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Need help with the Annihilation tree.


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So I just reached 40 and Im loving the annihilation tree. But I am not sure which of these 3 perks I should skip. Should I skip the 1 extra rage from charge, -2sec cd on interupt, -15sec cd on obscufate or 0m range on charge? I kind of need the 1 extra rage from charge to complete my rotation(charge-overload-BA-rupture-annihilate) but i could get lucky and gain rage from the DoT's aswell. the -2sec on interupt seems really nice, and the 0m range of charge is also nice... So which 1 should i skip? Im talking pvp here.
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So I just reached 40 and Im loving the annihilation tree. But I am not sure which of these 3 perks I should skip. Should I skip the 1 extra rage from charge, -2sec cd on interupt, -15sec cd on obscufate or 0m range on charge? I kind of need the 1 extra rage from charge to complete my rotation(charge-overload-BA-rupture-annihilate) but i could get lucky and gain rage from the DoT's aswell. the -2sec on interupt seems really nice, and the 0m range of charge is also nice... So which 1 should i skip? Im talking pvp here.


Here's my spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRrfsZGMz.2


I'm all about PvP and I switch around with annihilation and carnage tree from time to time, I don't touch rage tree. That spec that I linked is working for me very well. With that spec I can stay up close all the time and be able to shutdown players because of low cooldown for disruption. Enemy healers will hate you, aswell as other classes that rely on activation time / channeling abilities. 0m charge is very good, because you do not have to ''retreat'' from your target.


My opener is charge -> deadly sabers -> battering assault -> rupture -> annihiliate. With good odds annihilate will proc and finish ruptures CD and I'm able to hit it in there soon as the current one ends. You need all the rage you can get, the magic with this spec is to keep the annihilate rolling and hit every time deadly sabers & rupture on target when they come off from CD, aswell as the annihilate.

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Is what I'd recommend.

If you only "need" that 1 rage, then just one point is enough.

5m for the charge. Generally you shouldn't have trouble moving a couple meters to use it.


Ravager and Malice in Rage, followed by Brutality.


After that, probably 1 point in Cloak of Carnage as you should often have this up. Two points in dual wield master. The extra point put in Cloak of Carnage will benefit you way more than a small boost to your offhand damage.

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Is what I'd recommend.

If you only "need" that 1 rage, then just one point is enough.

5m for the charge. Generally you shouldn't have trouble moving a couple meters to use it.


Ravager and Malice in Rage, followed by Brutality.


After that, probably 1 point in Cloak of Carnage as you should often have this up. Two points in dual wield master. The extra point put in Cloak of Carnage will benefit you way more than a small boost to your offhand damage.

Nope. Try again

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Here's my spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRrfsZGMz.2


I'm all about PvP and I switch around with annihilation and carnage tree from time to time, I don't touch rage tree. That spec that I linked is working for me very well. With that spec I can stay up close all the time and be able to shutdown players because of low cooldown for disruption. Enemy healers will hate you, aswell as other classes that rely on activation time / channeling abilities. 0m charge is very good, because you do not have to ''retreat'' from your target.


My opener is charge -> deadly sabers -> battering assault -> rupture -> annihiliate. With good odds annihilate will proc and finish ruptures CD and I'm able to hit it in there soon as the current one ends. You need all the rage you can get, the magic with this spec is to keep the annihilate rolling and hit every time deadly sabers & rupture on target when they come off from CD, aswell as the annihilate.


This spec seems good except i would turn the 2 points in cloak of carnage into ravager :p Thanks for the replies!

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I'm currently experimenting this spec but in Shii-Cho form. Since they nerfed the crit heals to 1%, waisting Berserk for a mere 6% heal is a bit useless. In addition, with Shii-Cho enabled I get 5% dmg reduction on all dmg types, plus I get 12 rage each time I pop Berserk, which means I can also use Smash, Force Scream and Annihilate more often. I've been getting very good results up to now :)

Edited by Alec-Trentini
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... I can also use Smash, Force Scream and Annihilate more often. I've been getting very good results up to now :)


Force Scream? As annihilation Marauder? Really...? :jawa_mad:


and using Sii-Cho as annihilation is a big lose in dps, you are losing the +3% crits / stack of Juyo on ALL your bleeds... and your bleeds are a good third of your dps.


Don't get me wrong, experimenting is good... but... :-)

Edited by Makkoo
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The "pure DPS" PVE build looks like this:



Some prefer Defensive Roll for PVE (big AoE damage reduction):





For PVP, there's more variance, but a few common things:









Honestly... for PVE, the healers' job is to keep you standing (including healer companion when solo and in need of extra healing). Your job is to maximize the damage you do, and have enough understanding of mechanics to avoid taking unnecessary damage. If I'm Annihilation (rare), I always run a pure DPS spec (with Brutality) for PVE, and I always spec to Defensive Roll for PVP (though, honestly, I almost always go Carnage or Rage, because they're just flat better).

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Phantom is useless and so is cloak of carnage (especially putting 2 points into it).

And if you're all about pvp, you should have the slow on rupture



This when I play anni, with the only difference of 2 points in defensive roll than ravager for hulk reasons and because it's not often that I get the full ravage channeling uninterrupted.


PS: Plus Gosia is one of the best sentinels so it's good to listen to his advice.

Edited by MusicRider
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This spec seems good except i would turn the 2 points in cloak of carnage into ravager :p Thanks for the replies!


In my opinion you are losing quite a bit in dps without taking the +6% critical from rage, all your bleed attacks are force attacks. I used to have 1 point in phantom but the benefit is none, as I use force camo not as an escape ability but as a "drop aggro" one which also gives healer time to heal. When you stealth the attention goes to someone else in your team and this might be the healer, it's not really good to let your healer take damage for the duration of your camo .

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