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What would you think of a TOR version of ''Caverns of Time'' ?


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Call it the holodeck, and get sued by Star Trek, call it a computer stimulation, call it a force vision, call it a Celestial anomaly....


But do you think that players would like something (yes, blatantly ripped from WoW) that would allow you to replay the assault on Darth Revan's flagship, the Endar Spire evacuation, Malachor V......

Edited by Angedechu
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whoa whoa whoa your talking about replaying stuff from other games, I cant even replay my story or companion quests from this game let alone replay malachor V or the endar spire


horrible idea but replable swtor story = great idea

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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whoa whoa whoa your talking about replaying stuff from other games, I cant even replay my story or companion quests from this game let alone replay malachor V or the endar spire


horrible idea but replable swtor story = great idea


Re-read the original post. That's not what he's suggesting.


I think it's a cool idea.

Edited by Atma
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I'd personally like to be able to watch my characters stories again. It's been almost a whole year since I've finished my Shadow and Vanguard and I can't exactly remember what Chapter 2 was even about for my Shadow and why did my Vanguard go to Voss again? It'd be cool to see the story again especailly for whenever we get to Chapter 4. Just to have a refresher before we jump back in.
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This game does not need to take anything more from Warcrap. TOR needs to separate itself even further from Warcrap. I think the idea you suggest is terrible and would hurt this game. Leave Warcrap type content in Warcrap from now on.


yeah, this game doesn't need to copy stuff from warcrap. it's very successful as it is, with all it's ground-breaking features and functionality.

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Maybe via the Voss mystics and some flashback thing. I´m not sure how to make it fit in the swtor world, but i like the idea. Building story is a good thing, and some store on ex. the sacking of corruscant, or the battle of endor star i think i´d personly like that. If it´s done in a way that made sense.


Just because an idea is from wow doesn´t make it bad. It´s like the group thing. The reason swtor have 4 man groups is not to be like wow (i allways felt that anyways) and that made swtor lack tanks even more than wow ever did. Dont fix it if it isn´t broken.

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it's a horrible idea and not swtor-worthy because it is taken from WoW. swtor doesn't need any of WoW's crappy features :rolleyes:




Seriously, thanks for that laugh. SWTOR is nothing but WoW's crappy features and none of the polish. Might as well add a few more. :rolleyes:

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It is a very cool idea, hadn't thought of that.


Some obscure Dejavu Force vision Space Magic Hallucination or more Scifi route of " Holo archives of ghistoric battles blaa blaa" both would work just fine in SDtawa context.


..Also I love the WoW hate on this thread:D None of WoWs crappy features..HAHAHAHA

This is like American saying he doesn't want to speak language most of Great Britain uses, since he much rather speaks American.

Edited by Stradlin
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Seriously, thanks for that laugh. SWTOR is nothing but WoW's crappy features and none of the polish. Might as well add a few more. :rolleyes:


Wow is a turd that has never been polished. Hence why I call it Warcrap.

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It's an awesome idea. But not for Star Wars. It doesn't fit the lore.


You do realize Star Wars has its own version of time travel right. Time travel thats in the lore ... well if you wanna consider it apart of the lore.


(this is the point where the above quoted is not longer applicable)


But overall I have to agree with the naysayers. SWTRO can't be a niche game for only those who recognize its true worth if its not made specifically and directly for those niche-trueworth-noticing players.


Functional game? Nah thats not important because its not niche enough. Game thats a clone of the most popular MMO on the market for 7 straight year? Not niche enough. SWTOR is Hippster only.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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Wow is a turd that has never been polished. Hence why I call it Warcrap.


Yeah WoW is crap...today. However there's a reason it got as popular as it did before going downhill. The fact that this game on a 3-400 million dollar budget couldn't even match it is pathetic. You're delusional if you think this game compares any way at all.


Don't even try to accuse me of being a WoW fanboy. I haven't played it in years. But that doesn't mean I'm going to lie just to make you Biodrones happy about your dyeing game.

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Seriously, thanks for that laugh. SWTOR is nothing but WoW's crappy features and none of the polish. Might as well add a few more. :rolleyes:


sorry dude, i forgot to put a /sarcasm in my post. i thought the rolleyes emote thing would give it away :p

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