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1.6 Cartel Market has gone a little too far...


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Although, I do think trade skills need a buff. And I'm still waiting on my level cap raise and some large scale pvp.


Sorry dude. As much as I hate to say this, there will NEVER be large scale pvp in this game again. Not unless they completely overhaul the client, single threaded to multi. They even said so during their last QA session, the client simply cannot handle large numbers of players on screen at once.


The best I can see is MAYBE 16v16 and even then it's going to be a complete lagfest.

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Haven't read the whole thread but I fully agree with the OP.


Both me and my GF feel that as paying subscribers since release, we shouldn't be forced to resort to what essentially is gambling to get gear that we think are cool. I'd much prefer them to be sold on a piece-by-piece or outfit-by-outfit basis in the shop.


That said, it is my honest belief that this gear should be purchasable with ingame means as well (such as, for example but not limited to daily commendations) or achievable from raids (even though I do not raid myself) in addition to being available in the cartel shop.


I sincerely encourage Bioware/EA to listen to the people in this thread and to look at other games who offer items for both ingame currency and buyable points. Planetside 2 comes to mind, especially since the game so far is very profitable for SOE and also mainly offer sidegrades in their shop (and cosmetic items). It doesn't matter what you think about the game itself, but the general consensus (from what I've seen and read) is that the shop in itself and what it's offering is very well done.


Also, I would like to add that I firmly believe that it is a mistake to offer outfits that are only available from a certain level, as I believe players want this gear while they level up and see their characters in class quests and similar situations - not as they raid or do dailys, as you barely see or look at your character then; and at that mainly want to show off your endgame gear.


As it is now, I - who always have been an avid supporter (if a silent one) of the game - and my gf who share my sentiments, have begun to question if this game is truly worth our money. This is unfortunate, as I believe many others share our thoughts. Before this latest patch I did not believe we would consider quitting - but if this is the path you're choosing I think you will lose subscribers, us included.


As it is now, I will continue to sub and hope you've learned from the feedback you've been given. Though quite frankly, I have little hope.



Yup you make a lot of great points there, I'm not too hopeful they'll be listened too though. :(

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It is... but I still don't care.

Not using it, not planning to.

I am subscriber and I am OK with paying for service, but fluff or gear for real money?

Sub CC stipend used and will be used for unlocks.

All other parts of game is pretty viable without shop... I can always find enjoyable look/stats for my characters via drops, craft or GTN.

It will go too much too far if begin to affect PvP or PvE core system...

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Now THAT is a cash grab.


Tons of $25 starships and $100+ dollar uniforms and weapons.


STO is a cash grab, but I'd also argue it's the best F2P deal out there - if you like the game at all. I canceled when they went F2P (due to the long content gap during the transition - sound familiar?), and just re-upped my account as a free player about a week ago. My characters were all there, and I've not noticed a single difference in my account since I've been back. I'm sure there are some restrictions I'll bump into eventually, but right now I'm not paying a dime and have the full experience.


Honestly, they give so much away free, I'm not suprised their premium ships cost so dang much....

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STO is a cash grab, but I'd also argue it's the best F2P deal out there - if you like the game at all. I canceled when they went F2P (due to the long content gap during the transition - sound familiar?), and just re-upped my account as a free player about a week ago. My characters were all there, and I've not noticed a single difference in my account since I've been back. I'm sure there are some restrictions I'll bump into eventually, but right now I'm not paying a dime and have the full experience.


Honestly, they give so much away free, I'm not suprised their premium ships cost so dang much....


You can get absolutely everything STO has to offer except the veteran rewards under their F2P model. I haven't paid in a dime in a year there and still get all the latest stuff free. Not a thing from their holiday event involves money unless the player is grossly impatient or just plain stupid.


To the OP:

I got an email this morning saying I got Cartel Coins. I said "So f&^%ing what?" But I came here just to see how little that would buy. Now I see this life day stuff and I renew my objections to this utter piece of garbage game. I cannot believe I lost my SWG house that I put 8 years into so that this game's launch could fail to be protected..

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yeah but you need to NOTHING ELSE than grinding...8 k dilithium on 5 of my character uses 8 hours of my day....( finding groups and so on.. ) its like a job already....and then all the gambling items.. wt f ? -.-


after all that ive not any interest playing...thats why i left STO after speding 100 euros... thats why i left Champions online after paying 90euros...



champions online now added even more pay items into their shop....insanity....i left...its not fun to be left behind ...only because i dont want to pay extra...



subscription .. YES .. chash-shop ? HELL NO!

Edited by Prysha
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yeah but you need to NOTHING ELSE than grinding...8 k dilithium on 5 of my character uses 8 hours of my day....( findign groups and so on.. ) it like a job already....and then al the gambling items.. wt f ? -.-


after al that ive not any interest playing...that why i left STO after speding 100 euros... thats why i left Champions online after paying 90euros...



champions online now added even more pay items into their shop....insanity....i left...its not fun to be left behind ...only because i dont want to pay extra...


subscription .. YES .. chash-shop ? HELL NO!


