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Wear your Founder Tag and help the younglings


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I will do that in my search for a new padawan. Speaking of, it would be cool if there was some sort of padawan system.


You would link someone as your padawan, requirement that the player didnt have a legacy already, and once that player cleared stuff, in a group with people his/her own level or solo, you'd get points. And no, it wouldnt be a way of boosting a new currency because the padawan could drop you at any point he/she felt like so it would actually require that you supported him/her with your guidance.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Bah, we're Sith, we help no one! Let them carry their own weight or die.


The Republic will be happy to help. Their sappy ways will be there to serve the younglings. They'll teach them to be doormats for the Sith, much like they are.

Edited by RikHar
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