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Maitenance during APAC primetime... again..


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Is the any week they don't organise a maitenance for the exact time most of APAC region starts raiding? It's so frustrrrrrrrrating.


I think about 3 or 4 weeks ago, they weren't bringing the servers down at all... we even had people complaining when they cancelled a Tuesday's maintenance.

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I think about 3 or 4 weeks ago, they weren't bringing the servers down at all... we even had people complaining when they cancelled a Tuesday's maintenance.


I am fine - even accustomed, to Tuesday maitenance. I hate that they spend at least one other day a week FIXING what they broke on that Tuesday maitenance. Especially considering I haven't heard of any major bugs still floating around from last patch.


Companions cant unify - So what, they couldn't do that for about 8 months in to the game anyway

Cartel purchases - seemingly fixed up for the most part

Companion stats - now fine


There's nothing going on that cant wait till next tuesday.. IMO.. Feel free to point out some massive game breaking issue i'm sure has to exist.

Edited by Nanglez
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They don't give a damn about you guys. You're the smaller portion of their subscriber base, they aren't going to do anything for you.


It sucks, but it's EA


Yes clearly giving aussies real oceanic servers upon release, when WoW still won't do that after taking their money for 8 years, shows that SW:TOR doesn't care about the aussie community and WoW does.


And yet, despite the presence of real oceanic servers from MMOs like SW:TOR and Planetside, aussies are more than happy to continue playing WoW and be given scraps.

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There's nothing going on that cant wait till next tuesday.. IMO.. Feel free to point out some massive game breaking issue i'm sure has to exist.


Actually there is. Currently your unable to equip crafted purple items regardless of your subscription/authorization status. Pretty much game breaker for lowbies, just like the companion bug was last week.


But you have right to be mad about it, seems like bioware has nonexistent Q/A team, or completely incompetent one. Two gamebreakers in row they need to hotfix, specially when the initial patch didnt even fix any major issues. It almost smells like they only focus on cartel market right now and ignore the other issues completely.

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Yes clearly giving aussies real oceanic servers upon release, when WoW still won't do that after taking their money for 8 years, shows that SW:TOR doesn't care about the aussie community and WoW does.


And yet, despite the presence of real oceanic servers from MMOs like SW:TOR and Planetside, aussies are more than happy to continue playing WoW and be given scraps.


A whole lot of assumptions in your post. Be careful they dont make an arse of you.

Edited by FrogSkin
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it is not ASPC primary time,

so no impact for me.


Why do you guy's think that only Australian's and New Zealander's play on APAC server.


I was apart of the second biggest guild on Dalborra until recently, and they were a mostly singaporean player base.

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I think they still didn't realize they lost a lot of european and oceanic players because of maintenance.


for europe maintenance is during working/school day, so i figure you are either on the dole (then u can use that 'free' time tp find a job) or you are home sick (then try to rest a bit).. tbh, why complain, i've played this other mmo and they had maintenance at about the same time, never someone complained about it, only here, seems like this is the dumpster for people that 'have to' complain about every little thing.

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Why do you guy's think that only Australian's and New Zealander's play on APAC server.


I was apart of the second biggest guild on Dalborra until recently, and they were a mostly singaporean player base.


u said it urself,

i didn't say that.


BTW if u r a singaporean then u won't impact either, unless u have no job.

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I wish they would just come out and announce a specific day and time that "unscheduled" maintenance occurs. For being "unscheduled," as they claim, they sure do seem to "schedule" them for the exact same time. The day is the only difference.


Bioware, since this is now a regular thing, please pick a day each week that this "unscheduled" maintenance will occur on so that we have concrete details to decide whether to continue to play this game or not.



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It isn't only Oceanic and Euro players. Do they think the whole U.S. west coast goes to bed at midnight? I don't even get home from work most nights until around 10pm and after dinner and talking about our day with the wife I might be lucky to be ready to log in by 11-11:30.


So every one of these maintenances is like a game breaking bug to me. They have been the only reason since launch that I have ever been unable to play. No bug that they are fixing has every been so bad I couldn't log in for several hours, and hence causing a lost gaming night.


How is it that this is the only MMO out that has the least amount of players at midnight pacific time? (thats the reason I usually see for why they pick this time)

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I wish they would just come out and announce a specific day and time that "unscheduled" maintenance occurs. For being "unscheduled," as they claim, they sure do seem to "schedule" them for the exact same time. The day is the only difference.


Bioware, since this is now a regular thing, please pick a day each week that this "unscheduled" maintenance will occur on so that we have concrete details to decide whether to continue to play this game or not.




While, in theory, I agree with you it doesn't really solve our problem. We'd still be the group who always gets to wait out maintence instead of playing because for me this is my "evening". It's not bedtime yet due to my work schedule.


They need to spread the love, so to speak. Let some of these guys who say it's fine because it doesn't effect their playtime have a little taste.:cool:

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It isn't only Oceanic and Euro players. Do they think the whole U.S. west coast goes to bed at midnight? I don't even get home from work most nights until around 10pm and after dinner and talking about our day with the wife I might be lucky to be ready to log in by 11-11:30.


So every one of these maintenances is like a game breaking bug to me. They have been the only reason since launch that I have ever been unable to play. No bug that they are fixing has every been so bad I couldn't log in for several hours, and hence causing a lost gaming night.


How is it that this is the only MMO out that has the least amount of players at midnight pacific time? (thats the reason I usually see for why they pick this time)


I feel your pain! I am in central time and work till 1am, home around 1:30 leaving me 30 min of play time. I have no idea why BW can not deploy patches to fix their screw up at a later hour like 4 or 5am central like nearly every other MMO I have played has all their down times set for. My guess is they just do not care what is best for the playerbase, only themselves. I left the first time due to these multiple down times in a week and I may consider being gone for good if BW can not get this crap fixed. It would be one thing if they actually used all the tools at their disposal, but they do not.

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Yes clearly giving aussies real oceanic servers upon release, when WoW still won't do that after taking their money for 8 years, shows that SW:TOR doesn't care about the aussie community and WoW does.


And yet, despite the presence of real oceanic servers from MMOs like SW:TOR and Planetside, aussies are more than happy to continue playing WoW and be given scraps.


I gave up on the Oceanic servers when there were 11 people on the fleet. Now waiting for player transfers to bring across the SI I made there.

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Please look at this: http://store.steampowered.com/stats/


It's not from an MMO, but Steam is a worldwide service, and the ccu curve should look about the same for every server based system. Now tell me at which time you would perform maintenance when all servers need to be brought down at the same time.


The only solution would be to not allow cross-continental server logins, so the US client could have a different version from the EU/APAC server/client. And this doesn't sound like a good tradeoff to me.


I'm sorry for you APAC guys, I really am. But unfortunately you are suffering here so the least amount of people need to suffer.


If you could even call it that. It's 120 minutes where a silly game is not available. How can the world go on..?

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