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You know what really grinds My gears?


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Meh, gives some incentive for people who need it which is fine. The current setup is good as there isn't a huge variance between WH and EWH and you can get a full set of WH in a week if you wanted now. Does suck for those of us who've grinded I agree but the pvp has seemed more... stable?... then before with gear not being so out of whack from top to bottom.... aside from the smash spam that is but different topic.


However, having said all of that I wouldn't mind gear grind for just shells of new armor if they actually came out with NEW looks that weren't a different color from the old junk and didn't look as god awful as the old junk for most.

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PvP Gear. Everytime I spend a boat load of comms and get top of the line gear, there's new gear and the old gears useless. No refunds. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200 dollars... :o


The old gear's not useless. Elite War Hero is a very tiny stat upgrade compared to War Hero. In fact for many pieces it is an outright downgrade from WH to EWH. Many people will purchase multiples of the same piece to rip out the useful mod(s) and use them to min/max the gear eventually.


There are dozens of threads right now in the PvP forum complaining about the exact opposite of what you are complaining about - that the stat gap for the new gear isn't big enough. Personally, I think it's a good change so that new 50s can become competitive much faster.

Edited by Jenzali
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PvP Gear. Everytime I spend a boat load of comms and get top of the line gear, there's new gear and the old gears useless. No refunds. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200 dollars... :o


Welcome to MMO PvP? I'm not sure what else to tell you.

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Same with PvE gear, its just a boring treadmill to keep you playing.


If it's boring why do you keep playing?


Did you have fun getting the gear the first time? If you didn't then why are you still playing. If you did then you have more fun awaiting you to get more gear.

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1.2 to 1.6

War hero stayed from April to December as the top gear, not sure what you are talking about.

What are you doing if you arent doing pvp anyway? Stand afk on the fleet?


Sir, I've been gone awhile, When I do play all I do is pvp. I've gotton a few War Hero items but My gears are grinded none the less.

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