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Would you support a relaunch of SWTOR?


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Not that I think this well ever happen, but I'm just curious. I never played Final Fantasy XIV, but I heard it was so bad, that Square Enix shut it down so that they could work on it and relaunch it all over again at a future date.


Given the problems with SWTOR such as the Hero Engine needing a complete overhaul, numerous bugs that have been in since beta, bad faction imbalance, and some questionable design decisions, not to mention losing half the staff due to layoffs, do you think this game would be served better by having a new relaunch with all the features that should have been in at the original launch, plus additional fixes?

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So shutdown the game and wait 5 years for them to make a new version of it, test it thoroughly and release it? No thanks. Also, whatever features "should have been in at launch" is a very subjective matter of opinion. MMOs are never finished products at launch so it's not very realistic to expect them to have every feature in at launch that other games added several years after their launches.
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Not that I think this well ever happen, but I'm just curious. I never played Final Fantasy XIV, but I heard it was so bad, that Square Enix shut it down so that they could work on it and relaunch it all over again at a future date.


Given the problems with SWTOR such as the Hero Engine needing a complete overhaul, numerous bugs that have been in since beta, bad faction imbalance, and some questionable design decisions, not to mention losing half the staff due to layoffs, do you think this game would be served better by having a new relaunch with all the features that should have been in at the original launch, plus additional fixes?


There's several things here which need to be taken into account, and as to why a relaunch may not help better anything at all.


- Hero Engine: This engine has been used as a foundation, which without a doubt has been altered to a great extent. Honestly, if we'ld be able to view the code, I doubt you could still call it the Hero Engine by this point.


- Numerous bugs: Will not be fixed by doing a major overhaul. Better yet, such major overhaul will only start of with an equal number of bugs again. Additionally, there's nothing gamebreaking I've encountered so far, and nothing which could be solved by hardware upgrades.


- Bad faction imbalance: Well yeh, commonly heard in any MMO. However, with classes practically mirrored... yeh?


- Losing half the staff due to layoffs: Well yeh, take into account. WoW started off with a team of around 40 and is now on about 60 they recently disclosed. In case of SWTOR... have you watched the credits once? The team was in the order of hundreds. Probably roughly 400 working on different game development teams, roughly 50 or so on QA, etc. It would have been surprising NOT to see a lot of those people go. Frankly, this is how EA works. Pull up a big team, get the project done and slim down heavily. Nothing new to them.




So no, a relaunch will not change anything imo, it'd be a completely pointless endevour in this case.

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I see your logic OP, but don't think it applies here (with the exception of the hero eingine). the game has issues, but it's not broken like FF was. it's been in production for close to a year...far long enough to see if it is so broke it's unplayable. and so far, the populations have at least shown that it's playable, though it may not get a 10 of 10 in many peoples eyes.


killing a game outright due to unfixable elements takes a SERIOUSLY broken game. and in spite of the minority of extremists on the forums, most players don't see SWtOR that way.


My only exception is the eingine. if they wanted to drop the game for a month to revamp (a.k.a replace) the game engine with something proven and effective like the Crysis engine I would be all over that. Sooo all over that. i'd even keep up my sub during that month if it helped them get that warped monstrosity that is the Hero Engine out of the game.


Probably wont happen :D but there's always hope...

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My only exception is the eingine. if they wanted to drop the game for a month to revamp (a.k.a replace) the game engine with something proven and effective like the Crysis engine I would be all over that. Sooo all over that. i'd even keep up my sub during that month if it helped them get that warped monstrosity that is the Hero Engine out of the game.


We have no clue on how the Crytek engine would perform in an MMO environment. In addition to that, out of the recent engines, the Crytek engine is widely known to be one of the least optimized ones. Within EA's own domain the Frostbite engine would be a much better alternative in that case, however that engine just as well, may not be well adjusted for MMO gameplay.


Additionally, the sole reason they went for Hero is to ensure they could start of quickly. Not to stick to the Hero engine in its true form. Using the Crytek engine or the Frostbite engine chances are they'd only need to change it even further to make it ready and capable for this game. It's similar as to WoW which uses the "Warcraft III engine". Engine such as these are just used as a starting point, truly nothing more than that. And just like as to how you don't speak of the Warcraft III engine for WoW it'd probably be better to just speak of the SWTOR engine by now, rather than still call it the Hero engine.


Lastly, it'd take a lot longer than a month to completely rewrite the code from one engine to another, much better is to just optimize what you're currently working with.

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Nope. I see some of the issues people are talking about, but all the ones I do see are relatively minor annoyances. I have no system issues, relatively minor lag and the graphics are fine IMO. The cash shop seems like it could use tweaking, but I have no major complaints about it and the classes don't seem so out of whack that any one is completely useless. There is no reason, in my view, to 'relaunch' SWTOR.


I think the majority of the complainers need to simply quit bi&%$ing and either give Bioware clear, constructive feedback with reasonable solutions or find another MMO to play.

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No. FFXIV was just simply awful and it was no fun to play, which broke the hearts of people who have been loyal followers of the series for decades. The interface was clunky, there were NO dungeons/FPs/OPs/PvP/WZs/BGs whatever you wanna call them. None of that. The only thing to do was group events and level, similar to the clustereffs you see in GW2. That was all. Crafting was mind-numbing and took hours of hands on activity to gain a couple levels. The game was pointless, and will probably not even survive its relaunch. How it passed through any amount of testers as a source of entertainment I'm completely unsure.


