These work well....

You also know you can contact your bank/card and tell them that you only want this much ( price of sub) taken out when said company charges card. ( well I can do that with my bank anyway)


You wont be able to use that card if you want to buy CC for the cartel market though, as they will only let the company take they amount you say.


Like I said that is how my bank is with stuff... I have a good bank though too. They called me due to Xmas shopping. Just to ask if it was me buying stuff, because I was spending over what I normally did with the card per month.

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To be clear, i am not angry. Just wonder where the EA greed's limits?


There Greed limits are were they need to make a profit to keep this game going. With out that this game would be toast. They lost a lot of subs when 1.2 hit So all bets are off on free content. You guys seem to think since they said it was going to be free to subs when there were enough subs to support the game. IF a game does not make money to support it self then it wont be there for us to play.


So before you flip out that there is going to a charge of 9.99 which you can find in your couch. A pack of smokes cost almost as much as an expansion. Some people are saying it not the money its principle they said free. Well it the principle of making money to support this game so we can play it. Weather it be a cash shop or expansion tHi game was not doing so hot till these thing were put in place.

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I still feel it remains to be seen if charging for Makeb will work or not.



When F2P launched, we had some of the tightest restrictions. According to posts on other threads, that's changing. If you really are against it, don't buy it: that is how your voice will be heard. Not here on some thread.



I'm sure if Makeb turns out to be a ghost town like Alderaan and the planets onward, I suspect that EA/Ware will address it. I personally won't buy it as Heroic missions are next to impossible to complete now (lvl 35 Powertech on Alderaan), I couldn't imagine going through Makeb 6 months from now when most have progressed past it. Thanks, but no thanks, as I have yet to reach lvl 50 on any character and I have been playing since day 1 of early access. :(

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I don't believe Makeb has been ready to go since June.

However, it's pretty clear that every single piece of content they released since they announced their intentions to churn out smaller patches at a faster rate, has been done for many, many months. That means 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 are all pieces of content which were done and ready to go way back when, and the same will apply for 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9, up until 2.0—which will feature Makeb as its centerpiece.


The funny thing is we still haven't gotten to see any content from this new development team. Their job so far has only been to repurpose content which the old devs had produced for the new f2p model.


I don't think the makeb and content we are getting is the original 1.4 makeb. I'm sure the planet and data files are but I think it's obvious they decided to extend the level cap and have turned the makeb patch into something more than makeb alone.


IF that be the case, I have no problem paying $10 for it.

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Why do you still pay for this game then when you became so bitter to just about about everything related to it over the course of time?

It's a legitimate question honestly because someone still paying for something which he claims he has a ton of problems with is nothing short of a dishonest hypocrite.

Just because you feel you are somehow entitled to get this content for free doesn't mean squat really, the fact of the matter is that the decision regarding this content update has been made and it will not be changed because a few people on the forum decided to rant about it.

You can cough up 10$ or leave the premises if you think that the amount of money in question here is too much.


On topic:

Just because somebody said something six moths ago doesn't mean that plans can't change, not by any stretch of the imagination, especially considering the fact that this game's business model has changed and that the development team has also suffered some changes.


So because Im disgusted with the way EA runs the game and I dont like the direction its heading means I cant still love Star Wars and hope theyll FINALLY listen to the community and change to the right direction? Heres an honest question for you and everyone who says "Oh you dont like this then just leave!" Why? Because people left and right have been doing just that. Why on top of that TRY to get them to leave? I dont like alot of the things my government does. I still love my country and wish it would change for the better. Should I stop raising my voice even in anger, give up, and just move to another country? No you stay, hope it will change and make sure you are heard and do what you can. All you advocate is giving up and running away which I wont do. And as far as using entitled goes, Yes we ARE entitled to it free. It was promised to us free. Its a content update that for subs (and by the way industry standard) should get for free. Hickman came along saw dollar signs and promised his EA overlords he could swing it. They promptly agreed. Everyone who knows EA's history knows how they operate. They suck as much money out of a franchise as they can then they leave it to die (which is exactly what they do with studios they buy too surprise surprise). Everyone on here advocating to just spend 10 bucks and get its not alot just accept it is only sending a clear message to EA that we dont care what you do, what you say, or how you operate and well just bend over and take it.

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The true issue about the expansion is that some subscribers felt that the expansion would be free and they did not have to pay for it or that the content in the expansion is not enough to justify calling it an expansion, but a content update. I get that and understand why some people are upset over it.


But as other people have posted previously or in other threads, circumstances have changed and not just for Swtor, but in the whole MMORPG gaming industry. New trends of going F2P is becoming more of a popular business model that does not require customer loyalty over a long period of time, but more like cash grabs of how much profit they can make at the shortest amount of time.


I too thought it was going to be free, but it is their product, so they can do whatever they want with it and that means charging people whatever they felt like. Its only $10 and not enough for me to get into an emotional outburst. Plus I look at it this way, if Makeb has more content than what you can normally buy for $10, then get it. If not, then don't get it. Currently as it stands it has more content than what I could ever get from a Quiznos Sub, a movie ticket, a long island ice tea, a shot of Patron at a bar, a taxi cab ride, a manga, a magazine, toll fare over the George Washington Bridge, ect & ect. The list could go on and on, but I won't.

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No, but this isn't a country. It's a product. The best way for a customer to express displeasure is to stop buying the product. As you have stated repeatedly, you don't believe EA is listening to you. Well, why should they? You're giving them money. You are showing with your actions that you DO approve of the direction they are taking because you continue to purchase the service.


Spot on. And through the free-to-play model, EA has afforded us the ability to specifically pick and choose what content we enjoy, personally. We can speak with our money, directly. Do I support the general direction of the game? No. Thus, I've unsubscribed. Do I support story content? Yes. Thus, I've pre-ordered.

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