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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official PvP Records 1.1


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now Hold on let me get this straight... So Lowbie doesn't count because you guys don't consider it really PvP? really? so 4 optimized augmented Warhero geared players Q'n together for regular warzones where the "Casual" PvP'ers Q is concidereds real PvP? so Farming Pugs is concidered real PvP? Really? so you "Real" PvP'ers come on here and "Hey lookie what I did" and your criting on players not well geared as you and possibly in PvE gear. I tell you what crit 8k-9k on me and I won't say nothing else ever again. Regular WZ isn't real PvP and you all know it. Go do you super teams in Ranked and then come on here and show off what you did against players as good as you. Then you will truly have the right to post anything. 28.4k objective Good job man Let these real PvP'ers know what time it is and stop frontin.

Edited by RayGonJinn
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He has a point. Lowbie pvp has bads that can be exploited by decent players, but so does 50s. He's spot on with the 8-9k crits as well. Those weren't on geared players, again showing that the disparity between players is generally the same across both brackets. Edited by PoliteAssasin
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now Hold on let me get this straight... So Lowbie doesn't count because you guys don't consider it really PvP? really? so 4 optimized augmented Warhero geared players Q'n together for regular warzones where the "Casual" PvP'ers Q is concidereds real PvP? so Farming Pugs is concidered real PvP? Really? so you "Real" PvP'ers come on here and "Hey lookie what I did" and your criting on players not well geared as you and possibly in PvE gear. I tell you what crit 8k-9k on me and I won't say nothing else ever again. Regular WZ isn't real PvP and you all know it. Go do you super teams in Ranked and then come on here and show off what you did against players as good as you. Then you will truly have the right to post anything. 28.4k objective Good job man Let these real PvP'ers know what time it is and stop frontin.


Ray cool the jets.... seriously lol. Lowbie isn't counted for a reason. It is true there are bad players in both brackets and there is an obvious gear disparity (which shouldn't be an issue anymore b/c there is no gear gap). However, lowbie pvp has an obvious skill and skill point disparity. People are performing well both due to their class or because of their level. It isn't a true representation of pvp because not everyone is on the same level mechanic wise. You cannot come here and tell me a level 49 going up against a level 10 is a fair fight. At level 50 you have all the tools necessary to be effective minus the gear. At level 10 you don't have the gear, or the skills, or the skill points. Its just too much of an uphill battle and that is why I do not include lowbie.


Second, don't start drama where there doesn't need to be any. If you have an issue with it, take it off this thread.


Lastly, you fail to see the point of this thread. It isn't to show off "ERRMMAGAWDDD IM THE BEST PVPER EVER". It is to see high numbers that you don't usually see and to have fun.

Edited by xContex
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I know it doesn't technically make in on the thread but... I call highest scrapper damage. (so close to beating Xerec XD)



902,828 damage

994.3 dps

5937 highest hit (don't stack power, either lol).


That match was so situationally perfect for high damage... Good tank/healers on my team, but too many heals on theirs / too few dps on mine, so it lasted the full length, plus their poorly geared players giving me big hits.

Edited by MelliMelon
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I know it doesn't technically make in on the thread but... I call highest scrapper damage. (so close to beating Xerec XD)



902,828 damage

994.3 dps

5937 highest hit (don't stack power, either lol).


That match was so situationally perfect for high damage... Good tank/healers on my team, but too many heals on theirs / too few dps on mine, so it lasted the full length, plus their poorly geared players giving me big hits.


Nerf scrappers.

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I know it doesn't technically make in on the thread but... I call highest scrapper damage. (so close to beating Xerec XD)



902,828 damage

994.3 dps

5937 highest hit (don't stack power, either lol).


That match was so situationally perfect for high damage... Good tank/healers on my team, but too many heals on theirs / too few dps on mine, so it lasted the full length, plus their poorly geared players giving me big hits.



Lol melyn i must admit your probably the best player ive ever faced since this game dropped. You tore my *** up on novare coast twice 1on1 lol you definently play your class well and are good at not letting me get anywhere close to you to be able to do any damage. Mad respect !

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