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PvP only stat


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Just want to make a suggestion about tossing pvp only stat or at least reducing the impact the stat plays in pvp. It's quite rediculous to have to change clothes just to fight another player, then change back when entering an OP. It is also a HUGE turnoff when friends decide to try pvp in full rakata/campaign and get stomped by BM gear. Increase the utility of gear and stop making this about who has the biggest closet.
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Eh, with war hero being much easier to get in 1.6 things should be a lot more balanced. If you toss out expertise now ppl would just go into warzones with their BiS augmented dread gaurd and there would be a gap again. A gap that would require pvp focused ppl to do pve raiding... Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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Just want to make a suggestion about tossing pvp only stat or at least reducing the impact the stat plays in pvp. It's quite rediculous to have to change clothes just to fight another player, then change back when entering an OP. It is also a HUGE turnoff when friends decide to try pvp in full rakata/campaign and get stomped by BM gear. Increase the utility of gear and stop making this about who has the biggest closet.


How about no. You want to PVP? That's great. Then earn your gear. Making expertise relevant was one of the greatest changes for PVP bioware could of made. The only thing they need to do now which they are come 1.6 is close the gear gap between new players vs. veteran players. Getting a full set of WH shouldn't be a problem for you when 1.6 rolls around.

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Without a pvp stat, players that raided and had the raiding gear would then dominate. Nothing would change.


Well; one thing could change. It could become that you had to PvE to get the best gear or at least competitive gear for PvP. I would not be a happy camper. I'd rather face fully geared premades, naked, 4 times a day to just get 100 comms each day if I had to.

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I don't agree with eliminating expertise, but I certainly understand the frustration of having to manually change gear so frequently.


I'd suggest some sort of equipment manager that save's a profile for PvE and PvP gear, making it possible to change a full set of gear with one click. Even if they introduced Macro's and assigned equipment slots, would make things much easier.

Edited by SyphonSith
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