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What did 1.5 do to performance ):


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Funny how on the forums nobody ever drops below 2000000000 fps on a calculator, but in game nobody goes above 20, no matter what pc or settings


I just built a new PC and I haven't dropped BELOW 20 fps constantly on very high setting.

I get 100-110 with no / few other toons around

I get 50-90 in PvP

Lowest I've seen it drop is 25-30 during intense times in 16 HM TFB.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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I can honestly say I've never really had any problems running this game, like many others. I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept that. Aside from Ilum, everything has always run great for me on max settings. I'd wager a very large part of the problem is people's machines, though everyone denies it.
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I'm not sure if its that notorious 'memory leak' issue, or if its something else. Before anyone goes saying 'its your computer', up until 1.5 I played on Max settings with no issue. NOW, i'll be running around and the game (and my computer), will just stop for about 10-20-30 seconds, whilst the CPU fan whir's away loudly, before it finally settles down again and normal gameplay ensues (till the next time it happens).


Since 1.5 I've actually only playing on 'High' settings instead of 'very high' and the issue STILL happens. I'm not keen to go out and spend more money on a rig I only just recently upgraded, and it has nothing to do with the parts themselves, as games that are more graphically demanding the SWTOR (PS2 for example), have little to no issue whatsoever, and thats on a US server (from Australia). Now my ping is always 30ms or so and never really increases, so its not that, whaaaaaaat is it >.>.


And I typically spend my time in lower population areas anyway, so I doubt its the volume of people brought on from F2P... unless they're somehow affecting the entire server.


First: PS2 is far from more graphically demanding than SWTOR. It uses terribly low resolution textures, uses low poly models. All to compensate for allowing larger scale battles on even trashy hardware.


Besides that however, 10+ seconds freezing in any game are off and suggests either driver failures or hardware failures. Do you have any benchmarking solutions or stressing software to put your system to the test? Such as MSI kombustor for the GPU? Stress test the hardware to see if it runs into issues as well. Do a drive checkup to make sure a faulty segment isn't causing the hangups.

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I can honestly say I've never really had any problems running this game, like many others. I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept that. Aside from Ilum, everything has always run great for me on max settings. I'd wager a very large part of the problem is people's machines, though everyone denies it.


Some people dont find 15 FPS a problem.


I find it very big problem. I dont like choppy graphics and sttutering, what can you do, and on a game that is 2007 graphics wise.

Edited by GrandMike
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What did 1.5 do to SWTOR that has caused performance issues....


Probably nothing since the issues that are occurring now are the same ones that occurred at Launch. You must remember young Padawan, SWTOR was and still largely is a very poorly optimized game. It may have seemed better before 1.5 simply because it didn't have a high number of active users past the second month of its release.

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Some people dont find 15 FPS a problem.


I find it very big problem. I dont like choppy graphics and sttutering, what can you do, and on a game that is 2007 graphics wise.


If I were running at 15fps, I'd probably build a new computer. Or build a time machine, and go back to when I must have somehow built an inferior one in the first place. Either way, 15 isn't acceptable to me...luckily, my system doesn't perform in such an inept way. As I said in the post you replied to, the game runs fine. No issues whatsoever, aside from old Ilum days. Don't know what to tell you. I run everything on full with no issues.

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Yah, even at launch fanbois claimed they "get 100+ FPS no matter where they go and what they do" on max settings and 4 years old low-end graphic card".

And of course, everyone believed that :D




:D :D :D


from just the other day :D


Yeah, gotta love the guy claiming 130-140 FPS even though the framerate is capped at 110.

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People do realize that Eaware, ( well at least a yellow ) said they know about the issues.

They are working on it.


Just because you don't have anything wrong, does not mean something is not wrong with the game.


I will agree, that alot of times it is someones pc for most games. But I really think this game has issues.

I wont say a mem leak, because I'm not sure that is what it is. I'm still trying to figure out what it is.


I have a dinosaur for a system. I lag on the fleet. But that I do know is my machine.

Someone else posted this, so I take no credit for this next part I write. But, It is the same thing that I have felt a long time, is happening.


It seems like the info in your ram just does not want to release. So say it loads some stuff. It looks like it just sits there. Like it is saving it. Prolly to use again. But I have the feeling ( pure speculation on my part ) that it will reload the same stuff over and over again. Thus, filling up your ram, till it crashes.


I don't know if this is true. It is just a feeling I have. And like I said someone else explained this ( way better then I am I can't seem to find that post).


Maybe some people who have much better systems could look into this and see what they come up with.


The worst thing anyone can do atm is be a perfect fanboy and say errrrrr nothing is wrong my system is fine. Just as much the haters saying FIX IT NOW crap. Instead of everyone crying, or praising, lets try to figure this out.


Or just ignore me...... Because I don't know what I'm talking about. But this is one of those things that maybe we can figure out if we work together.

Edited by Spiritinblack
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1) That is what people told me (that we need aftermarket cooling to play SWTOR), which is why I quoted it and put it on my sig. Yes I found that funny as well.


and 2) What part of one update wrecked it and another fixed same issue that didn't exist before do you not understand. Wait, probably used too many words and confused you again :'(


simple version just for you: I DON'T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS EITHER


aaand added to my ignore list for having nothing worth saying, and what you do say is inflammatory.


Wow. Talk about over reaction. Holy moly man. Chill out.



You post doesn't even make any sense. You just got done telling someone to 'see your sig'. That's not good information and I called you on it.

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