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Voss race and mystic class


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Ok a few ideas I thought of, a problem with new races such as trandoshan and wookie are that they don't fit in the already available armory such as puttin a helmet on a wookie which would be hard to do. So what I would like to see is the voss race, which is perfectly human enough to fit into armors and weapons etc. the voss would be available as Jedi knight, consular and sith inquisitor. In addition, a new class would be made called mystic. The same class will be available dark or light side. The starting planet would be a section of voss for levels 1-10. The story would be that you have been chosen by the mystics to become a Jedi/sith and make an ally ship with them (depending on the chosen faction chooses who you become). The mystic would be a healer and advanced would make them a healer/range or healer/melee. Which will also determine wether you use light armor or medium armor, which has never been an option for other classes before.


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To answer you all, they may go back to the idea if they add another blaster based class such as mabye SIS agent and Imp trooper? And the way I picture the mystic would be both advanced involve healing, IMO should be best in game since its their nature, the advanced class will define wether they are related more to warriors or consulars, if I chose ranged empire mystic adv class, I would use healing and ranged force unfortunately that's a lot like sorcs which has to be fixed, but if I chose melee adv class, then I would be a healer and warrior based fighting. Mystics will be cool because their moves can include many new healing abilities, and they can work with their ability to see the future, such as a move that adds defense and dodging because you know their next moves?
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Plus it might mean a rewrite of all the Voss dialog (and voice over) that keeps calling you "Outsider".


Kinda like when Kaliyo tried to describe Rattatak to my rattataki IA... there was no dialog choice for "I know! I was born there too. Are you blind?!"


Yes they will have to work on that, as well as making their voice a but distorted for all classes should I hit 50 and make a voss say smuggler, I don't think that will be much of a problem since they distort voices for wearing gear, so it should be pretty simple.

And the outsider thing.... Hmmm, It's kinda stupid to say they call you outsider since you left voss for so long, I guess they would have to work on it, as well as not having the npc quest givers explain voss to you.

One thing I'm looking for is how when you find voss artifacts as empire, you will have to choose lie and be loyal to the empire, or tell the truth and remain loyal to your people.

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I'd love to see the Voss as well as other species made playable in the game. There's already a huge thread where you can discuss, list and vote which species you'd like to play as:



Vitas, I think you missed the intent of this suggestion. This isn't just a "I want to play as a Voss species" suggestion. This is more of a species tied to a new class suggestion.


Take your cut and paste elsewhere.

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Vitas, I think you missed the intent of this suggestion. This isn't just a "I want to play as a Voss species" suggestion. This is more of a species tied to a new class suggestion.


Take your cut and paste elsewhere.


Yeah, also this thread I made for help in the idea, i already stated it has flaws in it, my hope is that making this thread will both see how many people back me up on the idea and other players ideas on how to fix it up so Bioware can read this and have their whole idea set up for them

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So the healer tree would be the shared tree?


I like this idea.


This would only work if the Voss class had no tanking spec.. Bioware made it completely clear that no class would have the ability to both tank and heal as the same class..


So a shared healing tree is really a bad idea.. Unless of course you are ok with Voss not being able to be tanks..

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One thing I'm looking for is how when you find voss artifacts as empire, you will have to choose lie and be loyal to the empire, or tell the truth and remain loyal to your people.


Right, I hadn't picked up on that. Can't very well just shoehorn Voss as a species into many of the dialog choices


Yeah I don't really see voss as tanks, they really wear robes and light armor on voss


Maybe not as tanks, but I do see them as DPS with medium armor, like they already have for Voss Commandos, it's not just mystics.


But, yeah, it won't be easy to start opening new Species/Class combinations, and I don't see them closing the doors on species unlocks after 50 (or the then-current level cap, one can hope :rolleyes: ) ...


I guess we do agree that a lot of thought would have to be put into it if it's ever going to happen. That's what they get paid to do, right?. Oh, and, BW, if you're hiring, I have a good deal of more ideas....LOL, one can only hope, right? right? :cool:

Edited by oscardeleon
fixed typo
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Right, I hadn't picked up on that. Can't very well just shoehorn Voss as a species into many of the dialog choices




Maybe not as tanks, but I do see them as DPS with medium armor, like they already have for Voss Commandos, it's not just mystics.


But, yeah, it won't be easy to start opening new Species/Class combinations, and I don't see them closing the doors on species unlocks after 50 (or the then-current level cap, one can hope :rolleyes: ) ...


I guess we do agree that a lot of thought would have to be put into it if it's ever going to happen. That's what they get paid to do, right?. Oh, and, BW, if you're hiring, I have a good deal of more ideas....LOL, one can only hope, right? right? :cool:


Yeah agreed, but the lv 50 species unlock doesent have to make sense, thats why they have to be unlocked, of course its easier to explain a jedi pureblood than a voss agent, but we could always say that the empire/republic welcomes the voss to try to make them allies.

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First of all, the correct term would be 'species', not 'race'.


Secondly, have you noticed that most Voss are significantly taller than most other humanoid character models? If the game wasn't as heavy on cut-scenes, that might work without trouble, but as it is, I think that a great many cut-scenes would have to be redone to accommodate for player height, for that single species.


Finally, I am pretty sure that the folks at BioWare Austin said something along the lines of "the chances that we might add additional classes are marginal at best." I think anyone hoping for more classes is going to be disappointed.

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First of all, the correct term would be 'species', not 'race'.


Secondly, have you noticed that most Voss are significantly taller than most other humanoid character models? If the game wasn't as heavy on cut-scenes, that might work without trouble, but as it is, I think that a great many cut-scenes would have to be redone to accommodate for player height, for that single species.


Finally, I am pretty sure that the folks at BioWare Austin said something along the lines of "the chances that we might add additional classes are marginal at best." I think anyone hoping for more classes is going to be disappointed.[/


Well as I said, it needs working out, and Bioware will make new classes most games do, when is another thing and what is another thing.

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