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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Naboo has only been 'discovered' by Humans for about 900 or so years at the time of SWTOR. Gungans are native so they'd be there. Also ruins from a previous conqueror race would still be around I'm sure.


Yep, IIRC Naboo is mostly Gungans at this point. Pretty unlikely we'll ever see it. But I'd be cool with a Gungan NPC or just having one as a background character in a bar.

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Naboo is idyllic. I would envision the story lines for Naboo would be carbon copies of those from Alderaan. Just a guess anyway.




The grasslands may be similar, but Naboo would have more swamps.


Were there any swamps in SWTOR?

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i would love to see Naboo, i picked Naboo as my background planet in RP, but as some said i think it is most likly a copy of Aldraan with some changes of course.


Edit: i dont think we are going to see the planet cause you cant swim in SWTOR or dive, well unless they use some kind of transport to get to the gungen city.

Edited by saremun
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I don't really see how it would be a copy of alderaan. not atmospheric, and definitely not by lore.


however, the only way to make it into the game would probably be something like what they do with denova (not the war scenario, but the 'placing an operation there' or a flashpoint or something... or maybe a little 'intermezzo' to 1-2 class stories, for example the IA could 'spy' on the gungans to see if they'd make a good ally for the Empire or somehting like that)

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In 3900 BBY, Kwilaan's fleet crash landed on Naboo in search for new worlds because of the violent revolution on their home planet Grizmallt, when they got there they met the Gungan. The Gungan's history on Naboo dates thousands of years back, can be traced back to the ruins of the Gungan's sacred place in Lianorm Swamp, that the Gungan's refer to as the temple of the Elders. The old Republic Dates back to around 3500BBY, So Naboo at this time has been discovered but it's just mostly small colonized city's among the Gungan and human refugees. There is some conflict among them but direct conflict is extremely rare. You don't see Empire influence on Naboo till around 1,000BBY. I would personally say Naboo is a pretty peaceful place right now. Edited by xedeos
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Like someone said before, I wouldn't call Hutta a swamp. Its more of a toxic waste dumb. Let alone, the only "swampy" area isn't bigger that Hutt's palace. Hardly grand enough to count. Lets not forget that not everyone can go there, either.


We need a true swamp, I agree.

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With the state Naboo is in "now" (colonization process) I could see it becoming a daily mission hub. Pick a faction (Naboo or Gungan) and do daily missions for them to increase their esteem of your faction (Republic v. Empire).


Sounds good, can we have a op too, I want to hunt down Jar'Jar's family and mount the heads in my office on DK.

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