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War? The Treaty is broken? When did that happen?


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I've leveled up every class with the exception of Smuggler through the transition between the "uneasy peace" to "we're at war" and one thing has bugged me about that transition...


It just sort of...happens. There is no epic moment when you come to the realization that the war is renewed in any class story line. It's always just a "now that we are at war" line haphazardly thrown into the story conversation.


It's a bit of a letdown, really. It seems like it'd be a great place for a cut-scene involving some dialog from the faction leaders, troop carriers landing in a hot LZ, forces battling it out...but all we get is a minor off-hand mention of the war being renewed. I'm not even really sure where it actually begins to be quite honest.


You'd think with the renewal of the war being a center point of the game that the "moment" would be more than just inferred in the story line.

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Both the Black Talon and Esseles flashpoints represent border skirmishes that directly contribute to the breakdown of the treaty. I think these are the most significant events that basically mark the start of the new war.
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Both the Black Talon and Esseles flashpoints represent border skirmishes that directly contribute to the breakdown of the treaty. I think these are the most significant events that basically mark the start of the new war.


Skirmishes yes but the switch from cold to hot war seems to occur around about the end of chapter 2/start of chapter 3 for the class stories I've played. In my trooper's case, my own missions contributed to this escalation.


Although I was able to infer that open warfare had started it wasn't communicated very effectively and could have been made much more exciting. The game really really needs some kind of "march to war" cut scene. Maybe presented as a breaking news report, maybe not.

Edited by _gideon
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It really *really* needs some kind of "march to war" montage. Maybe presented as a news report, maybe not.


The "march to war" is more or less everything you have done in game (in most class quests and for some planetary quests). It is the prelude that leads to the official commencement of hostilities, as such I don't think the moment really needs further elucidation. It's not as if Day 1 of the war went from sudden peace to huge land/space battles - War develops more slowly than that, as such the outbreak of war is not as "cinematically" signficant as the later aspects of the War itself.

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The storylines attempt to be cinematic and are at their best when they manage to be so. The IP is drawn from cinema. From the game itself there is the impression that the difference between what happened before the treaty broke and what happened after really is pitched battles on planets like Corellia and capital ship vs capital ship engagements.


While I think it is specious to argue that a war fought by fantasy space wizards and giant space battleships should be more like historical earth wars even then I would say that wars with complex causes can have clear beginnings. At some point tanks crossed a border.


I do think we're arguing at cross purposes though. Perhaps it would have been simpler if I said a "this is now a full scale war" cut scene which illustrated the switch to large scale "cinematic" battles. I certainly didn't mean to suggest that the game break for a documentary on the building tensions between power blocs or anything like that.

Edited by _gideon
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Why do people always blame the tanks :(


Rofl. <333 to tanks and healers.


- A DPSPS. >.>


That said, you wouldnt know it if you looked at the PvP in game. The most you get is 8 on 8, and almost other place has these weird exhaustion zones that keep you away from attacking the other factions side. :rolleyes:

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If you played every class then I'm surprised you don't know. It's a pivotal point of the Sith Warrior storyline.



Darth Baras along with his master Darth Vengean plotted for years to put "Plan Zero" into place. The first part was the elimination of key Republic military strategists known as the War Trust. With these key commanders out of the picture, the 2nd phase was to break the treaty and re-spark the war. This happens at the end of the Sith Warrior act 2.


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If you played every class then I'm surprised you don't know. It's a pivotal point of the Sith Warrior storyline.



Darth Baras along with his master Darth Vengean plotted for years to put "Plan Zero" into place. The first part was the elimination of key Republic military strategists known as the War Trust. With these key commanders out of the picture, the 2nd phase was to break the treaty and re-spark the war. This happens at the end of the Sith Warrior act 2.

During the trooper storyline


you initiate the war by lauching a Republic strike against a superweapon. The Empire start the war because they lost their ultimate weapon.


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My main is a Trooper and it really isn't that terribly apparent when the actual switch from shadow conflict to full scale war actually happens.


The only warning you really get is a change from "war is coming" to "now that the war is here". It's that transition that I have an issue with. It just goes by without any real elaboration. Of all the things story related in this game I just feel like their should have been a heavier accent on the actual transition across all class story lines.

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I agree that a cutscene to explain the treaty being broken would have been nice. This is what cutscenes and conversations are for, to tell important parts of a story.


We don't really need that much cutscenes for people asking you to do generic stuff like kill 10 rakghouls.


More resources should be spent on telling a story, and not make generic missions long-winded.


Story is still in the right direction. It's just the execution of it is a bit off.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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I've leveled up every class with the exception of Smuggler through the transition between the "uneasy peace" to "we're at war" and one thing has bugged me about that transition...


It just sort of...happens. There is no epic moment when you come to the realization that the war is renewed in any class story line. It's always just a "now that we are at war" line haphazardly thrown into the story conversation.


It's a bit of a letdown, really. It seems like it'd be a great place for a cut-scene involving some dialog from the faction leaders, troop carriers landing in a hot LZ, forces battling it out...but all we get is a minor off-hand mention of the war being renewed. I'm not even really sure where it actually begins to be quite honest.


You'd think with the renewal of the war being a center point of the game that the "moment" would be more than just inferred in the story line.




the transition is awful and it never feels like "we are going to war." It's more like, we have been fighting, and nothing has changed, we are still fighting. They need to re-prioritize this and edit the stories some more so it's dramatic and their is an actual shift in atmosphere from pre-war to war.


It really takes away from the story IMO


Edit: I have a 50 trooper, 50 knight, ACT 2 IA, and some other underlings.

Edited by Anti_Bodies
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Excellent question OP. I found it incredibly stupid and massive missed opportunity how every single writer of this game completely overlooked this.


When game begins, there exists a very hot cold war between the factions. Neither side is in process of turning it into an actual war.At some point around lvs 40-46 or so, the talking heads just start going " wellp, now that we are at war"


Galaxy wide war has just erupted. This has imemdiate effect on lives of billions of people. Fleets of colossal scale are assembling and whatnot. Yet, everybody keeps talking to me about droid asses, why I must gather them and where I need to go to find them.


It all might have something to do with EA around 2010 or so not being entirely sure how much reocurses the game would have for creation of additional post-launch content like contept patches and expansions. Players would love to see this war, of course. EA knows this well. They didn't know if they'd have interest to invest money on creating elaborate, seperate content (=quests. Operations, Flash Points) for both factions post lauch, which is what having Sith Vs Pub war would ofc require. Wellp, game proed out to be a massive flop. They are stuck with skelton crew and thusly any and all content patches and updated we may or may not have are quaranteed to be typical, lazy usable-for-both factions 3rd faction ********. We kill ancient evil gods. Then we kill some Hutts. Then we kil, ancient, evil gods some more then maybe ancient eviln robots. It will always be a 3rd faction, mark my words.


Because of this, they need to handle Sith vs Pubs as some anti climatic pseudo war on bacground. One that gets no fanfares, time on spotlight or profilic, defining moments in-game. It is a war that will always politely get ignored by any and all future content updates.

Edited by Stradlin
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