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Did you increase server population?


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they opened more, however new people just jumped into the ones people allready have high lvlv chars on -.-


For that reason, BW should have locked the Early Access servers for, say, 2-3 days, so no new characters could be created on them during the bulk of the launch.

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For that reason, BW should have locked the Early Access servers for, say, 2-3 days, so no new characters could be created on them during the bulk of the launch.


Which would suck for people who aren't settled on a character and wish to create an alternative one on a server where their guild and friends are...

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They actually did increase the capacity of all servers. If you did not notice, yesterday in the evening there was no queue estimated time logner than 30 minutes on even the mostly populated servers, while before some queues could take up to 1-2 hours.


Good job BioWare! ;)

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THey actually decreased the max pop on all servers after maintenance and theay raising it by a few hundred in every few hours as it seems. There are only a few hundred people on each servers which are "full" now. This is they way they want to spread the new players... An odd way if you ask me
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200 people infront of me in the queue, at 11.30 am on a workday, i am scared of what prime time queues will be. :p



same i logged on 400 que wth :D they will probably be lovered once ppl settle down. Im not to worried. It will make your server more future safe tough. And you can play with randoms after and before primetimes. I usually play late, and thats where the low pop servers fall. Sinc ethere is so little people to grp with etc.

Edited by Elixx_Deco
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You also have to consider the fact that the http://www.swtor.com/server-status reflects the CURRENT load on the server, so a server might be listed as FULL at prime time, but LIGHT in the middle of the night when most people tend to sleep.


Most players seems to completely ignore this, and just whine on about everything without even checking up things in advance..

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TBH they should of done one of the following:

A: Copied WoW server recommend tool, B: Put a peak load indicator on server select.

Or C: just lock existing servers for ~1 day to force people to use the new servers IMO for new characters.


Since they cant do any of that I want Free server Transfers to be implemented so I can get my charaters off of the stupid 30-1 hour queue server.

Edited by Kotli
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It would be silly to increase the server pop right now... with the new people starting today or those getting their game on christmas eve, they rather keep the cap for now so those players chose one of the new light servers.
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The problkem is more people wants to join a server where there friends are...and they tend to be full...ohh how I long to get home and wait a few hours before I get online haha.

But what I dont get why coudlnt BW have increased the populatation. I dont know how much the cap is atm, but my experince from WoW if I remember correctly there was 4000 on every server ( correct me please if I am wrong)

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