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Substantial? Come on. No it's not. It's 10 mins of cutscenes that can't be replayed.

For the sake of argument, let's say that the added SGR content would only be 10 minutes, which would be assumed to be per character. So, if there are 16 SGR-able companions (one per gender per class), that's a whopping 160 minutes, nearly 3 hours of content. And once you add this on to the non-romantic interactions with companions that are already in the game, this number skyrockets.


Also, a lot can happen in ten minutes. Just think what would happen if the climax of a quest-line was cut out, or a big character-defining moment. People get attached to their companions. Not everyone will, but I know I've gotten attached to some. Elara Dorne, Mako, and T-7 (all platonic) for example. Companions contribute a great deal to my enjoyment of the game. And those added 10 minutes could do a lot to further emotional attachments with companions.

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For the sake of argument, let's say that the added SGR content would only be 10 minutes, which would be assumed to be per character. So, if there are 16 SGR-able companions (one per gender per class), that's a whopping 160 minutes, nearly 3 hours of content. And once you add this on to the non-romantic interactions with companions that are already in the game, this number skyrockets.


Also, a lot can happen in ten minutes. Just think what would happen if the climax of a quest-line was cut out, or a big character-defining moment. People get attached to their companions. Not everyone will, but I know I've gotten attached to some. Elara Dorne, Mako, and T-7 (all platonic) for example. Companions contribute a great deal to my enjoyment of the game. And those added 10 minutes could do a lot to further emotional attachments with companions.


Nothing that matters in life happens in 10 minutes. Nothing. If you cling that largely to a segment where "NPCs" tell you how great you are, I feel sorry for you. Real life is much more fulfilling. I'd rather a significant other call me wonderful than a scripted process.

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Nothing that matters in life happens in 10 minutes. Nothing. If you cling that largely to a segment where "NPCs" tell you how great you are, I feel sorry for you. Real life is much more fulfilling. I'd rather a significant other call me wonderful than a scripted process.


A lot can happen in 10 minutes. Friendships can be made, broken, or strengthened by a single comment. How much more can happen in 10 minutes? Also, I never said that I get a kick out of getting compliments out of NPCs. I enjoy the companions for their characters and their writing. I enjoy seeing how they react to different situations, I listen to the jokes they make. For all the flak BioWare gets, I really think that they have really good writers. I enjoy them for their storytelling and entertainment value, not out of some "need" for self-gratification.

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A lot can happen in 10 minutes. Friendships can be made, broken, or strengthened by a single comment. How much more can happen in 10 minutes? Also, I never said that I get a kick out of getting compliments out of NPCs. I enjoy the companions for their characters and their writing. I enjoy seeing how they react to different situations, I listen to the jokes they make. For all the flak BioWare gets, I really think that they have really good writers. I enjoy them for their storytelling and entertainment value, not out of some "need" for self-gratification.


Why can't you enjoy them without pushing that they change, then? Have you stopped leveling all of your characters to ensure you get the proper dialogues?

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Why can't you enjoy them without pushing that they change, then? Have you stopped leveling all of your characters to ensure you get the proper dialogues?


Did I ever say any of that? No.


As for why people do that, it's because this they don't want to have to remake characters in order to experience content that they would have otherwise missed. Content that has been promised by the developers.

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Did I ever say any of that? No.


As for why people do that, it's because this they don't want to have to remake characters in order to experience content that they would have otherwise missed. Content that has been promised by the developers.


If it's been promised why did they backtrack on all of it? Why did WoW kill the dance studio? Developers can change their mind - and they don't really owe you an explanation.

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Play a female Jedi knight and listen to doc and then tell me it is optional. Need a court system in the game so players can file harassment charges against him


After all this gay stuff goes through, if Doc tries hitting on my Jedi he's going to end up singing soprano courtesy of my lightsaber before finding himself replaced with Lord Scourge. And if Lord Scourge tries pulling that crap...

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I want to make my Jack Harkness rip off RP character already. He'd be a commando and always be cracking jokes about his...big gun.


Put SGRA in the game already! There's a video somewhere with a developer saying he thought it was coming with the Makeb patch. That doesn't seem likely.

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So because you can't see the merit in something that other people may take enjoyment out of, perhaps the RPG part of the MMORPG, it gives you the right to belittle people....


First of all if you are ACTUALLY roleplaying MMO style then theres no need for in game AI romances because you should be making your own storyline... next invalid argument please.

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Having played the Sith Warrior over four play troughs now it's safe to say....


