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Everything posted by Red_Ripper

  1. Vette is my all-time favorite [such a sexy voice...], with Kira being a close-second; I ab-so-fricken-lutely DESPISE Malavai Quinn, reminds me of the type of loser who would wear nail-polish and skinny-jeans IRL, ha ha, honestly though, he just annoys the heck outta me for some reason [as well as the fact that no matter how hard I threw the ****er up against a steel fricken door and force-choked him, he somehow managed to survive, that left me slightly miffed as well... . Also, he's not a companion but G-D-it I WISH HE COULD BE; Lord Praven, from the Jedi Knight story, I absolutely loved how he was a Sith but still had a sense of purpose which he allowed to be governed by his morality and honor [which, in my book, makes him one of the strongest and intelligent Sith out there]; killing a defenseless or weaker foe brought him no honor, so they were allowed to live. I really liked Ashara as well, she was annoying at first, but she grew on me, and I still adore T7, when I walked into the Jedi Temple the first time and he said "T7 = Part of Jedi Order // T7 = Requires Lightsaber Upgrade!" I just about died laughing... And I know I have to throw Mako in here somewhere, just cuz I'm a sucker for the shy girls. Jaesa, I'm kind of the lunatic fringe here, but after they made her master and quest-line so fricken' interesting, she seemed like a total let-down [also the fact that she goes from Devout Light-Side Jedi to Sex-Starved Maniac at the drop of a dime... honestly though, by the time I got Jaesa, my SW was already head-over-heals for Mission.. er I mean Vette! so Jaesa never got a fair shot] =( And Lieutenant Pierce, I liked, he was the typical Grunt, follow orders, no matter what he feels personally about them. Aaaand, I'll stop there... Edit -Oh, and I didn't like Kaliyo - at all - but then again, it's not her character I don't like, its more the way she was written, I don't like the 'any-port-in-a-storm' type girls.
  2. It's not that the group benefits are a lie, its that if you're a decent person like me, and a decent player like me, you spend 50% of your time waiting for the other people/person to catch up to you whilst questing in a group; I finish quests MUCH faster playing solo with my companion.
  3. This is my DPS Jugg, Coén Hawke, just hit 50 about a week or so ago... I don't like any of the pictures but I figured I might as well post 'em
  4. Holy ****... Remind me never to mess with a die-hard SW fan... You all take this WAY too seriously... And here I thought I adore Star Wars more than the average person....
  5. Darth Nihilus was arguably the strongest Force user in Galactic History, however, his greatest strength was also his biggest weakness; his Hunger... His lust for Dark Side energy was insatiable and, at times, he would go through a sort of 'withdrawal,' had he not fed on Force Users enough [which was why the Exile was able to destroy him, Nihilus was weakened from not having fed on enough Force Users]
  6. This is what sooo many people miss. Luke was NOT the chosen one... It was Anakin, Anakin was ALWAYS the Chosen One, the one to restore balance to the Force... However, the path he followed to finally destroy the last embodiement of the Dark Side was far disparate from what others in the Jedi Order had supposed, they all assumed he would become a mantle of the Light Side of the Force, instead he turned, and in the most pivotal moment in Galactic History, returned to the Light Side and fullfiled his destiny [i.e. destroyed the Emperor]
  7. No contest; Darth Nihilus, his hunger was both his greateat strength and weakness.... Anyone who can command the Force to consume an entire planet is obviously the strongest...
  8. God, this is so sad. Cheating has become human nature... Gotta wonder what's going to happen to a world that considers long-term monogohmy abnormal.
  9. I got a 48 Juggernaut and I've yet to encounter a situation I couldn't handle with the right comanion
  10. Honestly, I understand what the OP is talking about it, most other people in this thread are just being elitest douchebags... You'll get used to it OP, when I had my Sentinel it got a bit over-whelming until I learned to prioratize which abilities should be used in each situation. It does get very overwhelming at times, but you get used to it, if you'd like a class with less abilities, you should roll a Juggernaut / Guardian, contrary to what other's say, their DPS is 100% viable, they just don't come into their own until level 30, and most people don't want to wait... but if you're patient you'd be suprised just how good the Guardian / Juggernaut Melee DPS spec is.
  11. And I agree, Revan is a bad-*** and Vader would be Vengeance Pre-Suit; Post-Suit he is def. Immortal
  12. Bleh, keeps making me mis-quote people.
  13. The biggest problem is that there are WAY too many servers; the population is way to spread out over 100+ servers; they REALLY need to condense things (merge low pop servers together). I have a 41 Guardian on Zakkeg Beast and I have to start over on another server cuz each planet I go to there's never more than 6 people on it, and four of em are AFK. It makes it impossible to play. So yeah, WoW didn't even have HALF as many servers as SWTOR did when it launched; now SWTOR has 100+ Servers for the US alone; that's simply too many; they need to merge servers to where they're down to the 65-85 server range, to start with. Then allow some Free Transfers a few weeks later to balance things out. It's a very simple fix. Just get it done, BioWare. I mean c'mon, there's like 50 servers with Standard Population; and then 50 more with Light Population. CONDENSE THINGS! MERGE SERVERS! Make it so there are only a few dozen servers that are all 'Heavy,' population and the game will thrive. I mean, this isn't even close to being the end of SWTOR; every single MMO ever made has gone through this, people just need to be patient. I know it sucks, but BioWare will sort things out, they're too big of a company to let their name be ruined by a failed MMO of this caliber.
  14. Alright cool; thank you very much guys!
  15. Hey all, I have level 35 Jedi Sentinel and I'm loving it, though I recently started playing a Sith Juggernaut and I'm loving that just as much; However, to be honest, I'm kind of lost. Could anyone tell me the planets I should visit, in order? I'm looking at the Companion Guide @ THE FOLLOWING LINK CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS; BE WARNED http://www.betacake.net/2011/08/30/star-wars%E2%84%A2-the-old-republic%E2%84%A2-companions-list/ So I was wondering, I see that I get Malavi Quinn at Balmorra and Jaesa Willsaam on Hutta; and I just wanted to know when I first those two planets? I just finished Korriban and am now at Dromund Kaas. In order, what are the next three planets I visit? I apologize for the stupid questions, I'm not being lazy, I've googled this and I've found a Planet Guide that shows the level ranges for each planet, but not the order you visit them. Thank you very much for all the help.
  16. Hey all; I've seen multiple threads about this but unfortunately they're all 10+ pages and honestly I don't have the time to search through all of them for an answer. My question is; during certain cutscenes there seem to be different, higher resolution textures used for your character's armor, hair, scars, tattoos and the over all appearance of the game. Is there anyway to apply these high resolution textures to the entire game, so they're used all the time instead of just during certain cutscenes? Thank you in advance for the help and I apologize once more for the dumb question. -Tim
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