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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rethink these Restrictions Bioware


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refunds, i have doubts that EA would like that idea very much.


You need to work on your reading comprehension. Refunding the coins doesn't change the fact that EA already got the money for them. EA doesn't lose money and they don't piss off the people that actually paid for an ungimped UI.


The problem is that EA can't get *more* money out of the deal so it probably won't happen.

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You need to work on your reading comprehension. Refunding the coins doesn't change the fact that EA already got the money for them. EA doesn't lose money and they don't piss off the people that actually paid for an ungimped UI.


The problem is that EA can't get *more* money out of the deal so it probably won't happen.


/sigh. so rude and i thought we were just conversing.

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I bought a Collector's Edition and was a subscriber previously.


The molestation of the UI in general was a bad decision. I think EA/BioWare has enough money already... Why should we have to dish out $10-$20 for general user options? Content being limited is fine. I think most people agree that FTP with restricted gameplay is common and acceptable. Who in their right mind thought it was okay to remove action bars, character customization and inventory expansion limitation?


When every class has a ton of skills to begin with, then you add in legacy skills and other types of abilities; players generally need full access to action bars. Stretching your hand out for a few extra dollars for necessities to make the game somewhat PLAYABLE, is ridiculous.


Free to Play is not a "trial" game. You guys took what trials are like and just gave it a Free to Play title.


It's not shocking why may of us original subscribers, including those who played 3-4 rounds of beta (like myself) flocked after a few months of playing. It came down to the decisions this company made when it came to content, gameplay and progression.


BioWare has never been the same since EA took over. With the one except of Mass Effect 2, choices made by this merger have only resulted in "nickel and dime" schemes. This cheap tactic you are implementing will only spell doom for this game.

But that's just it ... you don't have to dish out ANY money because the currency used to purchse them in-game can be acquired simply by playing the game. The only time a player has to pay money is if they want something badly right now. In MMOs acquiring things through designed game play doesn't happen right now. If it did MMOs would be over faster than a 4-hour Call of Duty campaign. Edited by GalacticKegger
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But that's just it ... you don't have to dish out ANY money because the currency used to purchse them in-game can be acquired simply by playing the game. The only time a player has to pay money is if they want something badly right now. In MMOs acquiring things through designed game play doesn't happen right now. If it did MMOs would be over faster than a 4-hour Call of Duty campaign.


Not quite the F2P cash restrictions means most legacy unlocks cant be used by f2pers OR the so called preffered lol

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Maxing legacy is definitely a subscriber perk. As a subscriber I'm good with that. It's a reason why I subscribe.


For the most part yes , But its a little worrying when people say "you can unlock the stuff in game as free 2 pay" When Subbers can but F2p'ers cannot.

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For the most part yes , But its a little worrying when people say "you can unlock the stuff in game as free 2 pay" When Subbers can but F2p'ers cannot.
If every forum comment needs a disclaimer, then we may as well turn it over to lawyers and go do something else. Free will always have hard limits in some form or another: like the credit cap you mentioned, only 2 character slots per server instead of the subscriber's 10 (which limits Legacy anyway) and no access to ranked warzones.




However the Cartel Coins needed to obtain or access the other 99% of the game (including extra inventory slots, bank tabs, additional quickslots, additional crew skill slots, weekly passes to flashpoints, unranked warzones, Ops, etc.) can be earned in game without spending a dime. Paying for them with real money is not a requirement, it's merely an option for players who don't want to take the time to save up.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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But that's just it ... you don't have to dish out ANY money because the currency used to purchse them in-game can be acquired simply by playing the game. The only time a player has to pay money is if they want something badly right now. In MMOs acquiring things through designed game play doesn't happen right now. If it did MMOs would be over faster than a 4-hour Call of Duty campaign.


Oh, you can earn Cartel Coins in game? How?

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LOTRO is a better example of that. F2p gets one 15 slot bag and no bank space. Want more? Gotta buy it. Want advanced region access? Gotta buy it. Mounts? Gotta buy them. Walk faster than a snail? Gotta buy a mount - period. Want to do dungeons? Gotta buy them on either an individual per-access basis or as a package. They expire. What doesn't expire are the quest packs and expansions, and those cost about as much as buying the retail DD game updates do.


Are you sure you are talking about LOTRO?? If so, you have not played it at all.