Quinn fits the homosexual billet perfectly.


Jaesa is freaky/loyal/crazy enough to be lesbian.(I'm really waiting for this one Bioware, pretty please)

Edited by MSpectre
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Having played the Sith Warrior over four play troughs now it's safe to say....


Quinn is fits the homosexual billet perfectly.


Jaesa is freaky/loyal/crazy enough to be lesbian.(I'm really waiting for this one Bioware, pretty please)


They really should post an official poll and let the players decide who's gay, bi or strait.


I vote that Kaliyo is bi, for example.


And I'd vote that they make the voice actor who does him talk with a lisp and do something with his hair.

Edited by Belacose
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We both know that statement is not true, companion romances are a substantial part of this game, infact it's one of many things unique that seperates SW:TOR from other MMOs, and many people are interested in them.


Substantial lol... yeah they are soooo substantial that once you finish your companions arc you NEVER talk to them again... whoooo thats substantial alright :rolleyes:

Edited by JediKalel
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I was fairly neutral in this, but given the noise created again and again for what would be both an expensive and time consuming addition requested by a very vocal minority I'm shifting my stance to strongly opposed. I'm all for new story options, conversation and character development but I cannot think of a single SGR in the star wars films or mainstream novels. There's already far too much non-star wars stuff in this star wars game.
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Substantial lol... yeah they are soooo substantial that once you finish your companions arc you NEVER talk to them again... whoooo thats substantial alright :rolleyes:


And once you finish your class storyline you never hear from anyone again either so you could call the class storyline just as substantial as the romance aspect of it by that argument. :eek:


The solution to all this is so freaking simple I don't get all the mocking/anger (unless it's against your religion in which case you should just stop being a part of the discussion and live and let live but n-e-way). Bioware/EA publicly has made a big to do about them being LGBT friendly. Fact. They did this, not the players. They promised said community inclusion of certain content. They have provided no updates on said content and said community simply wants to know what's up. You can't claim your all buddy buddy with said group, then ignore a promise, and then expect people not to ask. It's really simple.


If they promised us Makeb and Storyline expansion, then stopped talking about it and all they did was add new cartel packs every six weeks, we'd all be pissed off too. It's the same freaking concept. Whatever your opinion of the romances are, they added them. That was Bioware/EA's choice so they are part of the story. Those choices only fit one group. IF Bioware/EA is going to continue to claim they are XZY they should support both groups and they deserve to be taken to town to prove it.


Yes, I for one would very much like them to fix bugs first, but since like the Foundry for example is still fraking buggy I think we can all agree fixing bugs is rather low on the priority list. So, they could at least add in the options they promised from day one. Or just say they're not. Whatever, all people want is an answer. I fail to see why that mounts so much opposition.


Good Hunting and May the Force be With You. :D

Edited by NatashaTerenzio
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I was fairly neutral in this, but given the noise created again and again for what would be both an expensive and time consuming addition requested by a very vocal minority I'm shifting my stance to strongly opposed. .


You misunderstand. As it has been said, I don't know, maybe a few hundred times by this point, the noise isn't about demanding this content. It's about asking for some new information/clarification about the subject. For a really long time everyone was mostly being quiet in the one lonely thread in Story and Lore, but when so much time passes and they can't even say "Yes, it's still in the works but it's a long ways off" or "no, we're not working on it at this time" or ANYTHING then understandably people start making some noise, because silence is frustrating. It's the same with paid transfers, for many people. Human beings like to have answers.


The thing that makes it even more frustrating is that early on there was a lot more certainty about it. So has this now changed? Please, just tell us it's changed. Stop leaving people hanging. Why is this so much to ask?

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In all seriousness though, I didn't even try romancing Kira with my male Jedi because, frankly, I find the whole concept of developing a relationship with a digital cartoon akin to having one with a blow-up love doll - CREEPY.


You never "fell in love" with any characters from books you read either, I bet.

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And once you finish your class storyline you never hear from anyone again either so you could call the class storyline just as substantial as the romance aspect of it by that argument. :eek:


The solution to all this is so freaking simple I don't get all the mocking/anger (unless it's against your religion in which case you should just stop being a part of the discussion and live and let live but n-e-way). Bioware/EA publicly has made a big to do about them being LGBT friendly. Fact. They did this, not the players. They promised said community inclusion of certain content. They have provided no updates on said content and said community simply wants to know what's up. You can't claim your all buddy buddy with said group, then ignore a promise, and then expect people not to ask. It's really simple.


