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Why they do it...


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You may not think this subject relevant to our favorite game, but I assure you, it is. There are many good people playing this game, I've been lucky enough to encounter a few. But there is an increasing number of rude selfish and mean people playing. Some players have even risen to the rank of cruel. I'm sure many of you have experienced some of these behaviors, I don't think anyone will be driven to act out violently because of it. I do however think someone who is at the end of their rope, considering doing something horrible to themselves or others can find friendship and a connection to a gaming community. That's all it takes to prevent the unthinkable from happening, as it has so many times in so many places recently. You see, I know why they do it. When a person feels rejected, that they don't matter, don't belong. When the dark souled among us treat them like they are worthless or worse, like a source of cruel entertainment they will see the world as a dark and cruel place. Showing the kindness and love I know so many of you are capable of will let them see the world differently. Obviously this applies to daily life, but in game you can reach across distance and have a positive impact to people you will never meet. Remember the opposite of love isn't hate...... it's indifference.
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They do it because there are few consequences for being rude/selfish on the internet. There is no societal correction, other than spreading reputation. So if they can get their jollies behaving badly, why not? The only thing we can do is communicate when people are particularly bad and hopefully warn the next guy what may be coming.
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Cause the last time i was nice and helpful in the game.. to a new player even... after i had got done helping them and talking nicely answering every question etc.. for over a hour this is what i got... No thanks, No this is so cool i love this game, No see ya later... all i got was..



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When the dark souled among us treat them like they are worthless or worse, like a source of cruel entertainment they will see the world as a dark and cruel place.



In Swtor you can have dark souls. In real life, we call them mentally unstable. Even psychotic sometimes.

They don't need love, they need treatment. And they're certainly not going to find it in a game full of kiddies who are acting all tough and superior behind their monitors, while electrocuting NPCs, murdering enemies and force-choking mobs...

Edited by TheNahash
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I agree with Kenlonis here. It may be hard to find a nice, helpful player, but it's even harder to find one that's grateful for you taking time out of your busy Star Wars schedule to help them out.

If I'm walking around, say Nar Shadaa on a level 50, for RPing, it seems like every player that passes me treats me like Google. I'll get barrages of whispers such as: "How to get lightsaber" or "How to make hundreds of credits". This gets quite annoying after a while, so I just don't answer them. Would I be what you classify as being mean?

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The children of this generation have been raised on the violence of movies and video games. Parents no longer teach them right or wrong but tie them to a computer with no safe guards. The internet offers them a world in which they're disconnected with reality of consequences of their actions. Just go to any MMO and watch general chat. they're the people telling jokes about kicking babies or burning them. they also have a full list of special Olympics jokes they use. the jokes they use pick the weakest and most innocent people who can't defend themselves as the punch line.


They have learned that when they boot up the web or a game, they no longer have any consequences and can say anything to anyone. it's sad but many of them will be in control of our future and many of them will be the person walking into a school and killing innocent people.


Parents need to watch what they let their kids consume. If they start getting use to seeing people murdered and tortured and at some point, they no longer see that as something shocking or upsetting or a bad thing....then Houston we have a problem, and have had this problem for sometime.


This game has numerous references and cut-scenes involving murder torture decapitation and extreme violence. that's not counting the sexual innuendo and references. I fully believe this MMO should be 18+ only. But since F2P i have been playing with more of these very young people and that's kind of scary for me as a parent knowing little kids gained access to a game more geared for adults then kids.

Edited by nartiuslightlord
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I dont consider myself mean, quite the opposite, but I've found that if I'm actually kind and generous to people with items or my time, next thing you know they think they can take advantage of me, and make me their bish, or personal banker. Got sick of being used and abused, so that's probably why I won't talk to you, unless its something that isn't a conversation that leads to....'have you got, can you....etc.
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Wow! You sound like an expert! It never ceases to amaze me, the assumptions people make.Ted Kazinsky (a.k.a. The Unibomber) was diagnosed with schizzo-effective disorder by the court appointed shrinks that examined him. Not because they saw any evidence of mental disorder, but rather because "He must have been crazy to do what he did". This is why the kind of crap I refer to goes on.Handing out labels of convenience, instead of dealing with the truth. It is entirely possible to commit a heinous act while perfectly sane. All one requires is hopelessness. We are here for one reason, to learn to love. It would seem some of you are failing miserably
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The children of this generation have been raised on the violence of movies and video games.


...I expect this crap from Jack Thompson, but not here.


It's essentially alienation. You don't even have to leave the house to get a video game anymore, but beyond that, in a culture of selfishness and in which people feel disconnected from their communities, such behavior happens, and is only made worse by the anonymity of the internet (which is important but doesn't really explain "why" people use that anonymity that way).

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The children of this generation have been raised on the violence of movies and video games. Parents no longer teach them right or wrong but tie them to a computer with no safe guards. The internet offers them a world in which they're disconnected with reality of consequences of their actions. Just go to any MMO and watch general chat. they're the people telling jokes about kicking babies or burning them. they also have a full list of special Olympics jokes they use. the jokes they use pick the weakest and most innocent people who can't defend themselves as the punch line.


They have learned that when they boot up the web or a game, they no longer have any consequences and can say anything to anyone. it's sad but many of them will be in control of our future and many of them will be the person walking into a school and killing innocent people.


Parents need to watch what they let their kids consume. If they start getting use to seeing people murdered and tortured and at some point, they no longer see that as something shocking or upsetting or a bad thing....then Houston we have a problem, and have had this problem for sometime.


You misunderstand, I agree there are many dark souls online and ingame. However,I don't think they are the ones who run into malls, theaters or schools and kill. They are too busy trolling and laughing at those whom they've hurt. I can understand why most people assume it's the dark souled among us that do such horrible deeds, but mostly it's the victims of such behavior, people who want us to feel the pain they feel in the absence of love. As the world gets seemingly darker, it becomes even more important to show love and kindness. Granted there are scociopaths and psychopaths, The former will more likely be found in the group you mention, the latter tend to kill others not themselves.

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Is it my imagination, or are we getting off-topic?


I thought we were talking about people being mean in SWTOR, not mass killings, physcopaths and what not.


Actually the topics are linked, The gaming community is about to get a large portion of blame for people doing these terrible things, I think it important to this game and others that we have a dialogue about our community and it's impact. I don't believe gaming causes such behavior, I do think we as mmo gamers can have a possitive impact on people who feel dejected and alone.

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You know when I was new and still on the starting planet I managed to get a group with an experienced player for one of the heroic quests. I made mistakes. He was cool with it and helped me figure out what I was doing wrong. He showed me where the datacrons were (well he had to explain WHAT a datacron was first). I asked if I could add him to friends so if I ran into QUESTIONS later I had someone to ask. He agreed.


I thanked him PROFUSELY. I also even to this day exhaust every resource I can come up with to get answers to questions for myself and only bother him with a question if I just can't find the answer.


These days I pay his kindness forward as much as I can.


There ARE good people out there both veteran and newbie. We just have to set aside our jaded senses long enough to find them.

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