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Datacrons legacy wide


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Well.. I don't know about the effects of sharing a datacron legacy wide. But I think that the datacron codex entries should be legacy wide. One day I wanna sit down and read through them.. but it's annoying how some of the ordered entries are on the imperial side and some are on the republic side.


In addition to that... why isn't there a title for collecting all the datacrons? :\

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Getting to many of the datacrons are stupid jumping "puzzles" that have no place in any well designed game. I only really want to go through the annoyance once.


As such, I would argue that the stat bonuses/shards *especially* should be legacy wide (though still restricted so you don't get cross faction ones). However I WOULD argue it should be gated by level.


P.S. Other than the Datacron in the Heroic area on Voss, the ones on Ilum (which are all supposedly easy, I'm just saving Ilum until the exp cap goes up) and the ones on fleet, I've actually gotten all of them at least once. So it's not like I can't get them. I just find many of them annoying. 'Course, I don't think there IS such a thing as a good jumping puzzle. If the entire platformer genre curled up and died it would be a great day for gaming.

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It is just one example of cheap design choices in this game. The CODEX HAVE to be legacy wide. I dont care about stats.

For me, this kind of things make this game feel medicore. One thing i leaned leading construction business is, however well you do something people will always pay atention to small details and wont be satisfied if you didnt.

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If they share the codex entries legacy-wide then I'd hope they'd share the datacrons themselves. I use the codex entries to check which ones I already have when starting the great datacron hunt on a new 50.


That. Would be a major pain to have to keep track manually of which datacrons I had on which character. Otherwise I would like lore entries to be account wide.

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Getting to many of the datacrons are stupid jumping "puzzles" that have no place in any well designed game. I only really want to go through the annoyance once.


As such, I would argue that the stat bonuses/shards *especially* should be legacy wide (though still restricted so you don't get cross faction ones). However I WOULD argue it should be gated by level.


P.S. Other than the Datacron in the Heroic area on Voss, the ones on Ilum (which are all supposedly easy, I'm just saving Ilum until the exp cap goes up) and the ones on fleet, I've actually gotten all of them at least once. So it's not like I can't get them. I just find many of them annoying. 'Course, I don't think there IS such a thing as a good jumping puzzle. If the entire platformer genre curled up and died it would be a great day for gaming.


That's where I'm at as well, got the majority on the imperial side and getting them as I go while leveling my repub alt. I don't mind getting them once, its kind of cool, but 8 times is just trdious

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I would love to see datacorn, valor, and social made legacy wide. Account wide would be even better, not sure how hard that would be becaue of the system they made. This could even be tie to high legacy level. Either way it would work as a great reward for player who play alts.
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I'd rather see Valor and Social legacy wide first, but datacron stat would be nice. Hardly be game-breaking as most classes could only use 2-3 of the stats anyway. Already get a ton of presence via legacy.


Theoretically, all stats have some use for every character, but in practice, you're right in saying there are only 2 or 3 that really matter the most.


I've seen a few posts on this and most either contain claims it's OP, doesn't make sense, or that players are being entitled crybabies.


I think that, while for a low level character, the stat boost is quite significant, over the course of the game, the contribution from datacrons becomes significantly less to the point of making up only a fraction of your characters overall stat pool.


I definitely support the idea, even going so far as to say it should include the datacrons from the opposing faction since you did, after all, take the time to level characters on each side to find them all.


I also support the idea of legacy wide social levels, but not valor ranks. I believe valor ranks should be earned by the respective character since they provide quite a bit more access to character progression than just the fluff from social gear vendors.

Edited by althene
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I would gladly pay 1mil per character to unlock all the datacron stats that I have gathered on my other characters. I could see still making people get the matrix cube bits but otherwise, it is just annoying to get some of them and I would gladly pay for the ability to not have to do it more than once.
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I would gladly pay 1mil per character to unlock all the datacron stats that I have gathered on my other characters. I could see still making people get the matrix cube bits but otherwise, it is just annoying to get some of them and I would gladly pay for the ability to not have to do it more than once.


Now that you mention it, the matrix cube crystals do kinda throw a wrench into the works. I'm not certain if the cube is unique or if it has a level requirement, but both criteria would be an easy fix and allow even those matrix cube bits to be legacy bound.

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Now that you mention it, the matrix cube crystals do kinda throw a wrench into the works. I'm not certain if the cube is unique or if it has a level requirement, but both criteria would be an easy fix and allow even those matrix cube bits to be legacy bound.


I'm pretty sure they have a level requirement to equip

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Datacrons I agree with. I've got all but 4 on the republic side and all but 3 on the imperial side (damn you jumping datacrons!!),

Hate the idea of doing all of that over and over.


However valor and social, no. Please do not ever allow that to be shared around. Just...no. Please.

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I'm not sure I agree about Valor because it's basically the only per-character metric you have to gauge the amount of time spent on that character in PvP. That amount of time spent specifically in PvP on that character has some minor informative value. I'd leave it.


Social I don't really care either way. There's also some informative worth about the social rank someone carries, but for the most part the value there isn't character-specific really. Given that the current implementation is fine for this, I wouldn't bother messing with it.


Datacrons and their bonuses, however, I agree should be Legacy-wide. Repeating the same steps for such minor bonuses is irritating even if it was enjoyable the first time. These aren't tied into anything more important on the per-character level, so I don't see any reasonable objection to moving them to the Legacy.

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I've enjoyed collecting Datacrons on my first character and look forward to hunting them again on alts when I get to it. If you don't like this part of the game then don't play it or just go after the cubes that will be useful for your alts, instead of them all.


If you make the datacrons legacy wide, you remove an enjoyable part of the game for some of us which is entirely unfair for something that is an optional part of the game.

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