If they promised us Makeb and Storyline expansion, then stopped talking about it and all they did was add new cartel packs every six weeks, we'd all be pissed off too. It's the same freaking concept. Whatever your opinion of the romances are, they added them. That was Bioware/EA's choice so they are part of the story. Those choices only fit one group. IF Bioware/EA is going to continue to claim they are XZY they should support both groups and they deserve to be taken to town to prove it.


Yes, I for one would very much like them to fix bugs first, but since like the Foundry for example is still fraking buggy I think we can all agree fixing bugs is rather low on the priority list. So, they could at least add in the options they promised from day one. Or just say they're not. Whatever, all people want is answer. I fail to see why that mounts so much opposition.


Good Hunting and May the Force be With You. :D


Big difference is that companion convos compared to class missions is like comparing a rock to the entire Earth... 10 minutes or less of a companion story arc =/= hours of a full class story arc, so please get real.


Secondly, I dont think they are being unfriendly to the LGBT crowd, as you put it, simply because they havent put in SG romances for companions... which by the way would require untold hours of time and money for voicework, animation, coding, etc., in a game that has already had to go f2p because its not doing as well as they initially thought it would.

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Big difference is that companion convos compared to class missions is like comparing a rock to the entire Earth... 10 minutes or less of a companion story arc =/= hours of a full class story arc, so please get real.


Secondly, I dont think they are being unfriendly to the LGBT crowd, as you put it, simply because they havent put in SG romances for companions... which by the way would require untold hours of time and money for voicework, animation, coding, etc., in a game that has already had to go f2p because its not doing as well as they initially thought it would.


I am totally real. Its part of the story and huge part for some classes - the Sith Warrior relationship with Quinn comes to mind. That's serious. But we can argue all day on the word substantial trust me I was a debater, I can do it. Wanna go? :D


Secondly, I never claimed they were being unfriendly. I claimed they were being silent which they are. And as has been said like a bazillion times now, but what the hey, lets say it again; from a production standpoint everybody gets that. Nobody is FORCING them to do this. All people want is an ANSWER. Yes, or no? What's the update? That's all that's being asked. See? Super easy.

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I was fairly neutral in this, but given the noise created again and again for what would be both an expensive and time consuming addition requested by a very vocal minority I'm shifting my stance to strongly opposed. I'm all for new story options, conversation and character development but I cannot think of a single SGR in the star wars films or mainstream novels. There's already far too much non-star wars stuff in this star wars game.


I'm tired of clarifyng once and again this kind of stuff. Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur, two mandalorian males, are a couple, happily married, and with an adopted child, and all of this is canon. Anyway this is even unnecesary, I don't need evidence in canon to know that certain things can happen in any particular fictional universe.

This is awesome, so much hate and trolling in so little time. Well, SGR will be added some day, it was promised, and there will be nothing trolls can do. This has been unnecesarily delayed for too much time!

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I am totally real. Its part of the story and huge part for some classes - the Sith Warrior relationship with Quinn comes to mind. That's serious. But we can argue all day on the word substantial trust me I was a debater, I can do it. Wanna go? :D


Secondly, I never claimed they were being unfriendly. I claimed they were being silent which they are. And as has been said like a bazillion times now, but what the hey, lets say it again; from a production standpoint everybody gets that. Nobody is FORCING them to do this. All people want is an ANSWER. Yes, or no? What's the update? That's all that's being asked. See? Super easy.


Meh... substantial is comparitive, and since companion romances count for like 0.1% of the entire gameplay, thats not very substantial in comparison to the game as a whole ;)


I'm pretty sure they said "its coming" just like they did with everything else they have said they would do, wouldnt that be an answer??

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I'm tired of clarifyng once and again this kind of stuff. Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur, two mandalorian males, are a couple, happily married, and with an adopted child, and all of this is canon. Anyway this is even unnecesary, I don't need evidence in canon to know that certain things can happen in any particular fictional universe.

This is awesome, so much hate and trolling in so little time. Well, SGR will be added some day, it was promised, and there will be nothing trolls can do. This has been unnecesarily delayed for too much time!


Ah the great "if you dont agree with us you must be a hater" argument lol :rolleyes:


I dont think anyone gives a crap if they put SGR in the game, its the fact that people are making a big deal out of such a non issue when theres 100's of bugs and glitches, not to mention endgame content that could be added instead of spending time and money writing new scripts, paying for voice actors to do new work, coding in the new convos... etc...etc... simply to get 10 minutes worth of companion romances.

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