LOTRO F2P account:

2 Character slots


3 Inventory bags per character


Full access to bank - can expand bank with ingame coin just like subed players.


Mount: requires Riding Skill purchase from cash shop, about $1, then buy mounts ingame with ingame coin and or earn them during seasonal events or rep faction. You CAN buy mounts from the cash shop but it is not a requirment.


Access to the main storyline - FREE from level 1-level cap. Sidequests available from cashshop WILL ehance your leveling experience but is not required. You can also earn cashshop currency ingame so you are never 100% required to a cashshop purchase unlike SWTOR.


A distinct difference with LOTRO sub is that you are only renting access to regional quests unless, like F2Ps, you unlock them with cashshop purchase, kind of backwards on that point IMHO but hey, if it's working for them more power to them I guess. LOTRO actually encourages you to be a F2P account vs. SWTOR that seems more interested in discouraging F2P and trying to force you to subscribe under extortion.

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I have several friends interested in F2P. When I saw the restrictions and the overall alienation of casual gamers, I re-evaluated my decision to tell them about it. I might just go by GW2 instead. Keep in mind, I have been with SWTOR for over a year, but I am tired of their increasing amount of hate for casual players.


The UI? SWTOR needs to make it fullu modifiable, like other MMOs. The prices? Legacy is too expensive, Cartel items are too expensive. Subscribers don't get enough coins. I have 20 hours a week to play games, and if SWTOR is going to punish me for that fact, I will just go and buy games that won't... like... a whole stack of games..

because I work a lot of overtime, but I REFUSE to spend my heaps of extra cash on a game that keeps punishing my lifestyle.

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I have several friends interested in F2P. When I saw the restrictions and the overall alienation of casual gamers, I re-evaluated my decision to tell them about it. I might just go by GW2 instead. Keep in mind, I have been with SWTOR for over a year, but I am tired of their increasing amount of hate for casual players.


The UI? SWTOR needs to make it fullu modifiable, like other MMOs. The prices? Legacy is too expensive, Cartel items are too expensive. Subscribers don't get enough coins. I have 20 hours a week to play games, and if SWTOR is going to punish me for that fact, I will just go and buy games that won't... like... a whole stack of games..

because I work a lot of overtime, but I REFUSE to spend my heaps of extra cash on a game that keeps punishing my lifestyle.

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Logic kicks in, but which way does it kick? It could kick them out of the game, rather than putting down money. Especially after getting a title (which they have to pay to display), companion (which they have to pay to customize), gear (which they have pay to unify, hide helm, or even wear).


Some players like to take their time, and smell the roses. But I think most people are more in a hurry. What happens when they end up getting to Taris, and find out they're two-three levels behind the curve?



most of those features weren't in at launch, so F2Pers can get by without them

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most of those features weren't in at launch, so F2Pers can get by without them


Many people left due to lack of those features though. If they want to keep players around they need to stop nickel and diming quick bars and focus on Ops, FPs and PvP restrictions. Limiting core functions is stupid.


Preferred: should get basic game (unify colors, hide head slot, UI capabilities, titles, surname), 6 PvP and FPs a week, 3 Ops a week and a way to earn Cartel Coins in game (albeit slower than purchase)


F2P: should get basic game, all current F2P, Ops and FPs restrictions. And since a purchase of five dollars makes them preferred they get more access to PvP, Ops and FPs but it doesn't render a purchase on the weekly pass on one worthless


Subscribers: full access to the game as well as to earn Cartel Coins fairly easy in game


This would be a great system, to me and would make the game much more fun for those returning or coming in. And more reasons to buy Preferred Status and make those Preferred feel properly named.

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Many people left due to lack of those features though. If they want to keep players around they need to stop nickel and diming quick bars and focus on Ops, FPs and PvP restrictions. Limiting core functions is stupid.


