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Doc or Kira for lvling?


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well you don't get Doc till your second act of your class story which is a drag because your first comp on your Marauder is Quinn.


I used Kira a lot throughout the game. I found that Watchman provided more then enough healing to keep the two of you going while questing and make going through mobs a lot faster. Doc would come out when there were Elites or major plot point fights.


In end game I use Doc a lot now since I don't really play Watchman anymore. But I was able to solo any of the daily 2man heroics with Kira and watchman heals, I'm sure not uncommon a feat... but with Doc I was able to solo the 4 man BH heroic in watchman... Doc is a beast, especially once you toss some rakata or better on him.


I understand now that Watchman got nerfed though with the self healing (hahahahhahahahah) so I don't really know if it's possible to do heroics without Doc anymore... I should find out (I have been not playing since October).

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Definitely Doc. Doc can pull you through just about any fight as long as you're not severely overmatched. And as long as you keep threat off of him, most Heroic 2+s are solo-able if you're at or above level.

I preferred Kira over T7 until that point for story reasons, and I also felt her DPS plus my DPS was better than T7s average tanking ability.

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Definitely Doc. Doc can pull you through just about any fight as long as you're not severely overmatched. And as long as you keep threat off of him, most Heroic 2+s are solo-able if you're at or above level.

I preferred Kira over T7 until that point for story reasons, and I also felt her DPS plus my DPS was better than T7s average tanking ability.


all tank companions' tanking abilities are average since bioware took away the armor bonus from their tanking stance, thanks to the stupid healers that were solo'ing H4s. lol

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the biggest issue is not that the healing comps are OP, but that healing in GENERAL is one of the most powerful defensive skills in the game.


there's a reason that the most commonly used classes for soling group content are healers...or other classes with a healing comp. compare the guard (tank spec) with a healing comp to a sage with a tank comp. sage can solo 4 mans no problem...tank guard for the most part cannot, even with a well geared healing comp. mostly due to the sage being a full healer. sent's can do it due to their self-healing + higher DPS. a DPS guard cannot due it...ironically, they do not have any self healing.


the ability to heal far surpasses simple mitigation. and most of the harder mobs in the game have all sorts of different ways to damage you, but little if NO abilities that reduce healing. this basically make a class or comp with healing abilities far superior to anything else in the game for solo work.


this is normalized in group runs, of course, simply due to the fact that they balance the encounters with a group that will have a class with high mitigations (tank) AND a class with high healing ability (Healer). but for all other play, healing is simply extremely powerful. This is the reason why most games severely limit the ability for a tank or damage dealing class to heal themselves.


So if Bio decided to place a healing debuff on many silver mobs out there, I'd bet you bucks that suddenly Healing Comps would be "on par" with the other comps.

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When I was leveling (and even at end game) I use both of them.


I use Kira for any normal questing like story quests and side quests (and dailies at end game). You get through mobs faster, which made my leveling pre-50, and my dailies post 50, incredibly fast with two DPS mowing down groups (I'm a sentinel).


I use Doc for soloing Heroics and Champions. No doubt you need some healing to solo content made for groups. It's a bit slower, but definitely gets the job done very well.


You can of course just use Doc for leveling also, for a slower but safer play through (and yes, even though you rest a lot less after every mob because Doc heals you up, I find using Kira still faster in finishing normal quests). For me personally, normal quests and leveling is easy enough already anyway. I'd rather go a bit faster than make an already easy thing safer, and just use Doc for the more difficult content, like Heroics.

Edited by Gamman
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It is a pity that they made the solo combat like group combat, which pretty much makes the different personalities and sub-stories of the other companions a waste of resources, since, if you heal, you pretty much use the tank companion and not many of those are actually fun to travel with, same goes with the healers, though, out of all the healers, only Mako and Elara were interesting to travel with, the rest were either outright annoying or just one of those people you wish you could legally kill off.


When it comes to dps'ing you don't really have a choice, if you want as little downtime as possible, its use the healer or just have trouble while leveling up, if you are the tank, same thing, healer or have alot of downtime, they really did do this whole companion thing so horribly wrong.


I have yet to see a single heroic moment in this game, its just 'use the healer or have loads of downtime' moments.

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I have yet to see a single heroic moment in this game, its just 'use the healer or have loads of downtime' moments.


Wow. You must have really played it safe levelling up. I've had numerous moments where we strayed too close to another group, or a wandering elite or boss stumbled upon my in-progress massacre of his friends. Such a situation wouldn't really be much of a pulse-raiser with Doc out. With Kira? Different story. Often enough, when that boss comes around the corner, we're still halfway through the group we're working on and health is starting to dip already. No way to placate the dude and run away, so we charge into it, pop every "oh sh**" power in the stack and make judicious use of force stasis and other defensive powers. I've managed to pull out some pretty miraculous wins when Kira and I were both down to 25% or less health. Granted, I had to use Unity, Heroic Moment, etc, but those were still fun, survive-by-the-skin-of-my-teeth sort of moments. Best parts of the game. :)


I agree with whoever said it above (I can't be arsed to look), I use Kira for faster questing. Sure I spend a few moments in meditation between fights, but overall the fights go a LOT quicker and tend to be simpler. The longer a fight goes the more I have to concentrate on focus management, cycling the right powers through, etc. Much easier to let Kira join me and rip the hell out of things in the first pass through the powers on my bar. I will say this, though, working with Doc has taught me a little more about the class and how to manage cooldowns, since before I used him I didn't really have much need to learn it. This class, particularly with Kira fully kitted out, has ridiculous DPS.

Edited by EvanWeeks
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I'm currently leveling up, mostly with Kira. Watchmen spec.

The vast majority of my questing is at orange level (on Hoth

at the moment). Most of the quest rewards are not usable

since they outlevel my character.


I was surprised. Most other classes, there is much more call

for using a healer. But with watchmen spec, keeping gear up

to date (for you, and especially for Kira) means there is no real

need to use the healer companion.


Take skills that increase your healing, and cc (valor for increased

centering, zeal for burn effect healing, close quarters, watchguard,

focused leap). Other than that get the damage increasing skills.


Use your cc, keep up your dots, target Kira at dangerous enemies

first, you clean up weaks before helping her out.


Doc of course, also works. But it's slower, so I find I mostly bring

him out for conversations so he can get some affection points.

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I'm leveling up a Sentinel(currently 34) and just got Doc(thank gawd!). Leveling this toon has been kinda a PITA so far compared to my Mara. Partly my fault though. I leveled my Mara as Annihilation and this was before the self-heal nerf. Plus you get Quinn as your second comp(not first as stated above) which makes things easier, earlier. I'm playing my 50 Mara as Rage and wanted to do the same with my Sent. Probably should have gone Watchman, even with the heal nerf. Ah well. I'm starting to put points into my smash booster now and with Doc, the pace should pick-up nicely now.
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I went T7. But according to others I was stupid. For some reason.



T7 = saddened at that assessment.


I brought him along on the last Coruscant class quest, though the game seemed to want me to bring Kira along. Went rather well, though I think it was mostly because my Sentinel had about 3 levels above the last enemy. (Ran a lot of sidequests, bonus missions and all the heroics before completing the class quest.)

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