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Official PvP Records 1.1


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Record: Highest Damage

Value: 1,644,581 Overall Damage




Record: DPS

Value: 1339.24 DPS



Taken today. Doesn't have a fancy phrase, but Scyn was in the match so he can vouch for its legitimacy. Probably the longest match I've played.


How do we know you and this guy scyn didn't give each other backrubs after the match? hmm... :eek:

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How do we know you and this guy scyn didn't give each other backrubs after the match? hmm... :eek:


How did you know??? :eek: Hey he told me he was having back pains, so I told him to grab as many healers as he can for the payment. :cool: It was a win win scenario! I got my dps, his back is feeling 100% better!

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Record: Highest Damage

Value: 1,644,581 Overall Damage




Record: DPS

Value: 1339.24 DPS



Taken today. Doesn't have a fancy phrase, but Scyn was in the match so he can vouch for its legitimacy. Probably the longest match I've played.


I honestly don't want a precedent set where you HAVE to hope one particular player, the Keeper of the Records, is actually playing in the warzone to vouch for the legitimacy of the record. That would exclude a lot of honestly-played out warzones.


But this should provide even more impetus for the server to finally agree on a protocol as to what will be accepted, what will not, and how records will be validated.

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Not at all, its been decided that a phrase will be said in chat. Scyn will apparently meet with pvp guild leaders to compromise on the term. I'm uploading this one before that has taken place though. Which is why I referenced him being in the match. The phrase in the chat log is the safest route to ensure records submitted are legitimate, and weren't when naked/augment exploits were around. :)
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How ever silly it may seem, I have noticed a new icon at da bottom of the inventory since 2.1 launched called collections or whatever, so if you wanna validate a SS you can show this icon poking underneath you WZ tab of your record breaking pvp match.


just and idea.

Edited by Aliensorigin
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How ever silly it may seem, I have noticed a new icon at da bottom of the inventory since 2.1 launched called collections or whatever, so if you wanna validate a SS you can show this icon poking underneath you WZ tab of your record breaking pvp match.


just and idea.


That sounds like a good idea for newer records. I won't be breaking any records for a while, but I'd be onboard with that.

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Record: Highest Damage

Value: 1,644,581 Overall Damage




Record: DPS

Value: 1339.24 DPS



Taken today. Doesn't have a fancy phrase, but Scyn was in the match so he can vouch for its legitimacy. Probably the longest match I've played.


Wow talk about healermade...

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Not gonna lie the match was pretty boring. And long. Kal probably would have outdone me too, if he had remembered to get into a saber stance after he respecced. :p


It was boring :( Nice numbers.


I have to give props to our teams dps though. You guys actually had more DPS and 3 healers too. Vindy is rather new to the scene but watching him and scyn working together to take out people was interesting.

Edited by Desiirea
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Scoreboard may reflect 3 but Arali was guarding grass that match. Didn't even see the other two at mid, :( they were probably trying to take snow. We only had dps at mid, I came close to dying a couple times when the two of them focused me. Probably would have been a good match to go annihilation. I was guarding with Arali for a while too. Wonder how high I'd have gotten if I was at mid since the start. :)


And you were throwing pebbles at me. :p

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Name: Myrmedon

Screenshot Link: http://i39.tinypic.com/2cp6jj7.jpg

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2): Highest protection/Protection in single life

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 351,934

Type of Match (Ranked or Unranked): ranked


Name: Deyvon

Screenshot Link: http://i39.tinypic.com/8yx4pf.jpg

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2): Highest dmg in single hit

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 9,570

Type of Match (Ranked or Unranked): ranked


I didn't get to put any phrase or anything because you guys haven't come up with it yet, but Jaadis was in game and I'm sure she can validate if you guys need to.

Edited by J_Fred
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So far my protection has been kind of anemic since 2.0, but:


Name: Semah

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/Ao4HOnK.jpg

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2): Highest protection

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 375,281

Type of Match (Ranked or Unranked): UNranked


Mode of verification: Collections button.


Note the 180400 tank self-healing. I could have broken 200k if I had been working a bit harder, I think. I expect us to need a 300k/300k protection/healing category before this expansion is done. I also expect someone to post a 900k screenshot in the next couple weeks.

Edited by Khalhazar
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So far my protection has been kind of anemic since 2.0, but:


Name: Semah

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/Ao4HOnK.jpg

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2): Highest protection

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 375,281

Type of Match (Ranked or Unranked): UNranked


Mode of verification: Collections button.


Note the 180400 tank self-healing. I could have broken 200k if I had been working a bit harder, I think. I expect us to need a 300k/300k protection/healing category before this expansion is done. I also expect someone to post a 900k screenshot in the next couple weeks.


I can barely tell because your inventory is in the way, but did Lolermelon break 2 mil heals? :eek:

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