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Alright, time to get this party started.

Let's start from the beginning

Could it be that I simply ignore all general chat and do not have any empathy towards those who wish to continue to incite trouble?,

No, because you're still posting. As long as you acknowledge people, they're going to keep going.

and quite frankly you are like a woman, if ignored you get stroppy and go into one. You are a failure at applying pressure against someone who is basically as hard as nails.

Ok..what the hell. Not only are you a hypocrite, but you're a hopelessly sexist bigot as well, and you say WE are weak minded?

Fortunately there is nothing you can do about it. It is called defiance

While I find it flattering that you find me such an oppressive and imposing figure, I can assure you that what you're doing....is not defiance...it is a sad desperate attempt at survival. All of this nonsense we find ourselves in is a direct result of your unprovoked attacks on other people. (and I apologize Shadowlands, for Fatedds behavior, I let his leash get too long.)

very weak minded individuals

Coming from the raging sexist

I care not about what you think but merely have you wrapped round my finger and you do not even realize it.
lololololol You care SO DAMN MUCH about what people think...you're the biggest drama queen I know. You spin these wild yarns about your exploits, hoping that maybe someone out there will actually care....but they don't...they laugh...you're the butt of a joke. The sole reason you exist in this world is to entertain others with your pathetic wordcraft.

PS, ref Frequencyz and our 4v4 this is the reality.

1. We did not have our full group, which you know.Wouldn't have mattered

2. We were offered to come back another day with our main group which WE know can compete with Death Smile, after all we kicked your arse the other night I believeYou can't compete, and you're welcome to come back whenever you want

3. Do not take me on in anything if you can not handle the pressure, because I never give up and will never kneel to you, Frequencyz or anyone in this game. I'm not expecting you to kneel (sounds like you should join an RP server) I'm expecting you to quit talking **** to my members...everything I've written has been defensive, you've incited all of this

4. If you want a rematch then you will meet us in the Arena's wont ya.at least until you stop queing, or start que dodging

5. Stop bull ******** everyone, and get on with it and shut up with your whining.lol

6. If you do not like what I have said, then sue me.I live in America, we don't sue people for excersing their right to free speech.

7. And finally we did not cancel or re-organize once we knew we were not to field our no1 side. We did not cowardly run away and completed all 3 matches. I think you will find many would have given up and re-arranged. So do not even go there, I am proud that the people we did have tried knowing we would lose. Would you, NO. Whine away as much as you please. Only you and your pals care, remember that.]I don't lose, and I go into every organized event with that expectation. That's the difference between your team and ours....you gotta be in it to win it buddy. If the odds were against me...I would just try that much harder...You guys just turtled up at stood still, I would hardly call that BRAVE.

I think your problem Frequencyz is you are disdainful towards my genuine comment towards "Texas".
My problem is a sad little brit, who can't write his own language, is full of so much **** it's coming out of his mouth, and rambles on about how he is under attack....and wont kneel...and is tough as nails...when HE is the one attacking OTHER people...it isn't even that you're full of yourself. It's that you're disrespectful towards anyone who is better than you (the entire server) If you were so mature...if you weren't so "weak minded" you would see that all this rambling you're doing is not only detrimental to you...but to the entire community...your hateful ramblings, your trash talk via whispers, your forum posts...you make yourself out to be a tool. If you were truely the person you think you are...you would say GG, and walk away...but you aren't a man, you don't have a shread of dignity in your body, and this thread will continue on as it has been

or are you still gonna cry and continue needing allies to try and try it is to force and bully me out of TOR. Nada mate, I fight to the bitter bitter end nor need help. So two fingers up to you basically, got it.
Allies?...I see no allies in here...I see other individuals who have formed their own opinions of you based on your actions...they aren't on my team...I've made it abundantly clear that I don't need any help, I've had more intellectually stimulating conversations with toddlers. Noone is bullying you out of TOR....however, your abusive, derogatory ******** will get you forcefully removed from TOR.

PS, are you not back at school today?. I rest my case, child

nope, I've been at work all day.