SWTOR...you can cry all you want about bugs and how your computers can't handle the resource hog that it is, and how HK is too easy to get or expensive, or how you need more content to suit your individual play style or want to gay marry your companion, but this game is fun to play. It doesn't need a relaunch. You're overreacting, it's a solid MMO/solo PC game.

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No. FFXIV was just simply awful and it was no fun to play, which broke the hearts of people who have been loyal followers of the series for decades. The interface was clunky, there were NO dungeons/FPs/OPs/PvP/WZs/BGs whatever you wanna call them. None of that. The only thing to do was group events and level, similar to the clustereffs you see in GW2. That was all. Crafting was mind-numbing and took hours of hands on activity to gain a couple levels. The game was pointless, and will probably not even survive its relaunch. How it passed through any amount of testers as a source of entertainment I'm completely unsure.


SWTOR...you can cry all you want about bugs and how your computers can't handle the resource hog that it is, and how HK is too easy to get or expensive, or how you need more content to suit your individual play style or want to gay marry your companion, but this game is fun to play. It doesn't need a relaunch. You're overreacting, it's a solid MMO/solo PC game.

Sorry if I came off as advocating a relaunch. It was more of an open question. I'm personally on the fence about it. At the end of the day, I just want to see the game succeed. And I'd support any way of doing that. Even it meant a full relaunch.
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The game has a pretty solid foundation. It works. Replacing the engine would be a major undertaking that would take years.


I would support the launch of a separate server with a difficulty scale much harder than our current one, which is approximately at the challenge level of a 2 piece puzzle of the ying/yang symbol.

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killing a game outright due to unfixable elements takes a SERIOUSLY broken game. and in spite of the minority of extremists on the forums, most players don't see SWtOR that way.



Dude....the reason there aren't more people complaining on the forums is because they left the game for good.

1 million+ people cancelled their subscription for the game. about 500k stayed.

Most players thought this game was terrible.

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Didn't they do the whole "relaunch" thing with SWG? CU totally finished the game off!

Swtor is how it is. They are pushing out 1.6 already next month! Things are definitely on the up and up. I'd section x is anything to go by we'll be on a winner.

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Dude....the reason there aren't more people complaining on the forums is because they left the game for good.

1 million+ people cancelled their subscription for the game. about 500k stayed.

Most players thought this game was terrible.


Honestly most of that was due to the hype for this game and the expectation that it would be released with all of WoW's content and more. Negativity bounced off of everybody because it wasn't as good as was advertised.


Only reason I see to relaunch SWTOR is to fix the engine, otherwise I see this game lasting for a decent amount of time.

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I just hope someone at Disney has the brains to hire someone to make an MMO worthy of the Star Wars IP. The only reasons I'm still playing this game are

a) EVE is spreadsheets in space, not something you can play 5+ hours a day with a smile on your face

b) WoW died with WotLK

c) there's nothing to do in Guild Wars 2

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I'm not personally comparing the game to the relaunch of Final Fantasy, so in my case my opinion is not qualified by that point. I am simply of the opinion that an engine rebuild or replacement would benefit the game immensely, not to mention probably make the path to adding content a bit easier as well.


...and looking at it from that perspective I would support a "relaunch" or extended downtime to allow the engine to be rebuilt, upgraded or replaced. Of course it may not be necessary to have a downtime frame like this if they simply chose to improve the engine.

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Yes, just sell the game to another company, cause EA and Bioware sux


a relaunch from them will be just another failure


I have to disagree with you there. BioWare has been responsible for some of the better games for the past 16 years, many of whom have been branded into gaming history. Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, KOTOR (Seriously, KOTOR) and Dragon Age to name a few. I'm not a big fan of EA, but they're capable when it comes to publishing games.


SW:TOR has awesome groundwork that can be built and improved upon. Hopefully a monetary influx will help open up the gates to new and interesting content. A Final Fantasy reboot isn't warranted, as that game was simply put a train wreck from day one. Star Wars is far cry from anything similar to that pixelated massacre. Give it time.

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A relaunch? Didn't that just happend with F2P? Besides this game certainl does not need that, it's fine for now and will get much better in 2013.


If by much better you mean: close down and have the plug pulled on it because it will have bled all its subscriptions by then. Then yes, it will get much better in 2013.


I'd like to see a relaunch of SWG, k thanks.

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I have to disagree with you there. BioWare has been responsible for some of the better games for the past 16 years, many of whom have been branded into gaming history. Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, KOTOR (Seriously, KOTOR) and Dragon Age to name a few. I'm not a big fan of EA, but they're capable when it comes to publishing games.


SW:TOR has awesome groundwork that can be built and improved upon. Hopefully a monetary influx will help open up the gates to new and interesting content. A Final Fantasy reboot isn't warranted, as that game was simply put a train wreck from day one. Star Wars is far cry from anything similar to that pixelated massacre. Give it time.


Anything you think bioware is, or was is out the window. Their entire dev team has quit, the entire team. Their 2 FOUNDERS have quit. Bioware doesn't exist anymore. Its EA run and its EAware now.

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