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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Episode VII


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Does anyone else think Disney will make Episode VII? I thought it was a good book. Haven't read it in Years but I hope I get to see "Dark Side Luke" on the big screen :rolleyes:


think they already confirmed that Ep VII will be in some far enouth future not to interfere with any existing book/canon?

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It won't be off of any of those books. Lucas wrote the treatments and he has stated that those books were far from what he would have done with his characters.


I hope it's all new content, leaving the Skywalker story as a distant memory, thought of and honoured but ultimately left alone.

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The canon from the post Return of the Jedi books is going to get ret-conned bigtime. I'm guessing they will focus on the Solo and/or Skywalker kids.


Honestly, the EU needed a big ret-con anyway. It has run well off the tracks. They keep trying to create more and more ridiculously overpowered characters. I'm glad that stuff is about to get thrown out.

Edited by SoonerJBD
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I'm guessing they will focus on the Solo and/or Skywalker kids.


My thoughts exactly, or Disney wouldn't be entertaining the thought of bringing the triplets back and moved in another direction. It'll bring closure and open new doors.

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I am hoping they will fast forward to the battles with the YuuZhan Vong.


This way we get Han Solo, Luke and Leia, able to play their aged selves plus their kids as teenagers.


I hope not, that was the worst chunk of unimiginative toilet paper to date. "How can we make a threat worse than inner conflict between ones needs and wants that manifest into pure darkness and loss?"


"!!! We introduce an alien species that ignores how the universe exists and is deadly and ugly!!!"


People, please pray for original content, not something that was great for some and mediocre to others. It can only lead to disappointment to both parties, because movies hardly live up to the novel they came from.

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I hope not, that was the worst chunk of unimiginative toilet paper to date. "How can we make a threat worse than inner conflict between ones needs and wants that manifest into pure darkness and loss?"


"!!! We introduce an alien species that ignores how the universe exists and is deadly and ugly!!!"


People, please pray for original content, not something that was great for some and mediocre to others. It can only lead to disappointment to both parties, because movies hardly live up to the novel they came from.


Couldn't agree more.

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I hope not, that was the worst chunk of unimiginative toilet paper to date. "How can we make a threat worse than inner conflict between ones needs and wants that manifest into pure darkness and loss?"


"!!! We introduce an alien species that ignores how the universe exists and is deadly and ugly!!!"


People, please pray for original content, not something that was great for some and mediocre to others. It can only lead to disappointment to both parties, because movies hardly live up to the novel they came from.


Couldn't disagree more. The Yuushan Vong were some of my favorite villains they've brought out yet. It was nice seeing the Jedi, Republic and Empire all on their heels for most of the fight, and fighting something other than themselves and the Sith. They needed a common enemy to unite the Republic and the Empire.

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The canon from the post Return of the Jedi books is going to get ret-conned bigtime. I'm guessing they will focus on the Solo and/or Skywalker kids.


Honestly, the EU needed a big ret-con anyway. It has run well off the tracks. They keep trying to create more and more ridiculously overpowered characters. I'm glad that stuff is about to get thrown out.




You can't be serious. Jacen and Jaina solo are some the EU's best characters, Jacen especially. Darth Caedus is big time my favorit sith, and there is no way that Disney can do any better with them.


The EU is full of overpowered characters? Not really. Yes there is a few that could use a rework like the Dark Empire story, but otherwise the EU is perfect as it is, and need NO "ret-con" at all!

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Couldn't disagree more. The Yuushan Vong were some of my favorite villains they've brought out yet. It was nice seeing the Jedi, Republic and Empire all on their heels for most of the fight, and fighting something other than themselves and the Sith. They needed a common enemy to unite the Republic and the Empire.


The problem I had with it was, the Empire and the Republic would never unify. The Empire would try to use the "new threat" to their advantage to destroy the Jedi, then go on the offensive. The whole thing was a cluster of wrong, but that is in my own opinion and I am happy that people do love the content. It keeps the Star Wars universe alive, but something original and disconnected from what's already created would be far better. A fresh start with original characters in an era where all of that is beautiful referenced (as an honoring nod to the fans and creators) would be more fulfilling, to me at least.


The Skywalker saga ended with the death of vader, lets leave that tragedy where it was and not "beat the dead horse" with clones and mutilated aliens.

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You can't be serious. Jacen and Jaina solo are some the EU's best characters, Jacen especially. Darth Caedus is big time my favorit sith, and there is no way that Disney can do any better with them.


The EU is full of overpowered characters? Not really. Yes there is a few that could use a rework like the Dark Empire story, but otherwise the EU is perfect as it is, and need NO "ret-con" at all!


Respectfully disagree. All the re-born Sidious stuff was nonsense. They had to make villains resistant to the Force because they made dozens of Jedi who were more powerful than anyone in the prequels. They added a ton of force powers that bordered on the ridiculous. Superweapons that tried to one-up the Death Star. There was a lot of terrible writing in the books.


I will agree that Darth Caedus was a great character. I've actually suggested they take the Jacen/Jaina and Darth Caedus storyline, make a few necessary changes and make it into the next trilogy. I don't see that happening. I think they will go with something original.

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The Vong were simply awful, cheap and tacky. They're clearly something created by someone who only asked themselves one question; how can I just out-****** everything that's ever been seen to the point of absurdity.


Extra-Galactic aliens that just ignore the Force which is supposed to be an intregal part of EXISTENCE and hop around in world ships. That's even cheaper and tackier than the Borg.

Edited by Erixander
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I am hoping they will fast forward to the battles with the YuuZhan Vong.


This way we get Han Solo, Luke and Leia, able to play their aged selves plus their kids as teenagers.


no you see they aren't doing ANYTHING from existing story lines. So that means odds are the Vong war never happened.

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