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Harbinger PVE DPS Leaderboard


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Here's the cap of Carnage without an armor debuff, since sim's have it at 2158, but I'll allow server lag to account for that missing 13 dps.

this is quite literally, the definition of a perfect parse rotation in carnage. Anything past 2,158 is likely armor debuffed or edited. (I'm looking at you Vexo Sometimes you'll even catch their proc relic hitting at 195 ;D )



2,145 dps- 5/31/5 Carnage Mara


I'll go back to annihilation to start parsing into the higher 2.1k-2.2k range on dummy :)

Edited by IAmViiOLENT
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Here's the cap of Carnage without an armor debuff, since sim's have it at 2158, but I'll allow server lag to account for that missing 13 dps.

this is quite literally, the definition of a perfect parse rotation in carnage. Anything past 2,158 is likely armor debuffed or edited. (I'm looking at you Vexo Sometimes you'll even catch their proc relic hitting at 195 ;D )



2,145 dps- 5/31/5 Carnage Mara


I'll go back to annihilation to start parsing into the higher 2.1k-2.2k range on dummy :)


Damn nice parse

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For a shadow/Sin, definitely not the cap of them. Sim wise, they have over 2k potential dps. For sorcs/sages they'll cap in lightning/tele at a bit above 1900.


New personal best for me and my Balance/Shadow (5/5/31).





The parse above was simply me getting lucky and crit'n unusually high on my main attacks and not really representative of an average run. If anyone knows of anyone hitting into this 2000dps range, i would love to speak to them. I feel i have hit my ceiling.... No matter what i do now, i can't squeeze out any more dps, never mind the 40 or so needed to get into the 2000 bracket. Maybe we are missing something......


Is there a link you can share, that has the information on our cap? I need new ideas and anything you could provide would be great. If any other shadows have any ideas, message me in game if you like and we can discuss.

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Well...Toblin respec'ed to 7/3/31 Madness Assassin and swapped an Elite Warhero Relic for a Dread Guard Relic of Dark Radiance and got my best DPS so far (just shy of 1873). I think this should put me in the top three on the server. I wonder why there aren't any other Imp Assassins posting in here; but then again, you don't see much Assassin DPS around much. Many people don't see them as a viable damage class. Although we can't top the parser like marauders or powertech, we can definitely do some damage and have a very high utility as well. If anybody knows any really good Madness DPS, ask them to post a torparse here. I would like to compare rotations. Thanks!!



Edited by Kahntun
updated parse
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New personal best for me and my Balance/Shadow (5/5/31).





The parse above was simply me getting lucky and crit'n unusually high on my main attacks and not really representative of an average run. If anyone knows of anyone hitting into this 2000dps range, i would love to speak to them. I feel i have hit my ceiling.... No matter what i do now, i can't squeeze out any more dps, never mind the 40 or so needed to get into the 2000 bracket. Maybe we are missing something......


Is there a link you can share, that has the information on our cap? I need new ideas and anything you could provide would be great. If any other shadows have any ideas, message me in game if you like and we can discuss.


I've been using SimC, I just double checked though; and untoggled the armor debuff. Without armor debuff, sins/shadows will sit at 1995 dps as a usual run +- 35 dps according to lucky crits etc.

Using this build (SimC is glitched and won't take the two new DG relics into account :/ )



With armor debuff, its a potential 2091 dps +-35

Edited by IAmViiOLENT
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I've been using SimC, I just double checked though; and untoggled the armor debuff. Without armor debuff, sins/shadows will sit at 1995 dps as a usual run +- 35 dps according to lucky crits etc.

Using this build (SimC is glitched and won't take the two new DG relics into account :/ )



With armor debuff, its a potential 2091 dps +-35


Right on the money, this is why sins tend to comparable damage in raid compared to dummy testing, because the armor debuff inclusion helps cancel out with the dps loss from movements, etc.

Edited by Dierdrea
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New personal best for me and my Balance/Shadow (5/5/31).





The parse above was simply me getting lucky and crit'n unusually high on my main attacks and not really representative of an average run. If anyone knows of anyone hitting into this 2000dps range, i would love to speak to them. I feel i have hit my ceiling.... No matter what i do now, i can't squeeze out any more dps, never mind the 40 or so needed to get into the 2000 bracket. Maybe we are missing something......


Is there a link you can share, that has the information on our cap? I need new ideas and anything you could provide would be great. If any other shadows have any ideas, message me in game if you like and we can discuss.


Grats My

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I wanted to wait till I got full dreadguard to before posting another but I'm using different internet now (which sucks :mad:) and am unable to do any better. My APM drops like 2 points and I get so mad when I see my GCD reset halfway though. But enough excuses here is my best parse from about a week or so ago.


2123 DPS


Full DG except for 1 Armoring, 1 mod, and 2 enhancements.

Carnage 5/31/5

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I wanted to wait till I got full dreadguard to before posting another but I'm using different internet now (which sucks :mad:) and am unable to do any better. My APM drops like 2 points and I get so mad when I see my GCD reset halfway though. But enough excuses here is my best parse from about a week or so ago.


2123 DPS


Full DG except for 1 Armoring, 1 mod, and 2 enhancements.

Carnage 5/31/5


i can't get <105ms latentcy on The Garbinger :( love it when i hit Ion Pulse and nothing happens!!


