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Hate to be this guy, but....1.7?


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So I hate to be that guy, but I am so....Is there any word on what's coming in 1.7 or at least any credible rumors? I know 1.6 isn't even live yet, and I'm sure general chat will already be buzzing about 1.7 tomorrow so i might as well get us started now! :D


BTW kudos to BW for such a fast 1.6 after the release of 1.5!!! LOVE IT!!


Also, has anyone seen any mention of a full retail expansion yet? I haven't seen word, but I know Rift just had one after over a year since launch (which is rather long compared to most major MMOs) so the way I figure it is we are due for some rumors and a release within 6 months maybe? could it be 2.0? :D

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Yeah I heard they were giving F2P peeps penalties on all known levels of enjoyment. Every key hit cost $1 USD and when ever you log out you get a rolling exp penalty of 80%.

Not sure if this is true, just what I heard through the grape vine.

Oh yeah, and all F2P get permadeaths on all toons until level 48

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Also, has anyone seen any mention of a full retail expansion yet? I haven't seen word, but I know Rift just had one after over a year since launch (which is rather long compared to most major MMOs) so the way I figure it is we are due for some rumors and a release within 6 months maybe? could it be 2.0? :D


WOW's first expansion was after 2 years....and the others followed on average around every 2 years after that.

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Well.... it is server maintenance time and we all have a good general idea of what is to be delivered tonight, and we aren't in the game stabbing things.... So I guess now is as good a time to start speculating.



My guess- and wish, would be for the cartel market to move away from pilot suits and maybe add some more UNIQUE Trooper/Bounty Hunter armor.


Toggleable hoods for the Jedi/Sith, maybe? They have to be coming down the pipeline soon, right?


Maybe add some more speeder bike schematics to the crafters that players would actually buy. Now, I see a couple on the GTN for sale, and rarely someone riding one- but in my opinion they aren't worth the effort and credits because the ones available in game are a better value for the vast majority. The adaptive leveling mounts from the Cartel packs are better, too.


Another new crystal color?


I haven't seen to much about 1.7 at all- so I am just throwing out WAGS, but the speculation will start within a day or so anyways.

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WOW's first expansion was after 2 years....and the others followed on average around every 2 years after that.


True, I guess I'm thinkin old school like EQ, DAoC, and crap. Both of them were like a year and a month I believe. Yeah WoW was a while and rift was a year and like 7 months or so. Anyway as a long-time EQ player I got accustomed to frequent retail expansions lol :)

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Well its been confirmed that 1.7 wont be hitting for another 9-9 weeks, hence why 1.6 came out so soon..also bioware have changed thier content deilviery to 6-8 weeks now, hinting at more liekly 8 weeks....so who knows wat 1.7 will be, seeing as cathar, makeb and ilum revamp are NOT 1.7.


makeb is still been developed and few days ago the pvp guy in a 1 hour podcast interview said season 1 rated and ilum revamp are still in the planning phases....

Edited by jarshr
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Well its been confirmed that 1.7 wont be hitting for another 9-9 weeks, hence why 1.6 came out so soon..also bioware have changed thier content deilviery to 6-8 weeks now, hinting at more liekly 8 weeks....so who knows wat 1.7 will be, seeing as cathar, makeb and ilum revamp are NOT 1.7.


makeb is still been developed and few days ago the pvp guy in a 1 hour podcast interview said season 1 rated and ilum revamp are still in the planning phases....


Do people still want Ilum? I think just create a new thing.

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I would like to see 1.7 offer colour customisation kits for Mounts and armour. Either for purchase via Cartel coins or for a much unloved profession(Biochem) to crate and sell them via collecting colourings through dead mobs.


Its clear that Bioware have finally cottoned on to the MMO formula - people like to collect, make and customise their experience.


My only worry is that clearly these recent updates were held back so by going F2P, made the game look more attractive. There hasn't been a single word on 1.7 or what else is in the pipeline.

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WOW's first expansion was after 2 years....and the others followed on average around every 2 years after that.


Perhaps, but this is not 2004, there are many other similar (competing) MMOs that SW:ToR is pressured to compete with, norms have changed and ToR's business model has changed much sooner, with expectations much greater - mainly because things like WoW are around and already established.


So really, it's not unreasonable to expect an expansion soon (within the next 6 months, I mean - even that is getting towards 2 years later), especially given the pressure about end-game that is currently constantly piled on and held off by the skin of teeth by releasing occasional new zones and PvP Warzones (as per 1.6 today).


An expansion soon would make a lot of sense. On a few basic levels:


  • It would serve to hit some headlines and thereby get even more people playing, paying and subscribing
  • It would bring in quite a few ex-subscribers back to check it out
  • The resulting sales and interest would be useful both to finance continuing development and judge the market for SW:ToR, and re-assure the corporate ******s at EA
  • It would serve as a breather against the complaints about endgame. Afaik they're planning 10 more levels for the first major expansion, so it would form a buffer zone (both pre- and post-release - the promise pre and the content post) for the team to then catch up on other content issues.

Edited by QuiQuaeQuod
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Perhaps, but this is not 2004, there are many other similar (competing) MMOs that SW:ToR is pressured to compete with, norms have changed and ToR's business model has changed much sooner, with expectations much greater - mainly because things like WoW are around and already established.


So really, it's not unreasonable to expect an expansion soon (within the next 6 months, I mean - even that is getting towards 2 years later), especially given the pressure about end-game that is currently constantly piled on and held off by the skin of teeth by releasing occasional new zones and PvP Warzones (as per 1.6 today).


An expansion soon would make a lot of sense. On a few basic levels:


  • It would serve to hit some headlines and thereby get even more people playing, paying and subscribing
  • It would bring in quite a few ex-subscribers back to check it out
  • The resulting sales and interest would be useful both to finance continuing development and judge the market for SW:ToR, and re-assure the corporate ******s at EA
  • It would serve as a breather against the complaints about endgame. Afaik they're planning 10 more levels for the first major expansion, so it would form a buffer zone (both pre- and post-release - the promise pre and the content post) for the team to then catch up on other content issues.




There is one main over arching problem with anything BW can release as an expansion at anytime. The amount of time it takes them to create whatever content this future expansion might contain versus the amount of time players will chew through it. For all of the bad history of this game and exsubscribers any future bad press, especially about an expansion, would just drive the stake further into the heart of this game.


They would have to make the expansion so packed full of content that it would have to rival the amount of the content to date. Anything less would be consumed within a month again and any people who returned would just leave again, or any problems with the content would do the same.


Since testing for any content that has been released has been dismal I doubt future content or even an expansion would get testing on par with what would be needed to launch it relatively unbroken. If the main game had years of development and internal/external testing and still launched a buggy mess what's to say the expansion wouldn't be in a worse state being developed by a fraction of the size of the team at launch.


I still play and enjoy my time in game but I am one of the people who seriously doubts that SWTOR will ever see a full expansion like Rift and other games of yesteryear have produced. It will more than likely be small content patches like we have seen from here on out. With medium sized content addons being sold on the Cartel Market. Like the Cathar, and probably like Makeb will be.

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