I just posted this to the STO forum this morning because of all the dilithium complaining


Enjoy your insanely easy dilithium until they nerf that. Work smarter not harder.

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I just posted this to the STO forum this morning because of all the dilithium complaining


Enjoy your insanely easy dilithium until they nerf that. Work smarter not harder.



When i PvPed last time ( yera ago ) it was not that easy mate.. i see your point there ARE ways around.. i know some myself.. BUT youre playing with fire there.. if they close that gap youre lost again...


At all i can just repeat what i said so often.... EAwae should only make Cartel things that are meant for f2p users... so that they can unlock their stuff without subscribing.. but for the sake of sanity not charge additional money from subscribers....

Edited by Prysha
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Not only a virtual exaggeration.....it's not even correct. It's a random drop off of the cartel packs, and freely tradeable in game. Also readily available on the GTN.... pages and pages of them, for reasonable prices too. ;)


A random drop from cartel market is not cartel market for you? And where did the items on GTM come from I wonder? Which part of my post was incorrect?


Just because you can trade it further doesn't change the fact that it originally comes from cartel market.


And my personal peeve is that it completely screwed over artificers, EXACTLY because it is "reasonably priced" completely superior to anything artificers can make.

Edited by Karkais
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Originally I didn't care too much as most of the Cartel Market items were just pretty things to make you look nice, but the whole starship items are kind of a slap in the face. Yes we can earn them by grinding a ridiculous amount of fleet tokens (what is it like 4000?) but honestly the space missions are really just Nightmare Mode versions of what we already have.


At the very least there should be a stepping stone mission. Something that we work our way up to Grade 7 missions. Instead I have to do the same grade 5 missions over and over and over again till I practically upgraded my ship entirely to grade 7 then I can do your new space missions.


Sigh... thats what seems unfair. At the very least give subscribers a discount to those parts on cartel or better don't make it 500 fleet tokens a pop per part thats a bit too extensive.

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^ this 100% ^


Its getting to the point to where most if not all of the items available in the packs will be or are currently better than what the crafters can make


I believed that the items were identical? Is there a difference between the crafted items and the ones you can get in the shop?

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I agree. Why am I paying a subscription when I still have to buy stuff on the market?


They said before F2P that subscribers would have access to everything. That's why people stuck around...


They didn't lie at all. You do have access to everything. You even get cartel points with your sub so you can use it to buy stuff in said market. Unlike the F2P people who have to buy with money. No?

So knowing this, you save up those cartel points and buy stuff with them while not having to pay more money.


Unless you're a "I want it now" kind of person.


As far as the life day stuff, if it cost too much to get, I guess us Subs will need to learn to save up those points so we can buy things.

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I love the new warzone but as far as I am concerned its the only new thing in this patch. The new space missions are worthless and don't get me wrong but I love space missions. The fact that bioware has almost made it impossible to get the new space parts without spending A. Real money on them (on top of your sub) B. Spend millions of in game credits to buy them from the auction house. C. Spend weeks to grinding out the old missions just so you can do the new ones (You can't even get them all this way, some have to be crafted regardless and some have to be bought with daily comms)


The life day stuff is a huge slap in the face, it devalues our sub fee so much and is a realization we are not valued at all as customers. I really hope they don't sell much of this stuff and write us a public apology letter.

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I agree 100% ! I think subscribers should get at least a 85% discount on all stuff sold on the cartel market! The stuff on the cartel market is over priced for people who pay a monthly fee!


Now this I can see and agree with. Or they could keep same prices, just give us more per month for our sub? which ever. Bottom line would still be, having a sub = being able to get market stuff way cheaper than a F2P person.

Might even get some to sub just to get the discounts.

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Gotta agree with the OP, crafting (except for some raid items maybe) is totally ruined thanks to the market. If we could at least RE those crystals etc. with a chance on learning the schematic, but no, not even items like a purple crystal can be crafted right now (think it's still that way, correct me if I'm wrong) and if they ever comment on it they say they want to "keep it rare", like the white crystals from cartel packs? No comment.


Atm. all you can do as a subscriber is not buying additional coins and just using the 500 per month you get, it's a bit sad that even some emotes are locked for subscribers (I'm subbed since day one of early access), but there's very little we can change right now, all we can do is tell our concerns.


My hope is, that they use much of the extra money gained (maybe even earned for some parts of 1.6 are really cool) for more content and game optimizations.


I'll fire some fireworks on the 15th and celebrate my one year in SWTOR with some beer and warzones and hope for an even better second year of SWTOR, heh. There's always hope.

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I agree with the OP. Starting with the P2W items for the ship parts.


We were promised that there would not be P2W items in the store and while I am a BIG fan of SWTOR but if this continues, I will have to cancel and go to a game that doesn't does that type of crap.


The other thing is that it seems that the Cartel market has become the focus of the developers, once again, that sucks. The focus should be the actual game and not the stupid store. It is killing crafting and professions like for example Armormech which hasn't really receive any updates in a long time.

Edited by Aelrail
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