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What would you think of a TOR version of ''Caverns of Time'' ?


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Awesome idea. They could make a series of FPs that all revolve around past events. Like the sacking of Coruscant, taking back Tython, etc. Heck, even Satele's escape from Malgus on the ship near Korriban. That could be very fun.

wow i like it. i like it very much :)

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I like the flow-walking idea. The issue is that flow-walking, according to the lore, means you are unable to alter past events, just witness them. However, what is interesting is that your travelling there leaves an imprint in the force.


Picture it, some wayward Sith Lords (or to make it more interesting, disillusioned Jedi) learn this technique and start travelling back to try and better understand the background to events occuring in the present (think of any major event in the backstory, including the events of KOTOR).


One of these powerful force-users has learnt of a way to use these force imprints to alter the past by accidently altering a minor event (one that does not drastically alter the timeline, but big enough for him to know the past has been altered). The force-user realises the potential of this ability, and secretly begins planning to change a key event to alter the future, for what they believe is for the better.


It would up to the players either in a series of Tier Two flashpoints or a new story driven ops to investigate how the force-user plans to alter history. Once discovered, the players would then be speak to a Master of force-walking to send them back in time (as a kind of force ghost) to stop the force user.


The cool thing is that major historical events are happening around the players (who look like force-ghosts) but they cannot interact in these events. For example, picture Revan and allies fighting Malak at the end of KOTOR 1. You are there as a force-ghost and can move around them and watch the battle, but cannot interact with them (ie cannot attack Revan or Malak).


Instead, the players have to defeat force-ghosts of the followers of the flow-walking force-user (:rolleyes:) that are trying to protect him while he attempts to change history (for example, he is trying to kill Revan in the example above). The players would then have to fight the force-user to force him back to the present - restoring the timeline. Hell you could even have several bosses in different events through history that are each attempting to alter history for different reasons. The final boss could be having to defeat the force-users in the present to prevent him from using his abilities.


I think it would make a cool side story (NOT a main plot device) and love the idea of my SW witnessing past events first hand.

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Never been a fan of any series (book or movie) going "backwards" for the sake of story. It's almost as if the story itself doesn't have enough merit to go forward so the writers feel some need to go backwards to add more depth or something. If episodes I-III weren't a perfect example of that then I don't know what is.


Move the story forward, not backwards!!!!

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Perhaps go back and find out who Started the Rakghuls on Taris ...


That is revealled playing through Imperial Taris. :cool:


OP, I am cold on the idea of going "into the past" to some other EU event. I would ( and have advocated for this ) like the ability to go back and play through the story missions but on "hard mode" ( all the mobs in the stories at lvl 50 at every phase ). :cool:

Edited by Urael
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Actually that's revealed in the old Kotor comics and that story arc was ended in the Legacy era.


Agreed. But, the person I responed to wanted something in the game. There is something in the game that speaks of this event on Imperial Taris. Maybe I "caught" it because I am familiar with the source material you mention but, it is in SWTOR. :cool:

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I'd love the idea personally. Done as a force vision of some kind I could see it working. It wouldn't necessarily have to be limited to the past either, I could see having a force vision of the future as well (does Bioware have rights to the original trilogy? or only old republic material?)
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We have a giant 90 foot Rakata boss, that throws lightning balls and traps people in stone obelisk.



We have non sentient flesh raiders from Tython that supposedly cant build anything more complicated than a skin covered lean to all over Belsaveis.


We have people flying around the republic's base of operations for the war effort against the sith... IN SITH THRONE CHAIRS.


Swords that rely on AIM.


A bunch of Jedi volunteering to participate in a Hutts bloodsport.


Consular s that for some reason choose to pull dirt up of the ground and mildly bludgeon their opponents while holding a pillar of superheated plasma in their other hand like its just a broom to clean up with later...


This train is two inconsistency's, 3 lore in-continuities, 9 absurdities, and at least 10,000 WTFeries past the station called "Sense".


Lets just jump the shark with the nuked refrigerator and have some fun with it.

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We have a giant 90 foot Rakata boss, that throws lightning balls and traps people in stone obelisk.



We have non sentient flesh raiders from Tython that supposedly cant build anything more complicated than a skin covered lean to all over Belsaveis.


We have people flying around the republic's base of operations for the war effort against the sith... IN SITH THRONE CHAIRS.


Swords that rely on AIM.


A bunch of Jedi volunteering to participate in a Hutts bloodsport.


Consular s that for some reason choose to pull dirt up of the ground and mildly bludgeon their opponents while holding a pillar of superheated plasma in their other hand like its just a broom to clean up with later...


This train is two inconsistency's, 3 lore in-continuities, 9 absurdities, and at least 10,000 WTFeries past the station called "Sense".


Lets just jump the shark with the nuked refrigerator and have some fun with it.


It's Star Wars.

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Call it the holodeck, and get sued by Star Trek, call it a computer stimulation, call it a force vision, call it a Celestial anomaly....


But do you think that players would like something (yes, blatantly ripped from WoW) that would allow you to replay the assault on Darth Revan's flagship, the Endar Spire evacuation, Malachor V......


Could be a meditative state found on Voss, or belsavious having an ancient device that recorded the galaxy events. Animus anyone. Cookie to anyone who gets that reference.

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