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Tryin to understand why yall took shock/project out of your rotation as assassins.. I understand the point of force conservation, but its not as if your ever at a very deep deficit. Have you modified your spec to not include the bonuses from shock? And if so, how? There isnt a whole lot else in the talent tree to help improve dps, it seems that taking shock out of the rotation wastes potential. Edited by totenalles
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Tryin to understand why yall took shock/project out of your rotation as assassins.. I understand the point of force conservation, but its not as if your ever at a very deep deficit. Have you modified your spec to not include the bonuses from shock? And if so, how? There isnt a whole lot else in the talent tree to help improve dps, it seems that taking shock out of the rotation wastes potential.


Shock in balance spec is a DPS loss.

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Tryin to understand why yall took shock/project out of your rotation as assassins.. I understand the point of force conservation, but its not as if your ever at a very deep deficit. Have you modified your spec to not include the bonuses from shock? And if so, how? There isnt a whole lot else in the talent tree to help improve dps, it seems that taking shock out of the rotation wastes potential.


I keep it in my rotation to always have unearthed knowledge up. It is very force expensive and, despite being 3rd highest on server recorded here (list not updated, check my parse posted a page back) with 1872.9, I am still about 100 dps behind the leader. I will check parse with it removed from my rotation and post the results when I get a chance.

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Tryin to understand why yall took shock/project out of your rotation as assassins.. I understand the point of force conservation, but its not as if your ever at a very deep deficit. Have you modified your spec to not include the bonuses from shock? And if so, how? There isnt a whole lot else in the talent tree to help improve dps, it seems that taking shock out of the rotation wastes potential.


I relinked here my logs from a few pages back for with and without shock. I am outdpsing shock spec in my shockless spec by 50 dps over a long period of time, I went for about 10 min on each to minimize the impact of RNG. Of course, I then trimmed my shockless log down for higher dps :p


For sins, once you get close to the 1900ish, dps is very much RNG based, if your mauls crit more, etc. Shockless also tend to run better than shock in raid and on dummy just because you have fewer things to keep track of while doing comparable dps, essentially doing better because it is easier. Saving up the force for a shock will force more downtime with filler attacks. This is just an example, but in those two log, with shock build I did 246 saber strike hits in 13 minutes while in shockless I only did 132 in 10 min.


WIth shock:



Without shock untrim:



Without shock trim:


Edited by Dierdrea
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Hey guys, Chukles here. Saw this from a few servers and thought it might be neat to start. Highest DPS on the operations dumbie. :)



~At least a 5 minute parse.

~Must be either on a ship Operations Dumby or the Operations dumbie from the fleet.

~You can use all 4 class buffs, adrenals, and stims.

~Cannnot however use external buffs ex. (inspiration from another source other than yours, armor debuff from another source)

~Link from TORparse (you may trim the time in the parse to see where you did the most, just make sure it's at least 6 minutes)

~Last but not least, have fun! ;)


Top 5 per each DPS class will make the list!





1) Wales (2251 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/93206/time/1357597029/1357597342



1) Chukles (1965 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/74647/time/1355613699/1355614088

Spec: 7/3/31 Balance Shadow

2) Mycharacter (1943 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/83824/time/1356624328/1356624683


3) Beskosei (1826 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/85520/time/1356802982/1356803521

Spec: 5/5/31 Balance Shadow

4) Toblin (1817 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/95776/4/0/Overview

Spec: 5/5/31 Madness Assassin

5) Spliffy (1805 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/62108/time...335/1354400688

Spec: 7/3/31 Balance Shadow


1) Wörf (2228 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/83755/1

Spec: 7/6/28 Assault Vanguard

2) Smürf'ñ'tûrf (2008 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/55120

Spec: 4/6/31 Pyrotech Powertech

3) Cipactli (1898 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/93926/4

Spec: 8/8/25 Assault Vanguard


1) Andilus (2067 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/81577/time/1356328362/1356328672

Spec: 6/31/4 Gunnery Commando

2) Fascinate (1996 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/69268/time/1355122655/1355122955

Spec: 6/31/4 Arsenal Mercenary


1) Kuvox (1821 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/69775/1

Spec: 3/7/31 Balance Sage

2) Carlenx (1769 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/73346/2



1) Invinc (1795) http://www.torparse.com/a/73340/6



1) Beastfury (2162 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/85322

Spec: 31/3/7 Annihilation Marauder

2) Opfotm (2140 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/84995/time/1356825129/1356825459

Spec: 5/31/5 Carnage Marauder

3) Sego'vax (2067 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/84934/time/1356734544/1356734931

Spec: 5/31/5 Carnage Marauder

4) Xiev (2060 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/90567/time/1357340554/1357340854

Spec: 31/3/7 Watchmen Sentinel

5) Rokuthy (2032 DPS) http://www.torparse.com/a/85886/time/1356841434/1356841749

Spec: 31/3/7 Watchmen Sentinel


Some very impressive Numbers im seeing. glad to see theres still hope left for slingers and PTs.

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Some very impressive Numbers im seeing. glad to see theres still hope left for slingers and PTs.


The 2228 parse from Worf is faked, it's actually 2097 and has just never been updated to fit that.

The parse from Wales however is quite beautiful, it's very impressive IMO.

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