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BioWare: Change the final fight please (major spoilers)


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I remember how my SW kept wiping on Draagh and Baras back before 1.1.


Heh, long live the Legacy gear I suppose? My Jugg turned 50 and 5 minutes later he was in full BH (more or less). And needless to say, Baras went down in mere seconds.


Emperor on the other hand, was a real challenge back when I killed him before patch 1.2. It's nice to see people now kill him easily.

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Its easy actually, first of all you must interrupt that one shot ability he does. And also force sweep the images, they should die very quick, so if you just watch out and interrupt that one shot move the emperor does, you should be fine. And if not find someone to take in with you..
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  • 6 months later...
I tried just about every tactic mentioned in this thread. The one that worked for me was to merely focus on the Emperor and keep interrupting whatever he did. T7 fell in the first wave but I didn't need him after that. I screwed up a lot but ended up killing the Emperor with 50% health still left.
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So, I got to level 50 last night, and decided to complete the class quest today. As some of you no doubt know, the final fight is against the Emperor. No sweat!


The real issue here is that T7-01 is the only available companion. He's in level 14 gear, simply because I've used other companions ever since I got Kira. I assume this is the case for a lot of Guardians out there, especially Defense specced ones. Later on, the obvious companion choice is Doc, regardless of spec.


So what to do? I have a hard time getting the Emperor even to 50%, let alone kill the guy. That's just not happening. Not as long as I have a completely undergeared companion capable of doing no damage whatsoever and tanking for about two hits and then he goes squash.


Here's what I suggest: Remove T7-01 from the fight as well somehow, making it a solo fight, tuned as a solo fight. Right now it's tuned as a proper boss fight, but in reality most people will be doing it solo since their companion is completely worthless at that point.


My only other alternative right now is to get out of Dromund Kaas (which I already have), and then start to gear up T7-01, which I'm not very interested in to be honest as I have no use for him beyond that one fight.


Anyway, just wanted to vent a little frustration here after dying way too many times in the ancient temple on Dromund Kaas, while also providing some feedback.


Spec Focus, AOE down the extra mobs, make sure to interrupt his 1 shot kill. Profit.

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Spec Focus, AOE down the extra mobs, make sure to interrupt his 1 shot kill. Profit.


This. I pretty much didn't focus on the clones, I just kept unloading on the Emperor while interrupting everything I could.

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The Emperor himself would be proud of the Thread Necromancy going on here...


(I got level 50 on claiming the reward from "Doomsday" on June 21st, and I was 55 by the 23rd -- the crate of gear for T7 only contained 3 pieces or 4, if I recall right -- is this correct?)

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Before the room with he emperor there's a red mark on the floor int he main room, complete the puzzle to make an imperial emblem and a chest appears with a full set of gear for T7.

Or do what I did and equip T7 with Mandalorian T-13 war droid mods before you start the final quest... ;)

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