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Collector's Edition Value Ruined


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What is up with the new 90 dollar version of the game that includes EVERY in game item that the collector's edition at almost twice the price? Even the mouse droid is available in game now.


I purchased collector's almost solely for the mount, and now come to find that I wasted 50 dollars on this edition, which only contains a small statue worth less than 20 dollars. I'm pretty pissed off about this, and am contemplating returning my collector's edition when it arrives.


You lure me in with promises of exclusive in game items and then rip them right out from under me the day you release the game fully. Why? Is anyone else irritated by this?

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Will people stop complaining about what they bought? Seriously, you payed for what you got. In the end you have nothing to whine about, there was no scam, no lies or no products imitating it when you bought it. Be happy for what you got, the CE-edition is a fine product and there is NOTHING like it.



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I purchased collector's almost solely for the mount, and now come to find that I wasted 50 dollars on this edition, which only contains a small statue worth less than 20 dollars. I'm pretty pissed off about this, and am contemplating returning my collector's edition when it arrives.


Obviously you've never bought a Gentle Giant statue before; the ones that size over over $200.

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perhaps you didn't understand the value of a collectors edition right, did you? Just for your interested: Today you have to pay around 1.500,- Euro's on eBay for an original unused Collectors Edition of World of Warcraft. Just think about it a second...


So whats your problem?

Ah - you opened the edition and played with it yourself...

i see.





PS: I would have been happy if i could get my fingers on an unused edition but it was totally sold out here months ago.

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What I'm referring to is the digital deluxe edition. It contains all in game items that the collector's edition does.


That has been around since they started selling the game for pre order. It's as old as the standard and CE, what is your point? You had a choice they were all available.


It's not new.


Slap yourself on the forehead and say doh.

Edited by Gomla
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What I'm referring to is the digital deluxe edition. It contains all in game items that the collector's edition does.


doesnt contain the mini droid pet and the access to CE store. the DDE has been around for as long as the CE has, there's nothing new about that

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What I'm referring to is the digital deluxe edition. It contains all in game items that the collector's edition does.


That's existed as long as the CE has; it's basically the CE without the physical items and always has been.

Edited by HELhikari
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doesnt contain the mini droid pet and the access to CE store. the DDE has been around for as long as the CE has, there's nothing new about that



Actually according to the VIP bracelet tooltip ingame the digital deluxe edition does get free access.

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Actually according to the VIP bracelet tooltip ingame the digital deluxe edition does get free access.


VIP Lounge and CE Store are two different things, CE Store is in the VIP Lounge (along with the VIP store, which the DDE players can use). Although both of them are pointless...


There's a Key Store, which is for people who register an authenticator of some flavour.

There's a VIP Store, for people with the DDE and CE.

There's a CE Store, for people with the CE.

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Actually according to the VIP bracelet tooltip ingame the digital deluxe edition does get free access.


It contains access to the VIP area NOT the CE store. This has been discussed to death already.


The CE and digital deluxe do NOT contain the same in game goodies...

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