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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So in 1 year, the previously top PvP gear becomes obsolete.


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Judging by this, I guess it's safe to expect Elite Warhero to be removed from vendors in December 2013, assuming the SWOTR will still exist by then :D


And i remember the days when people used to be impressed when somebody had 1-2 pieces of BM gear :) people that grinded the 60 valor before the valor buff and got items with that stupid random bag system they brought back in for cartels :)


Jeez, how fast times flies by :) We might witness how marauders will be the least played class in SWTOR, it's never to late :D

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Yea, I still remember when BM gear was a lottery system. *shudder*



Re-releasing existing sets of armor (in a different color) with +4 to different stats is not engaging content, nor fun to spend 2 months to obtain a fully maximized setup. It's a band aid to make up for lack of actual PvP content.


I really wish they would stop this crap and get to establishing a plan for World PvP already. Here's to 2013. :o

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Judging by this, I guess it's safe to expect Elite Warhero to be removed from vendors in December 2013, assuming the SWOTR will still exist by then :D


And i remember the days when people used to be impressed when somebody had 1-2 pieces of BM gear :) people that grinded the 60 valor before the valor buff and got items with that stupid random bag system they brought back in for cartels :)


Jeez, how fast times flies by :) We might witness how marauders will be the least played class in SWTOR, it's never to late :D


It's an MMORPG. This happens all the time.

And people cry about it all the time like it's something new.

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Initially people complained that there was nothing to do one you obtained full WH.


Now that EWH is announced people are still complaining? Keep in mind that grinding pieces in this game is the only thing that keeps it fresh.(PvE is subjectively boring as hell)


If anything now people will be rolling alts even faster. Really though I would say it's a good thing considering the amount of new pvpers we have.

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i am all for choice how about different set bonuses or something that is an alternative not a replacement


Id be cateful with those ideas on this forum sir. You see, brilliant things like adding new interesting set bonuses would make this game way too fun and would actually require some effort from devs. Are you sure you want to make them your enemies for suggesting something that amazin?

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new tiers is not the problem. the problem is that they are dumbing (in terms of cost) down WH to make a new top tier set. Other games leave the progression but BW doesnt want to do that as it will discourage new people. I agree with BW about closing the gear gap but fix the broken gear dont make everyone regrind.
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Judging by this, I guess it's safe to expect Elite Warhero to be removed from vendors in December 2013


It's nothing new to MMO's, gear progression is what keeps many players playing, regardless of the small jump in stats.


On the flip side, it has to seem attainable for new players, no-one's going to want to join a game a year or so in and see they are required to work through three or four tiers of progression to catch up with everyone else.

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Initially people complained that there was nothing to do one you obtained full WH.


Now that EWH is announced people are still complaining? Keep in mind that grinding pieces in this game is the only thing that keeps it fresh.(PvE is subjectively boring as hell)


If anything now people will be rolling alts even faster. Really though I would say it's a good thing considering the amount of new pvpers we have.


you are missing the point, dude.

in 2-3 months all PvP gear will be free for everybody, or you gear up in 2 days. Well for me it is not a challange.

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I guess this is normal... i mean how many tiers does WoW armors have?


I don't know the answer to that, as I don't play WoW, but I do know enough to know that the root of all evil with gear grinds comes from WoW. They need to flush that kind of game-design down the toilet, ASAP.


No one wants to spend countless hours of real life time grinding gear that is obsolete ever few months, and have it handed out to new players at a 1/3 of the cost.


Bioware/EA are a joke, They have no idea how to run an MMO. They are just copying WoW's dated MMO style from circa 2005, 7 years ago. This will not work, and these kind of game designs will lead to this game being CLOSED in 2013.

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It is important to remember it does not work this way in all MMOs. While I am thankful they give people some gear to start in, I do hate that the outcome of many battles is deteremined by gear alone.


GW2 for example gives you a wide selection of pvp gear when you enter this mists. It is all free, you mix and match it as you see fit and test it on the combat golems in that area. Its not perfect, but you can't blame the outcome of a fight on not having gear. It also makes much more sense for their ranked tournaments, everyone is on level playing field.


They still give you stuff to earn, a pretty massive selection of skins to collect from doing Spvp.

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It's an MMORPG. This happens all the time.

And people cry about it all the time like it's something new.

not really....they generally add pvp content and updates along with a new set....this game hasn't seen a PvP content update in 6 months(we're still in "preseason" for cryin out loud), and instead of giving us real content, and an open world pvp system, they just throw us some new gear.....

This doesn't happen in other MMOs, and is bordering on disrespectful.

Edited by Synxos
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Remember to buy those Battlemaster Armor schematics in case they are no longer available. There might come a day when the old looks are sought after. Like popped collars and bell-bottoms :D


Oh finally the football stuff on the TV. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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The only thing im concerned about is how the set bonuses will be arrainged. I prefer the bonuses to be in the mods so i can put them in any orange i fancy with the bonuses in tact. That was the only thing i disliked about the bm gear. When wm gear was available, boy did i mod :D
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I don't know the answer to that, as I don't play WoW, but I do know enough to know that the root of all evil with gear grinds comes from WoW. They need to flush that kind of game-design down the toilet, ASAP.


No one wants to spend countless hours of real life time grinding gear that is obsolete ever few months, and have it handed out to new players at a 1/3 of the cost.


Bioware/EA are a joke, They have no idea how to run an MMO. They are just copying WoW's dated MMO style from circa 2005, 7 years ago. This will not work, and these kind of game designs will lead to this game being CLOSED in 2013.


Funniest thing. This game takes longer to get PvP gear than WoW does.

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Yea, I still remember when BM gear was a lottery system. *shudder*



Re-releasing existing sets of armor (in a different color) with +4 to different stats is not engaging content, nor fun to spend 2 months to obtain a fully maximized setup. It's a band aid to make up for lack of actual PvP content.


I really wish they would stop this crap and get to establishing a plan for World PvP already. Here's to 2013. :o


You mean when people actually pvped?

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And i remember the days when people used to be impressed when somebody had 1-2 pieces of BM gear :) people that grinded the 60 valor before the valor buff and got items with that stupid random bag system they brought back in for cartels :)


Ah the glory days. I'm well past Battlemaster and my server no longer exists, but my sig will remain

Edited by Arlanon
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