Preferred: should get basic game (unify colors, hide head slot, UI capabilities, titles, surname), 6 PvP and FPs a week, 3 Ops a week and a way to earn Cartel Coins in game (albeit slower than purchase)


F2P: should get basic game, all current F2P, Ops and FPs restrictions. And since a purchase of five dollars makes them preferred they get more access to PvP, Ops and FPs but it doesn't render a purchase on the weekly pass on one worthless


Subscribers: full access to the game as well as to earn Cartel Coins fairly easy in game


This would be a great system, to me and would make the game much more fun for those returning or coming in. And more reasons to buy Preferred Status and make those Preferred feel properly named.


i was with you in what you were saying until the highlighted part.


no we, as prefered players, shouldnt get cartel coins for free. if we did get it, then there wouldnt be any reason to sub. all i would have to to do is wait until the coins accumulate to a point where i can buy stuff.


but everything else you said is fine

Edited by astrobearz
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I thought the idea was to get people on to play.Yes BW wants to make money.That is how they pay the rent.Still they are going overboard in some ways.Also some of those prices.Give me a break.The FTP are going to help also keep subscribers.I did some WZs today.It popped quick.I was one happy camper.Guess what I was playing zones with 8 people on my side.I know you don't believe it but it is true.Take a good look BW at if your looking short term or long term.Lets try and keep folks here.
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then by all means play free to play if it's so great.


you won't though, because the restrictions are ludicrous. Have you ever played a proper F2P game before?


I won't play for free because 15 dollars a month to me is not much for a game I can log on to and play for a couple of hours.,

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As a person who has played Super Hero Squad Online, DC Universe Online, World of Warcraft and Star Wars the Old Republic, I can honestly say this game has a better experience overall. DCUO and WoW have far more end game content. But coming from a two year old game with multiple DLCs, not to mention a far lower level cap in terms of experience gained and a seven year old game with four GIGANTIC expansions and s time where it was the only REAL MMO out there, I understood SWTOR's disadvantage and didn't penalize them for it. But with this F2P option they only had the advantage. With a host of other games to pick and choose F2P restrictions on, they chose the worst system they could. I won't say go DCUO's route because I honestly didn 't see enough benefits to stay a sub and just buy DLCs as they come but get close. Limiting UI, coming from a sub, is stupid. No hide head slot, stupid. No unify colors, stupid. Slower XP, limited PvE and PvP content and purchase Cartel Coins is fine. But nickel and diming things are only going to drive away the audience you hope to bring in. The only money you'll be getting is the monthly sub. And, despite what people THINK, that was enough to keep making a profit. But you want to increase profits, be wary of what you charge for. You want people to not be turned off on the game. You want them to want to pay for privileges that they find fun and worth paying for. By doing this, you are showing them that the whole game isn't worth a penny. Don't do that. Making people pay forces people away, but letting them pay for things they want...now, that is how you make an even more successful game. Just ask DCUO.
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i was with you in what you were saying until the highlighted part.


no we, as prefered players, shouldnt get cartel coins for free. if we did get it, then there wouldnt be any reason to sub. all i would have to to do is wait until the coins accumulate to a point where i can buy stuff.


but everything else you said is fine


I think if you work hard you can get 100 Cartel Coins every 10 hours of play or so.

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There are a few restrictions I believe shouldn't be there for Free To Play players. And this is me talking as a subscriber. This is just a list:


UI Needs to Be Fixed (Customization and more quickbars)

Unlimited access to all Operations, Flashpoints and Warzones (except on Section X DLCs and further content that can be paid for via Cartel Coins)

Sprint and Quick Travel need to be accessible


Other than that, I believe it is completely fair for both camps. The gear option from Ops needs to be purchased as it gives subscribers a little something, something. No Cartel Coins should be earned in game (also a little nod to subscribers). All caps on money and banks should exist, but have a way of buying your way out via Cartel Coins. I believe this is the fairest system the game should go with to continue to have players come in (or back) and make this game the best it can be.


i just canceled my Sub because the future of this game is totally unknown, bioware is in total Blackout, no goal with everything they did/do and as for me i tried to bring 5 friends back who played this game in release but as the 1,5 mil who left the game they quit the game and now they even deleted the clients in their PCs( while i was like a #### trying to convince them to rethink) but nope Bioware keep this and you are DOWN soon.

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i just canceled my Sub because the future of this game is totally unknown, bioware is in total Blackout, no goal with everything they did/do and as for me i tried to bring 5 friends back who played this game in release but as the 1,5 mil who left the game they quit the game and now they even deleted the clients in their PCs( while i was like a #### trying to convince them to rethink) but nope Bioware keep this and you are DOWN soon.


It is unknown. I wish we could know what they were developing for the future of the game.

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