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Invisible Walls


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I played some matches on ancient hypergate last night and when playing a certain guild we would run into invisible walls. Not ranked just normals. We would be running to nodes then all of a sudden one of our teamates randomly could not move forward. We could click target, but could not cast any skills until after it was capped. Is that just random lag on our side or exploits?


I've never seen that happen not even once until I played a certain guild. Not only the invisible walls, but in the same game and same guild they would just disappear into ground and reappear at there node and it was a jug/guardian and pt/vanguard. I just don't know what to think at this point.


I went onto play 4 more ancient hypergates and never happened again. Personally to me that is the most blatant hacks I have ever seen, but I guess it could be lag. But why only us. Why are they not running into invisible walls, why are we not disappearing into the ground for no reason and coming up at our nodes. Has this happened to anybody else in the new wz?


O BTW our team did win the game!!!

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This has happened to me twice now in the past three days. Probably lag on my end, even though it didn't seem like I was lagging. It happened in Huttball last night. It seemed as if there was a wall right before the last set of fire pits for me and I could not advance past them closer to the end of the game. I had already scored early on in the match too. Imagine my surprise when I could not run farther than that the next time I was wide open to go score lol..


Only wanted to confirm that I've experienced this as well.

Edited by Master_Nate
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Invisible walls are due to lag, the game server doesn't know where you are. You can /stuck to die which resolves the problem faster than waiting it out. Disappearing into the ground is a similar lag related thing, when a "leaper" jumps it appears as if they fell through the ground only to pop up further down the map where their target was when they initiated the leap(not imperative that person is still there when the leaper arrives) commonly seen in huttball. Sometimes depending on the persons spec if the have a root on leap it may cause the person to rubber band back to the spot they were at when they were leapt too.


tl:dr hero engine

Edited by Badfenix
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I do not discount anything being offered here as an explantion.


However, I also believe that some players are in fact using a lag switch at key moments in WZs and in Open World PVP.


I'll agree that it is possibly happening in WZs, but there has to be open world PVP before people can exploit it.

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I do not discount anything being offered here as an explantion.


However, I also believe that some players are in fact using a lag switch at key moments in WZs and in Open World PVP.


Happened to my about 2 months ago in BH when an Assassin was in the area.

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I do not discount anything being offered here as an explantion.


However, I also believe that some players are in fact using a lag switch at key moments in WZs and in Open World PVP.


There is no lag switch, lol.

Edited by -Mythix-
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How does everyone in this thread not know how ****** hero engine is. There are no magical lag switches or invisible walls people can cast. The most common hacks for this game were speed, no energy casting, and faster gcd/casting, most of which are under control and detected now. Everything else is related to server lag and bugs in the game.
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How does everyone in this thread not know how ****** hero engine is. There are no magical lag switches or invisible walls people can cast. The most common hacks for this game were speed, no energy casting, and faster gcd/casting, most of which are under control and detected now. Everything else is related to server lag and bugs in the game.


Because bads come up with lots of excuses lol.

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