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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hood on/off toggle for Jedi


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We'll pay you again when you do the work we, essentially, hired you for.


Your choice, not mine. ;)


I'm going to continue to subscribe and play as the lack of a hood toggle switch does not break the game for me. I have used the headpiece workaround for all my toggle needs to date.


I'll happily use the hood toggle when they patch it in, but it's not important enough to me to use as a basis for threats and accusations directed at Bioware staff.

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I'll happily use the hood toggle when they patch it in, but it's not important enough to me to use as a basis for threats and accusations directed at Bioware staff.


Indeed. Basically this is a "clipping issue". I hope along with the hood toggle we also see Masks with hoods for all amour sets and "long hair" styles that are not "put up". :)

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I hope along with the hood toggle we also see Masks with hoods for all amour sets and "long hair" styles that are not "put up". :)


I'd be up for that as well, and I'm sure at some point they will get the issues hammered flat so they can move forward.


The thing that always amazes me about an MMO player base is they want EVERYTHING on day 1. That kind of defeats the rationale for patches..... so to me it's a single player console mindset.

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Just like all things in real life, you get a new answer when there is new news to report. ;)


Allison was kind enough to take time to pull up the most current information publicly available, for anyone who may not already be aware of it (or forgotten it or just wants to ignore it). So IMO, I think you should cut her a little slack.






I'm just happy that they DO plan on getting it done.... at some point.

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Afterwards come back here, and tell us the info. Respectfully, you may as well not work at Bioware at all with the responses you give.
Telling someone they don't deserve a job for such trivial reasons is not respectful. It's also not rational. This isn't a decision maker, this is someone doing what they are told to do under the tough conditions of trying to satisfy some very obnoxious customers. Respectfully, show us how unhappy you are and QQ. Edited by waterdaemon
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I completely understand the tech challenges involved. What I don't get is why an interim solution, simply adding in hood down versions of the armors that are already in game, isn't the easiest thing in the world. They have them finished. They show them to us all the time in videos and screenshots. How long would it take to add them to the stores. Give me hood down versions of the five most common Jedi robes and I could wait a year for a hood toggle.
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I completely understand the tech challenges involved. What I don't get is why an interim solution, simply adding in hood down versions of the armors that are already in game, isn't the easiest thing in the world. They have them finished. They show them to us all the time in videos and screenshots. How long would it take to add them to the stores. Give me hood down versions of the five most common Jedi robes and I could wait a year for a hood toggle.


In SWG there were hood-up and hood-down versions of each robe. We would just use a macro to switch them out to simulate flipping the hood up or down. Oh wait ... I said the "m" word. :p



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With the majority of developers gone from this project I don't expect these sorts of features to appear at all. If you can't sell it in the cash shop, they are not going to use resources on it. Welcome to F2P. Edited by Jandi
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You already have hood off options in the game depending on the helmet a character wears or species. This doesn't have to have the appearance of the hood actually being down. It doesn't really seem like that hard of a thing to do. It would be nice to see more important things worked on in game. I know people have been wanting hood down forever now it seems. I wonder why emotes are being worked on so much? I played with facial expressions for like 5 minutes then haven't messed with it since. All the lag in the game needs to be straightened out and should have some kind of priority. I have yet to do a Sav-rak fight on LI without the entire group getting a lag spike.
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Aww, I'm sad this still isn't in yet. And since they "fixed" Miraluka masks clipping with headgear, the trick of making my hood disappear by equipping certain head gear doesn't work for me anymore as I cannot stand the little sunglasses mask thingy that replaces my Miralukas' beautiful veils. :(


But on the bright side, based on how much work it is for them, I am guessing that we will get an actual hood up/hood down toggle, and not just a hood up/hood magically vanishes toggle. Which would be awesome. :)

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