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7k smash,...intended?


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The next day after 1.2 patch release my gunnery managed to crit about 5k with his Demolition round having 5 stacks of grav on my target. It was counted as INSANE BUG and we were nerfed the next day to bottom when our top tier ability was reduced in crit to about 3k. Ok, we all left our comandos/mercs and started vanguards. But the thread is not about us but about Smashers...


My gear is top WH with augs etc and i still get 7k crits. I'm really happy if only one monkey leaps on me not five as it usually happens when they see commando mark. The worst thing is that my reactive shield doesn't reduce the smash crit at all.


BioWare, wake up!


Smashzergfest is making mad more and more people. It's time to end this idiocy, don't you think so?

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Most classes have to balance critical chance against critical multiplier (among other stats). I understand that this smash spec allows people to merely stack critical multiplier since the crit is automatic. Seems a bit off.


You get 100% crit chanse on your next smash after you jump...

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I highly doubt you got crit for 7k if you have at least 1100 expertise. But okay.


I have 1370 expertise and I get hit by 6.5-7k smashes/sweeps quite frequently. I've seen one JK have a 9.6k hit. Probably on a low expertise player, but still ridiculous.

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You can have high expertise and get smashed that hard in many specs.


I don't personally think the spec is op though. I just think it makes for boring as hell pvp when you have a bunch of them. Add that to the fact that any idiot with gear can be a threat with that spec and it takes some fun out of pvp.


There are so many horrible premade players that run this spec against recruit pugs for huge dmg and think they are good pvpr's. You aren't lol.

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OP the most not all but most of the community has been up in arms about glowsticks for some time now, the only way to make a change is to definitivly give the BW devs that they are the favored class. when all thats running around in WZ's is glow sticks what will BW think then? The ones that rely on that class due to skill issues will whine and those that dont will laugh,


It will be at that point that BW will have to make a change because there is no way that any MMO can survive if the only class that was played was a glow stick in WZ's because of FOTOM issues.

Edited by DarthSabreth
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Its possible that BW will strengthen the smash spec somehow; the opposite of the what players want generally occurs in my experience. They might look at the metrics again and think "Everyone is asking for a nerf here, but I think its underpowered, lets buff this"


They have done it before.

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I highly doubt you got crit for 7k if you have at least 1100 expertise. But okay.


Actually it is semi-feasibly, as a full war hero guardian tank I get hit for around 4.5k from the well geared smashers, since he is in heavy armour he probably has about 35% damage reduction from armour whereas I in my tank stance have just under 50% so if I'm halving the damage and get hit for 4.5k then let's say it is a 9k hit now take away 35% of 9k and it is a 5850 hit. So if his damage reduction is even a few percentage points lower and he gets hit by somebody that has more surge/mainstat then the guys hitting me for 4.5k a 7k hit is feasible but I wouldn't expect it to be all that common.


In short rage/focus is terribly broken and could defiantly use a nerf to bring it back in line with all the other damage dealing specs in the game.

Edited by Lintman
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People need to realize that there are tons of other specs/ classes that hit big numbers even on 1200+ exp enemies. Pretty much any burst spec will be. Smash spec, Deception/ Infiltration, Scrapper/ Concealment, Pyro/ Assault, Carnage/ Combat, the list goes on. Hell, even Sorcs/ Sages I've seen get 6-7k crits off of Deathfield/ FiB. Even the Jugg/ Guardian's middle tree, that nobody plays anymore, I've seen big hits off of it too. Just because you got hit for a big number does not mean whatever hit you is OP. If that were true, you'd have to nerf pretty much every class in the game.
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It's literally impossible to get a 7k crit with Death field / FiB with current gear.


In PvE gear with 1000 power and 2300 willpower I dont' even break 5k on 0 defense enemies. PvP hits would be a lot higher with expertise, but even a 30% gain is only 6.5k, but you couldn't reach that because you'd need PvE gear stats AND 1200 expertise.

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BW here: "We want you to know we've heard your complaints, and will be raising smash damage by 20% as you've all asked. Oh, another immunity CD for marauders? Yeah, that seems fine too. Oh, and we'll be nerfing dps ops and... uh, mercs- 3k tracer missiles? Too OP, nerf inc! Thank you for playing."
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Yep working as intended. Just because you get hit with 7k hits doesn't mean that its normal for everyone, or that it isn't working as intended. As others say in here you must be walking around with low expertise or poorly geared. Also, quit whining about the damage because Bioware didn't even boost it when they buffed rage. A lot of this is just all in people's heads because they see more smashers. And lastly, don't blame people for switching to it after Bioware broke vengeance and annihilation. For juggs its the only dps tree left. For good dual weilders who know how easy combat/carnage is to shut down, its the only viable tree left.
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The next day after 1.2 patch release my gunnery managed to crit about 5k with his Demolition round having 5 stacks of grav on my target. It was counted as INSANE BUG and we were nerfed the next day to bottom when our top tier ability was reduced in crit to about 3k. Ok, we all left our comandos/mercs and started vanguards. But the thread is not about us but about Smashers...


My gear is top WH with augs etc and i still get 7k crits. I'm really happy if only one monkey leaps on me not five as it usually happens when they see commando mark. The worst thing is that my reactive shield doesn't reduce the smash crit at all.


BioWare, wake up!


Smashzergfest is making mad more and more people. It's time to end this idiocy, don't you think so?


I wish people like you would get informed before they QQ like this. Yes, smash is completely OP, but you ruin your credibility by saying things like energy shield doesn't mitigate damage. It mitigates 25% of ALL DAMAGE. How would you even know if it didn't? Did you just feel like you were getting hti too hard and it wasn't working?


Also, I was hitting 8k Heatseekers after 1.2 with no tracer stacks. It was dependent on how many debuffs you target had on it. They fixed the bug, which is whatever imo, but then they also changed how tracer debuffs affected Heatseekers damage as well somehow. They said it was "mysteriously buffing Heatseeker too much". That was the stupid part imo. I have 1100 power now and my heatseekers in PVE are hitting exactly the same as when I was in Rakata gear. This is regular hits on a boss mob not the buggy extra buffed HSM.

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It was dependent on how many debuffs you target had on it.



Not to take this quote out of context but it applies here ...

Sometimes you will get hit hard with a smash because you have 4-5 stacks of armor debuff on you. Lots of factors to take into account besides expertise, gear, crit, etc.

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Not to take this quote out of context but it applies here ...

Sometimes you will get hit hard with a smash because you have 4-5 stacks of armor debuff on you. Lots of factors to take into account besides expertise, gear, crit, etc.


Except that Bioware deemed that NOT working as intended and fixed it within 24 hours...

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