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Why is there no long hair or curly hair in game?


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But I have a book on the game and some of the concept art showed long hair. There is even a trooper avatar the red head who has long hair.


Yeah but concept art and what happens ingame and the headaches it gives to coders are two different things.

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I feel like this is an issue for western developers. Asian developers don't seem to have any trouble making long flowing hair for both male and female avatars. See: Aion and Tera.


Ooo dear someone just throw down the sword..I wonder if anyone will pick it up..

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I feel like this is an issue for western developers. Asian developers don't seem to have any trouble making long flowing hair for both male and female avatars. See: Aion and Tera.


These games have much MUCH more advanced character customization in general, its not just the hair. Especialy Aion, when i started i was at a loss with what you could do with it - and NC even upgraded it a year after release.

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I've made lots of hair for some mod friendly games and I will tell you, it's a pain in the butt. Even once you get the gravity to function properly with the whole thing you have the issue with clothing sizes. So long hair would need to be modified to be able to lay against the body in medium and light armor and to float above the body - on top of the armor - in heavy armor, and anything that has hair over the shoulders will need to be programmed to go over chest pieces/breasts in various types of armor.


Hair is a nightmare with clipping issues - and more than a few times I've completely thrown away an entire hair project because it was too much of a pita (or released it half-assed because people kept asking for it, but with a proper warning that it clipped like crazy or only had functional gravity from the shoulder up).


As for curly hair, if you want hair that is truly curly from a 3D perspective, you're going to kill many graphics cards OR the hair will look bad on low settings. To keep that from happening you can lay a curly texture on top of a flat mesh, and it looks kind of curly depending on the angle you look at it from, but it's not really curly - which would probably satisfy some people, but lead to complaints from others.


TL;DR, hair in video games is the freakin' devil and if everyone would just go bald already programmers would have an easier time getting content out. So go bald already! I'd rather have a whole new range of makeups and scars anyway.

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My main complaint would be facial hair. There's no slight or varying lenghts of facial hair, except for the 2 complexion options that I've found. I'd love to have a slight goatee, instead it looks like I've been growing it for a month. The same with beards, the only option is Grizzly Adams or nothing.
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