And you still do not get the point, that no one gives a ****,lol?. I am just defending myself, my right if you can not hack it then shut up. How does that sound?. Of course you will continue, therefore I shall continue to defend myself. It is simple yank, if you can not take what you give then simply shut up.
you started this...all of this...you have no right to preach stupidity under the guise of self defense.


I have and never will lay any claims that I am the best at PvP,
Noone said you were, however you certainly talk enough ****, it's certainly misleading.....one would think you were capable of backing up even 1% of what you say....but you can't....

Also when have I been sexist or racist,lol?

and quite frankly you are like a woman, if ignored you get stroppy and go into one. You are a failure at applying pressure against someone who is basically as hard as nails.


I am a tough cookie to break, is that why,lol?, idiot. NOTE: I kneel to no one nor will comply to anything you ever have to say.
You've been broken before, the last time you conceded. You realized you were being an immature little kid, decided to man up and walk away from something you have no business in. I don't understand how you can feel good about yourself....you go around talking **** to people, dropping hate filled comments, baseless accusations, and assaulting people that frankly, are undeserving...people are just trying to play their game, and have a good time. They beat you...fair and square...then you roll in all mad, huffin and puffin, hating on unrelated things, like America, and women, and then turning around and saying you're being ATTACKED....hypocrisy at its finest .


As for The Nightmare Legacy guild members, they are aware of your scum baggery, but do not get involved purely because I fight my own battles and refuse any support from any persons as it is MY battle not anyone elses. If they wish to reply to your drivel remarks about me, then that is up to them and not myself. So you have been warned, play your poor tactics with other people who will kneel to you, but not with The Nightmare Legacy members.


Firstly, I have absolutely no problems with the members of Nightmare Legacy...my problem is with YOU...they've all been wonderfully hospitable people, and have demonstrated great sportsmanship, and a willingness and desire to get better. I think you may be misinterpreting the situation though...I don't believe they aren't getting involved because you "fight your own battles"...I think they realize that your battle...your personal battle, that you've decided to take up on your own....is completely counter productive towards what they want to do as a guild. YOUR interests don't reflect theirs.

def wish i wasnt sick on the date so i could participate and fat is my guildie and all but u have a point here freq we lost fair and square no reason for him to keep harrassing u i hope this does not give our guild a bad rep sorry for his behavior ill talk to him and try to get him to let it go

They even apologize for your actions....because they know that while your words and actions don't necessarily reflect the views of your guild, that as long as you have those 3 words under your name everything you say and do affects peoples perception of them.....I legitimately feel sorry for them....and frankly if I had a member in my guild that was making an *** of himself infront of the ENTIRE COMMUNITY, he would very quickly not be a member.


pick on them, I will cause your life a living nightmare in TOR far worse than anything you have currently seen from me and I will win, got it

I have no reason to, but should one ever come up, there is nothing you can do to me.

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Firstly, I have absolutely no problems with the members of Nightmare Legacy...my problem is with YOU...they've all been wonderfully hospitable people, and have demonstrated great sportsmanship, and a willingness and desire to get better. I think you may be misinterpreting the situation though...I don't believe they aren't getting involved because you "fight your own battles"...I think they realize that your battle...your personal battle, that you've decided to take up on your own....is completely counter productive towards what they want to do as a guild. YOUR interests don't reflect theirs.


They even apologize for your actions....because they know that while your words and actions don't necessarily reflect the views of your guild, that as long as you have those 3 words under your name everything you say and do affects peoples perception of them.....I legitimately feel sorry for them....and frankly if I had a member in my guild that was making an *** of himself infront of the ENTIRE COMMUNITY, he would very quickly not be a member.


First off, about the stuff you said inside the quote that I can't quote myself.


We did know the odds were against us, and it's not surprising we lost to people with much more gear and experience, and a better group comp. However, just like you say you would, we tried as hard as we could. Also, our "turtling up" wasn't out of cowardice, it was our strategy. It's hard to do much else with 2 sorc healers.


Next, I don't have any problems with Death Smile and I don't think anyone in our guild besides Fat does. You guys have shown great sportsmanship too. Also, I think you're definitely wrong about why we aren't getting involved. As you saw in the 4v4, we're here to support him. However, this feud is his and not ours, and as he said he doesn't want us to get involved. As about his interests and the guild's, all I can say is that he's been trying to help the guild from the first day he joined.


