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Character Names, not a trivial problem.


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the argument is actually prety valid .... IAM A NERD, HEAR ME ROAR!!!! ... do you people realize this is a internet videogame rite?


Yes yes, people realize this. We are all talking WITHIN the context of this being a videogame. And when writers or readers talk, they realize the stories are human-made, and talk within that context. And when mathematicians discuss their pretty theories, they all realize it's a made-up world they are discussing, with 99.9% of it having no application outside of academia whatsoever.


It's called "culture" - and yes, it's not as necessary as air-water-bread, but what's the point of bringing up this banal and obvious fact in a discussion?

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to point out how ridiculous the op post is


You fail to point this out. You pointed out the OPs post is not about survival. Well, duh. In other news, water is wet and Hoth is cold.


WITHIN the context of the game, the OP post makes perfect sense. You point out that the game is not about immediate survival? Guess what, neither is music, literature, most of science and math... So?

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I'm not even entirely sure what the point of this thread is... you can name your guy frostedluckycharms and it WONT AFFECT ANY PART OF THE GAME... yes you may be all QQ that you dont have the exact spelling specific name you want, but it really doesnt mean squat and 100% of the other people could care less what your name is, I promise.
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Thanks for saving me the trouble, Maria. :jawa_smile:


I like how the email notification comes with *jawa smile* spelled in words. A pleasant little thing to get in the morning. My BH just joined forces with Blizz (what an interesting character!), so Jawas are on my mind.

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I like how the email notification comes with *jawa smile* spelled in words. A pleasant little thing to get in the morning. My BH just joined forces with Blizz (what an interesting character!), so Jawas are on my mind.

I've yet to get Blizz on my BH, but I am looking forward to it. :jawa_biggrin:

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Once AGAIN, the reasons why this is important to some people are entirely beside the point.


It does not matter WHY we feel our names are important. All that matters is that we DO find them important, and important enough to leave the game over.


That we might leave the game for any reason is cause for concern to Bioware. They cannot afford to lose any more customers than they already have. That makes this significant to them. It's not the naming issue specifically that needs to concern them, it's that we might leave over it.


Fortunately, there's an easy solution. All they have to do now is put it into effect.

Edited by Vego_Mohenjo
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I'm not even entirely sure what the point of this thread is... you can name your guy frostedluckycharms and it WONT AFFECT ANY PART OF THE GAME... yes you may be all QQ that you dont have the exact spelling specific name you want, but it really doesnt mean squat and 100% of the other people could care less what your name is, I promise.

Yet another one who is convinced that everyone has to have the same opinion as him. It doesn't mean a squat for you and just for you, who are you to talk for other people.

And no, it actually will affect all parts of the game, and even the allmighty caps won't help your claim to become valid. How? Simple - no matter what you are doing in-game, you take a look at your character model and name from time to time. And every time you see a name which saddens you, ruins your mood a bit by reminding you that your character is not the one you wanted it to be, thus the quality of your entire playing experience is lowered.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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That torch you're carrying must be getting heavy. Bottom line, trying to fix it for the future, more power to you. Is there a solution for the future? Maybe.


You weren't paying them money at the time of the last merger. Your opinion on what they did during the time you were un-subbed is meaningless. You were not a customer. Whatever your reason for un-subbing, does not matter.


Maybe IF you were subbed and started thread #58 about the name changes, maybe they wouldn't have happened. Maybe everyone would have the name they wanted and everything would be right in the universe. Are you sure that these forced name changes weren't your fault to begin with? Are you sure they didn't sit in a meeting deep underground and come to the realization that Vego_Mohenjo has cancelled their sub. Then they got so MAD that you quit that we all had to feel their wrath with another round of name changes? Food for thought. :eek:


Now you are back, and are basically threatening to un-sub again? It seems that I do not fully understand.

Edited by Sweetiepies
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That torch you're carrying must be getting heavy. Bottom line, trying to fix it for the future, more power to you. Is there a solution for the future? Maybe.


You weren't paying them money at the time of the last merger. Your opinion on what they did during the time you were un-subbed is meaningless. You were not a customer. Whatever your reason for un-subbing, does not matter.


Maybe IF you were subbed and started thread #58 about the name changes, maybe they wouldn't have happened. Maybe everyone would have the name they wanted and everything would be right in the universe. Are you sure that these forced name changes weren't your fault to begin with? Are you sure they didn't sit in a meeting deep underground and come to the realization that Vego_Mohenjo has cancelled their sub. Then they got so MAD that you quit that we all had to feel their wrath with another round of name changes? Food for thought. :eek:


Now you are back, and are basically threatening to un-sub again? It seems that I do not fully understand.


I would definitely like to see my names restored to me, yes. That said, I'm more concerned for the future of the game. If they said they would implement my suggestion, but the cost would be that I never get to have the names I want, I'd agree in a second. I just want the game to have a future, and I see this limiting that future.


I really have no plan to unsub. I never did. Real life, however, is rather more demanding than a video game, and had to take priority, at least for a while. In either case, I never left the game because of the naming issue. I was going to, when I started this thread, but I've devised an alternative should my petition to get my name back fail.


Again, either way, I think they need to do something about this.

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I have a somewhat similar but different issue with the names, though I noticed that someone mentioned the original servers were also moved to a new mega server which was renamed. I started my first character in beta, then launch. Same name, same class, same server. Then Terentek died, and I rerolled on Fatman. Again, same name. They open up transfers, I move my jugg over to PO5 and start playing him again. Great! Then, when they did this last move, Fatman got moved into PO5. Awesome! Now all of my characters are on the same server and I can take advantage of that. Except, when I logged in, I had to rename my Jugg!


My Juggernaut was started first, had more time played and was on the destination server first. I really wouldn't mind at all, except I was already using one of my back up names and my only other back up name was already taken. I just added another letter, definitely not an end-of-the-world, cut yourself kind of issue. But annoying none the less.

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