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Stop inviting me when i'm in combat!!!!


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It was probably something they also needed credit for. And not to be cutthroat about it, but I'd be glad that the person shot me an invite in an attempt to help, rather than simply letting you die and taking it for themselves.


I don't understand why people just don't accept them. Also, it's completely laughable that an invite would result in the death of anyone - you were doing to die, and you're just looking for something to blame for whatever reason. "Obscured" vision is hardly an issue in an MMO. FPS, sure. But not here.

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God forbid, you stop playing solo and start playing multiplayer.


I throw out invites all the time to people who are doing the quests Im currently doing, as it shares kills and saves time waiting for respawns.


Im sick and tired of all these solo players playing a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME, and not grouping for quests. I honestly hope that on day and game comes along that forces players into groups when your near each other and doing the same quest.




As I said in an earlier post i don't mind invites and often accept them but when I'm in the middle of a tough fight i do NOT appriciate them. If you help me first then invite me i'm very likely to accept (If not on my way to turn in quests and log off)

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It was probably something they also needed credit for. And not to be cutthroat about it, but I'd be glad that the person shot me an invite in an attempt to help, rather than simply letting you die and taking it for themselves.


I don't understand why people just don't accept them. Also, it's completely laughable that an invite would result in the death of anyone - you were doing to die, and you're just looking for something to blame for whatever reason. "Obscured" vision is hardly an issue in an MMO. FPS, sure. But not here.


I have on several occasions won fights where I had less than 500 hp left so it was probally 50/50 who would win that fight...

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God forbid, you stop playing solo and start playing multiplayer.

Im sick and tired of all these solo players playing a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME, and not grouping for quests. I honestly hope that one day a game comes along that forces players into groups when your near each other and doing the same quest.



Multiplayer does not mean 'must group'. It simply means that there are...multiple players...online in the same game (on the same server) at the same time. There are very few online games that require grouping to have one's toon succeed, because that is a model that is not conducive to large subscription numbers. I've learned this fact, and I've dealt with it. Anyone else can, too.


While I sympathize with the OP, what happened to him is not going to stop, particularly in the F2P era. I have no problem dragging the invite box up to the top right of the screen and leaving it there while I finish what I'm doing if the invite is unwanted (and nine times out of ten, it is exactly that), and the possibility of a hostile reaction can always be cured with the 'ignore' function. Similarly, if I am in a warzone, and some professor sends me a tell, I type (as soon as is feasible) /ops Whee (to make sure I can still call out incomings if I'm, say, guarding a turret in Civil War or Novare Coast (not usually an issue in Huttball or Voidstar, obviously). If they expect an immediate reply - too bad. I'm busy.

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Multiplayer does not mean 'must group'. It simply means that there are...multiple players...online in the same game (on the same server) at the same time. There are very few online games that require grouping to have one's toon succeed, because that is a model that is not conducive to large subscription numbers. I've learned this fact, and I've dealt with it. Anyone else can, too.


While I sympathize with the OP, what happened to him is not going to stop, particularly in the F2P era. I have no problem dragging the invite box up to the top right of the screen and leaving it there while I finish what I'm doing if the invite is unwanted (and nine times out of ten, it is exactly that), and the possibility of a hostile reaction can always be cured with the 'ignore' function. Similarly, if I am in a warzone, and some professor sends me a tell, I type (as soon as is feasible) /ops Whee (to make sure I can still call out incomings if I'm, say, guarding a turret in Civil War or Novare Coast (not usually an issue in Huttball or Voidstar, obviously). If they expect an immediate reply - too bad. I'm busy.


Seriously, people don’t know that you can go into Preferences, click on User Interface, scroll to Social Center, and click Show Invites as Social Messages? That way group invites or trades or any other invite won’t block you view, interrupt your keys or any other so called problems invites seem to entail.

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Ya know, instead of whining about someone inviting you, most likely to help, maybe change your invites to social messages so they don’t block you view.


accepting or declining the invite would stil have resulted in me getting killed so...

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I have on several occasions won fights where I had less than 500 hp left so it was probally 50/50 who would win that fight...


Unless clicking on "Decline" triggers a GCD or two (and it doesn't), it would have no impact. If you choose not to perform actions and instead choose to click Decline (which is not urgent), you are choosing your own fate. No one is forcing you to accept or decline the invite, nor does doing so affect your character's performance in any way.

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What good is it then if he, as you suggested, invited to help me?????


You have the Option to accept without it interfering with your combat, is that so hard to understand, or are you just ************ to *****? If you want to accept the invite click yes, if you want to finish the fight, then wait, I thought it was fairly obvious from my other post that it was a choice by you, that won’t block your keys or view.


If you just want to be mad about something don’t change it and get pissed each time it happens, or do something about it, either turn off all invites or change them to a social message, doesn’t matter to me either way. But I get tired of hearing this same complaint when it’s so damn easy to fix.

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You have the Option to accept without it interfering with your combat, is that so hard to understand, or are you just ************ to *****? If you want to accept the invite click yes, if you want to finish the fight, then wait, I thought it was fairly obvious from my other post that it was a choice by you, that won’t block your keys or view.


If you just want to be mad about something don’t change it and get pissed each time it happens, or do something about it, either turn off all invites or change them to a social message, doesn’t matter to me either way. But I get tired of hearing this same complaint when it’s so damn easy to fix.