You do have a good point that everything he says and does affects the perception of the guild, he's only been in the guild a few weeks and I've already heard people call it "Fatedd's guild." Just remember the same applies to you. Also, while he might be like this on the forums, he isn't like this to any guildies as far as I know, he's been a great member of the guild so far. I don't think any of us would want to kick him for what he says on the forums.


And one last thing, I think I speak for a lot of us when I say this argument has gone on far too long. All of the people arguing seem to think that too, so please just stop. Don't say I'll stop when they stop, I'm just defending myself, you just have to flat out stop. It doesn't matter who started it or who's defending themselves.

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We did know the odds were against us, and it's not surprising we lost to people with much more gear and experience, and a better group comp. However, just like you say you would, we tried as hard as we could. Also, our "turtling up" wasn't out of cowardice, it was our strategy. It's hard to do much else with 2 sorc healers.

That's 100% understandable, there's plenty of great things you can do with that comp...it would have gone way better if one of the sorcs went dps...but that's in the past, you guys have till October to work on comps.



Next, I don't have any problems with Death Smile and I don't think anyone in our guild besides Fat does. You guys have shown great sportsmanship too. Also, I think you're definitely wrong about why we aren't getting involved. As you saw in the 4v4, we're here to support him. However, this feud is his and not ours, and as he said he doesn't want us to get involved. As about his interests and the guild's, all I can say is that he's been trying to help the guild from the first day he joined.
I have no doubts as to Fatedds contributions to his guild, it's his treatment of other players both in and outside of warzones that upsets me. It goes beyond simple trash talk. He attacks people...not very well, i'm sure by now you've all realized he isn't very good at expressing his thoughts through written word. Regardless the gist of his messages get through...and the ANGER that he carries with him is just...extraordinary....it's disrespectful and uncalled for. None of my players have ever initiated anything with him....if he loses in a warzone he whisper our people just to harass them.


And one last thing, I think I speak for a lot of us when I say this argument has gone on far too long. All of the people arguing seem to think that too, so please just stop. Don't say I'll stop when they stop, I'm just defending myself, you just have to flat out stop. It doesn't matter who started it or who's defending themselves
Again, I agree with you 100%. This argument WAS over, everything was settled. God was in his heaven, and all was right in the world. Then Fatedd. in some immature tantrum, decided to go on a trash talking tyrade towards my people...as much as I may enjoy enlightening the server as to how terrible a person Fatedd is, my fingers DO get tired. However. just as you came to support Fatedd in his time of need. I will support my people as well....if he continues to act like a child...then I'll continue to treat him like one.
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We did know the odds were against us, and it's not surprising we lost to people with much more gear and experience, and a better group comp. However, just like you say you would, we tried as hard as we could. Also, our "turtling up" wasn't out of cowardice, it was our strategy. It's hard to do much else with 2 sorc healers.


Maybe you did, but Fatedd certainly didn't think so. In fact, he made some claims to me which is why I challenged him to the 4v4 in the first place.

Also, did you see my PT tank's health? Is 31K HP really "geared"? Anyway, our guild is trying to foster competition and we are always willing to consult with guilds on how to improve.


Next, I don't have any problems with Death Smile and I don't think anyone in our guild besides Fat does. You guys have shown great sportsmanship too. Also, I think you're definitely wrong about why we aren't getting involved. As you saw in the 4v4, we're here to support him. However, this feud is his and not ours, and as he said he doesn't want us to get involved. As about his interests and the guild's, all I can say is that he's been trying to help the guild from the first day he joined.


If you say so.


And one last thing, I think I speak for a lot of us when I say this argument has gone on far too long. All of the people arguing seem to think that too, so please just stop. Don't say I'll stop when they stop, I'm just defending myself, you just have to flat out stop. It doesn't matter who started it or who's defending themselves.


The truth is that Fatedd has said some truly indefensible things. I won't sit idly as he continues to make personal attacks on me and those in my guild, as well as broad attacks on my country and the fine womenfolk around the world (hi :)). Respectfully, I suggest you heed Fatedd's wishes and don't get involved.

