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Windows 8 and SWTOR


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Has anyone heard if(or when) SWTOR is going to be patched/fixed/whatever so that it works with windows 8?


Every post I've read says that performance is HORRIBLE on windows 8. Thing is, all the shops I go to only sells computers with windows 8 OS. Which is understandable...


I'm currently playing full time on my laptop(windows 7). SWTOR runs really, really smoothly on it. The only issue I've had is random bugs screwing up my launcher, forcing me to run the repair tool or completely re-install the game. Irregardless of how well it plays on my laptop, it's xmas soon and I want to buy myself a brand new desktop to replace the old one that went to computer heaven last year.


I know I could buy windows 7 online, but I really don't want to keep myself downgraded just for this game.

Edited by Radzkie
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its pretty bad for gaming i had it on one of my harddrives i had to wipe the thing to bare bones and install 7 again. It didnt work well with wow ether crashed it alot. tera, league of legends, any game i really played on pc wouldnt ope or would crash with 8
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See the issue with swtor on windows 7 and people complaining that it doesnt work is surprising because its not a huge percentage like you think it is. I run s Dual core processor and Radeon 5770 HD and 6 GB of ram, a bit sub par from other machines and i run swtor on high at 60fps on every planet and every time.
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its pretty bad for gaming i had it on one of my harddrives i had to wipe the thing to bare bones and install 7 again. It didnt work well with wow ether crashed it alot. tera, league of legends, any game i really played on pc wouldnt ope or would crash with 8


Thanks for answering. I will just buy windows 7 online then.


Honestly, I buy computers for gaming. If they don't work well on it, then it's not for me.

Edited by Radzkie
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Has anyone heard if(or when) SWTOR is going to be patched/fixed/whatever so that it works with windows 8?


Every post I've read says that performance is HORRIBLE on windows 8. Thing is, all the shops I go to only sells computers with windows 8 OS. Which is understandable...


I'm currently playing full time on my laptop(windows 7). SWTOR runs really, really smoothly on it. The only issue I've had is random bugs screwing up my launcher, forcing me to run the repair tool or completely re-installing the game. Irregardless of how well it plays on my laptop, it's xmas soon and I want to buy myself a brand new desktop to replace my old one that went to computer heaven last year.


I know I could buy windows 7 online, but I really don't want to keep myself downgraded just for this game.


I run Windows 8 Pro 64 bit which I upgraded to about 2 weeks ago and my performance has improved very much. I don't crash any longer, planets load faster, the stuttering has all but stopped and while on fleet, my computer doesn't lock up for ever because there are so many people there. I don't know who you've been talking to, but Windows 8 and this game are perfect together.

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Look on tom's hard ware he ran the multiple game including this one on a idintical computer that has windows 8 and one with 7. ANd did this multiple times. &8/10 times did better and didnt crash he noted that windows 8 would crash or not open the files at all. But like i pointed out befor your a minority that has success with this set up.
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I lot of misinformation in this thread. Windows 8 works as well or better than Windows 7 in terms of game performance.


I've been using it as my main OS since the Consumer Preview and I've had very few issues with games.


Check out the benchmarks here - http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/windows-8-gaming-performance,3331.html


Their conclusion:


Aside from those couple of idiosyncrasies, performance under Windows 8 is indistinguishable from Windows 7. Any speed-up or slow-down would be almost impossible to identify during game play, and we expect compatibility issues to get patched quickly by game developers.


Keep in mind that people are running first generation Windows 8 video card drivers and they will only improve over time.

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Has anyone heard if(or when) SWTOR is going to be patched/fixed/whatever so that it works with windows 8?


Every post I've read says that performance is HORRIBLE on windows 8. Thing is, all the shops I go to only sells computers with windows 8 OS. Which is understandable...


I'm currently playing full time on my laptop(windows 7). SWTOR runs really, really smoothly on it. The only issue I've had is random bugs screwing up my launcher, forcing me to run the repair tool or completely re-install the game. Irregardless of how well it plays on my laptop, it's xmas soon and I want to buy myself a brand new desktop to replace the old one that went to computer heaven last year.


I know I could buy windows 7 online, but I really don't want to keep myself downgraded just for this game.


I run the game on windows 8. Have no more issues then I did with windows 7. Running pro 64 bit version.

On the same exact hardware as the windows 7 OS.


I really think its the folks who PVP or are in OPS a lot that complain about performance. Normal day to day gaming / leveling isn't an Issue for me...


I have Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

Nvidia GTX 470 1280M Video ram PCI-Exp2

OCZ-Vertex 3 128GB SSD

12GB Crucial ram

1200 WATT power supply (Prolly Overkill)

Dual Monitor setup 21 inch LCD DVI and 55 Inch REAL3D LG LCD TV on HDMI (for games and Video)

Edited by ZORG
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He also points out how there is A drop periodcly in games. So no, not misinformations since i explained pretty well.


my opinion I WOULD NOT UPDATE TO WINDOWS 8 TIL GENRATION TO DRIVES ARE OUT. hell id wait til 3 just to be safe.


I build computers for people. I work at a dell data center a a software specialist. Trust me you may get the same, or better in some cases but most of the time your not getting anything better it doesnt run well at all on most games.

Edited by Bounty_
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I run Windows 8 with no game performance issues at all.


System Specs:

Phenom II x4 965 BE

2x Geforce GTX 570 in SLi


MSI 990FXA motherboard


I always have most up to date drivers for mobo and graphics cards (including beta drivers). The only issue I had was when I installed Visual Studio 2012 and it came with Hyper V for Windows 8. Hyper V for some reason screws up your microphone drivers, so I had to uninstall that. Gaming wise though, I have had no issues whatsoever and usually have around 40fps in ops boss fights so I can't complain.

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He also points out how there is A drop periodcly in games. So no, not misinformations since i explained pretty well.


my opinion I WOULD NOT UPDATE TO WINDOWS 8 TIL GENRATION TO DRIVES ARE OUT. hell id wait til 3 just to be safe.


I build computers for people. I work at a dell data center a a software specialist. Trust me you may get the same, or better in some cases but most of the time your not getting anything better it doesnt run well at all on most games.


Oh, well, if you work a Dell, who are we to argue? I mean, Dell. Truly the pinnacle of computer tech there.


I've been building computers for myself and others for 20 years, not that it matters. Go read the article, most games ran 1-2 frames faster on Windows 8.


Let's go through the list:


Arkham City - Ran faster on Windows 8

BF3 - Ran faster on Windows 8

Borderlands 2 - Ran faster on Windows 7

Crysis 2 - Ran faster on Windows 7 with Nvidia, faster on Windows 8 with AMD

DiRT Showdown - Ran faster on Windows 7 with Nvidia, faster on Windows 8 with AMD

Max Payne 3 - Ran faster on Windows 8

Metro 2033 - Ran faster on Windows 8

Sleeping Dogs - Had issues on Windows 8

Skyrim - Ran faster on Windows 8

WoW - Ran faster on Windows 8


So of the 10 games MOST of them ran better on Windows 8. Exactly the opposite of what you're saying.


Most importantly the question was in regards to SWTOR and that runs great on Windows 8.

Edited by DaRoamer
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