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better survivablity? Dps jug or marauder?


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In what aspect?


PVE with a companion? How many mobs are you fighting at once?

PVE with no companion?

I would say Jugg for pvp, and pve without a companion for sure.


A Marauder PVE with a geared Quinn has high survivability,but if you're taking on 6 strongs with an elite or two mixed in, you're pretty much going to die,because Quinn only has 1 CC, and if he's taking too much damage he will heal himself first, leaving you to die. Although as a Marauder, you can easily take out a Champion mob that is 3-4 levels above you..(IF you and Quinn are geared),the only reason I wasn't able to take down a Champion 5 levels above me is that I was unable to hit the mob enough times to do enough damage, my Marauder kept missing his attacks.

Edited by Thundergulch
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Jugg has more overall survivability, while the Maurader has better controlled short term survivability. The situation will often dictate which one is tops, as stated above me there.


plus player ability has a HUGE impact on this. I know peeps want to argue the merit of the class outside of skill....but a class can't play itself, so there's always skill involved.

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DPS Juggernauts do *not* have higher survivability than Marauders. Heavy armour damage reduction bonus over Medium is about 5-6%. Vengeance comes close, but it does not have Obfuscate, Camo, while Talented FD/ED comes close to CLoP as far as cost to benefit is concerned, and Endure Pain is inferior to Undying Rage in the majority of situations.


Juggernauts, however, do have more mobility and control.

Edited by Helig
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Reading this: Just wondering how many of you have actually played both???


And don't say you have played a Sentinel or a Guardian cause they are not the same and don't count.


2 50 Guardians, levelling third, 50 Marauder, now levelling a Sentinel and a Juggernaut.

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Reading this: Just wondering how many of you have actually played both???


And don't say you have played a Sentinel or a Guardian cause they are not the same and don't count.


Stories, equipment looks, ability names, and when you get certain companions is the only different thing. Guardians = Juggernauts and Sentinels = Marauders. Heck, there's a thread in the Marauder board talking about the PvE basics of Annihilation and Carnage that was written by a Sentinel player who admitted to just changing the wording around a bit because everything else is the same.

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