You're absolutely right it's my own fault that he sends me an invite in the middle if a fight. I'm sorry can you ever forgive me :o


The next time I log on i will find the guy and apologize to him for dying because something as silly as an untimely invite, when he clearly did to help me


I so sorry for wasting your time with my petty problems. ;)

Edited by sdust
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You obviously don't want to help or be helped, so I'm not sure what you're trying to get across, here.


I often help others, I just don't invite until after the fights so I dont mess anything up for the people I try to help

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You obviously don't want to help or be helped, so I'm not sure what you're trying to get across, here.


It's no longer about the issue since a solution has been offered, but instead likely he is mad, maybe confused, probably both.

Edited by Dragoon-
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You're absolutely right it's my own fault that he sends me an invite in the middle if a fight. I'm sorry can you ever forgive me :o


The next time I log on i will find the guy and apologize to him for dying because something as silly as an untimely invite, when he clearly did to help me


I so sorry for wasting your time with my petty problems. ;)


You remind me of the person sitting on top of their car in a flood, waving off the rescue helicopter then ************ at god or the world in general for your problems. You’ve been told a simple solution to the perceived problem, but instead of accepting it, you’d rather complain and continue to highlight the obviously egregious damage done to you.


Please, leave your invites the way they are, I kinda like the fact that you’ll get butthurt every time this happens :p

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Y I kinda like the fact that you’ll get butthurt every time this happens :p


Ah! well then something good has come of this after all :D



P.S. I didn't know about the social message thingy and will correct it next time I log in, but I stiil don't understand why anyone would chance messing something up for their fellow players in the middle of a fight. Oh well guess I'm dumb for not understanding that :)

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For the majority of the population, receiving an invite does not mess up their flow. I know in general when I'm fighting I'm more focused on the target's castbar and healthbar and watching my quickbars. I easily ignore any invite requests. The other person involved probably didn't realize sending a group invite to you would mess up your rhythm.


Personally, I ignore and reject all invites unless they send me a tell first.

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For the majority of the population, receiving an invite does not mess up their flow. I know in general when I'm fighting I'm more focused on the target's castbar and healthbar and watching my quickbars. I easily ignore any invite requests. The other person involved probably didn't realize sending a group invite to you would mess up your rhythm.


Personally, I ignore and reject all invites unless they send me a tell first.


I considered that but then I suspect I will be loathed for being antisocial


Damned if you don't; damned if you do..

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Personally, I ignore and reject all invites unless they send me a tell first.


It depends on the situation. If I’m in a city or camp, then yea, I almost always refuse an unannounced invite. If on the other hand I’m at a quest mob or whatever, then I’m more than happy to hit accept from a random invite then drop group as soon as the fight is over.


The thing I would wholeheartedly agree on in line with the Ops complaint is unrequested/messaged guild invites. I seriously despise people who think I want to socialize with them without even a hi or wana join blah blah first.

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What good is it then if he, as you suggested, invited to help me?????


My guess as to what really happened. The guy came and saw you were struggling with a mob and didn't just want to jump in because in many games if you die after he jumped in but not in group....it becomes his mob at really low health. So he shoots you and invite that way he can jump in and help you fight even if you die as long as you don't release you will still get credit for the kill and chance for the loot.


From the sound of it, it is likely you were going to die even if he didn't shoot you an invite. Which is another bad area for gamers since the mob is still there and does he want to try and kill it or be nice and wait for you

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God forbid, you stop playing solo and start playing multiplayer.


I throw out invites all the time to people who are doing the quests Im currently doing, as it shares kills and saves time waiting for respawns.


Im sick and tired of all these solo players playing a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME, and not grouping for quests. I honestly hope that one day a game comes along that forces players into groups when your near each other and doing the same quest.




Sarcastic Reply: So Quit the game.


Realistic Reply: The game is SET-UP to be playable Solo. You prefer to socialise when playing, others prefer to play.

In short, you play your way, and you don't like people that don't. ..TOUGH.

The game doesn't REQURE team-ups, which is why 90%+ of the missions PER PLANET are not Heroic.


Some people play PvE until 10th level and then go pure PvP. (Personally can't stand 'em, 'cause they whine more than a lonely puppy at 2am.)

Me, and many others, play PvE and don't PvP.

Then there are the PvP players I actually respect...they play the game AND PvP. (Several friends go this route.)

Then there are the "The only content worth playing is End Game content" . (Can't stand these idiots who think 75% of the game is there ONLY to get them the XP to play the "real game.")



Caught on yet?

You play your way, let me and everyone else play the way WE WANT.


As for Random Invites?

Welcome to the /ignore list.


Protocol: Whisper, accept, invite.


Oh, in case you didn't catch it...I approve 100% of the OP's spleen vent.

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My guess as to what really happened. The guy came and saw you were struggling with a mob and didn't just want to jump in because in many games if you die after he jumped in but not in group....it becomes his mob at really low health. So he shoots you and invite that way he can jump in and help you fight even if you die as long as you don't release you will still get credit for the kill and chance for the loot.


From the sound of it, it is likely you were going to die even if he didn't shoot you an invite. Which is another bad area for gamers since the mob is still there and does he want to try and kill it or be nice and wait for you


If I die anyway I don't really care who gets the kill, and even if he risked facing the elite at full health, I had already killed 4-5 miions the elite had with him, so it was much easier fight for him.

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