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Rate the game, Rate the F2P


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Game: 8.5


Core gameplay = 10 The core of this game is awesome. I love the class concepts. I love the stories. Gameplay is solid barring the occasional server lag.


PvE Class balance = -0.5 The "5%" dps gap is non-existent across the board and some DPS specs are simply clunky and too much difficulty for the very low reward (looking at you operatives and to a lesser extent assassins).


End game content = -1.0 I would love to be able to spend a lot of time on just one character, but there just isn't the content for it. Once my weeklies are done my only options are dailies for credits I no longer need. There needs to be more horizontal non-operation content. The HK line was awesome for this. More of this please. We need more carrots.



F2P = 7 I'm a subscriber, but I still spent $85 on the shop stuff. It's a decent start. We still need the option to race change, recustomize, and server transfer. There also needs to be more unique gear (and for the love of god some decent consular gear. Noble Commander is awful).


Also a side note-- Legacy needs more work. I'm LL50. I'd like a title or something for this. I'd also like a legacy shared material bank. It doesn't even have to be a full featured bank-- just want to be able to share fragments and metals and whatnot.

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Game: I love it. I'm definitely under a honeymoon period since I'm a recent first time subscriber but I'm very happy with everything. To say the game needs improvement is moot point as any of us can create a grocery list of small little wishes and wants that *SHOULD!!!!* be in the game. The UI needs some improvement, but only some: I can't find the Centering bar or it's stacks- but the ability to customize the UI yourself to a certain degree is very welcomed. I'm going to keep myself positive and expect the space combat and new chapters in the future. I really want this game to have LEGS- I'm not an MMO kind of guy but I've always dug Bioware and the MMO game mechanics are slowly starting to really appeal to me.


New story content is a non-issue for me since I still have tons of stuff to do, in terms of Months of game time ahead of me. I understand why people could feel the game is in stasis once you reach level 50 but I think that only after a year since release the amount of gameplay you get from TOR is staggering before you reach that point. I finished Dragon Age 2 in about a week or two and that game cost me the equivalent of 4 months of TOR, plus tax. Also, maybe I'm crazy, but at $15 a month the game is GREAT VALUE until you reach that point. I do intend to eventually play as every class and that will probably take me more than 6-8 months or longer- I have almost 60 hour work weeks :( :( :(


Basically: Keep up the good work Bioware and I hope for great things from you guys in the near future!


F2P: Ya know: I'm very aware of how a lot of people are complaining about the so-called stingy, greedy , corrupt and retarded F2P model EA has released for this game and I don't really understand what people are actually expecting from a very generous move, I think, on the Devs part to give away the best part of the game , which is the story, for free. F2P was my first experience with the game and I found it very enjoyable. Enjoyable enough, in fact, to buy two months worth of a subscription.


The moment when I decided to actually pay for the game as a subscriber was the first time I didn't get a quest reward item. My first reaction was that I was annoyed but the more I thought about it the more I realized that it was worth it to unlock the game and pay for it. An MMO is in constant development and the only way that kind of business model is feasible for anyone, evil monolithic corporations or small time good guy indies both, is to make money off the venture. I'm very aware of the gripes a lot of people on the internet have with TOR's F2P and the media reaction (negative, yet mostly hopeful that it works to keep the game going) but it worked for me and hooked me as a subscriber.


I think the F2P is very fair and gives players a very generous taste of what the game is. Not being able to sprint, for example, *is* an obvious and somewhat arbitrary move to annoy people into paying for it because people should be paying for a game they are playing. No one deserves the entire game unlocked for free and if sprinting or anything else is really getting in the way that much of someone having fun, well, that person should stop and think about how the game actually is fun and worth paying for.


Game: 9/10

F2P: 7/10

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Game - 6.5

F2P - 8


The game remains at 6.5 at the moment, but I expect that it will rise soon in my eyes. It will not take much to nudge it up now that many positive changes have come about.


F2P is solid, but not perfect. Some prices are a bit too high, and I would have liked to have seen server transfers, name changes, legacy name changes, character slot unlocks and appearance changes in the store, as well as more level one armor. It loses one point for launching with only 2 bars and 2 character slots for preferred players, a mistake IMO. But that mistake has been corrected.

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Game : 7/10


Story is one of the best in MMORPG. Unfortunately, that can't be said for other things. Endgame, PvP, even world enviroment is terrible.


If you play this game for endgame then you will be dissapointed.


F2P : 7/10


Could have been worse. Could have been much better. It was however sucessful at bringing in more players. Thanks to F2P we no have 300-400 players on fleet and starting areas and theres always someone willing to do heroics.

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I would say the game still get's a solid 7/10 from me. Lots of room for improvement, but I still play it a lot more than I play LOTR, and GW2.


However, since f2p went live I have been much unhappier. The game itself hasn't changed, but the quality of the people has gone far downhill. It's more than your usual trolls, now it's bad trolls, blatant stupidity and rudeness all across the board. Gen chat get's turned off about ten minutes after I log in now..

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