I won't push the issue further, but one should not trash-talk unless they're able to back their words up, and to take it like a man if they cannot.

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Shout out to Joldoch from The Nightmare Legacy, really good Merc and I like grouping with you and any of The Nightmare Legacy guys to be honest. Your pretty good lot to be around.


A shout out to Undercon as well who choose the right time of day to fight pug Imp groups, but nowhere to be seen when the hardcore Imp premades are about. I guess that is as good as we will get from Undercon :(.

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Maybe you did, but Fatedd certainly didn't think so. In fact, he made some claims to me which is why I challenged him to the 4v4 in the first place.

Also, did you see my PT tank's health? Is 31K HP really "geared"? Anyway, our guild is trying to foster competition and we are always willing to consult with guilds on how to improve.




If you say so.




The truth is that Fatedd has said some truly indefensible things. I won't sit idly as he continues to make personal attacks on me and those in my guild, as well as broad attacks on my country and the fine womenfolk around the world (hi :)). Respectfully, I suggest you heed Fatedd's wishes and don't get involved.

I won't push the issue further, but one should not trash-talk unless they're able to back their words up, and to take it like a man if they cannot.



1. Instead of making claims, it is about time you prove it, solid proof of these "indefensible" things I have supposedly undertaken. Not a bunch of people who will back your every word because they are ya pals mate, who will agree with everything you say just to incite further trouble.

2. If you can not prove it, which you can not, then perhaps it is about time you kind of just shut up, perhaps?.

3. You may be able to conjure up allies and pals to back your every word, but some of us see through that. I just happen to be one of those people who have enough experience to see right through you like a ghost.

4. If you are unable to fight your own battles but rely on swaths of people to assist you, then you are quite frankly regarded as weak.

5. Currently I am hostile towards a certain group of people in TOR, not all, that group of people are intent on inciting further trouble. You may be able to influence weak minds pal, but you can never influence anything that I do, and I add I will defend myself against the likes of you and any hostilities that come my way. Like or not.

6. If you do not like people who look after themselves and defend themselves against such attacks, then may I suggest that you stop throwing your rattle out of your cage and not incite trouble in the first place?. Is that an option for someone like you, or is that just above your way of thinking?.

7. Have you not grasped yet, that you take everything publicly that you disagree with, whether with me or anyone you disapprove of. May I suggest that negotiation is the way forward with someone like me?. I know it is the US way of thinking to jump before it actually thinks about the consequence, maybe just maybe approaching someone like me without your hostile attitude towards me everytime I say something you disapprove of may reap some reward for you and your pals?.

8. If you wish to continue what is a futile effort, then go ahead. Gank me with your numbers when I am without my premades in WZs, do your /taunting acts in local and smack me in gen chat which I have blocked but hear you people get upto. If that is how you wish to pursue me, then so be it. but it is a futile effort,lol. Negotiation is your only way with me. Stop being afraid of doing the right thing, it is your move to make not mine.

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That's 100% understandable, there's plenty of great things you can do with that comp...it would have gone way better if one of the sorcs went dps...but that's in the past, you guys have till October to work on comps.



I have no doubts as to Fatedds contributions to his guild, it's his treatment of other players both in and outside of warzones that upsets me. It goes beyond simple trash talk. He attacks people...not very well, i'm sure by now you've all realized he isn't very good at expressing his thoughts through written word. Regardless the gist of his messages get through...and the ANGER that he carries with him is just...extraordinary....it's disrespectful and uncalled for. None of my players have ever initiated anything with him....if he loses in a warzone he whisper our people just to harass them.


Again, I agree with you 100%. This argument WAS over, everything was settled. God was in his heaven, and all was right in the world. Then Fatedd. in some immature tantrum, decided to go on a trash talking tyrade towards my people...as much as I may enjoy enlightening the server as to how terrible a person Fatedd is, my fingers DO get tired. However. just as you came to support Fatedd in his time of need. I will support my people as well....if he continues to act like a child...then I'll continue to treat him like one.


Prove it?. I do not think so, not on this occasion Freq. I just gave you back what you lot had dished out to me. You make things way to public to be honest when it concerns no one else. This could have been amicably sorted out, but nooooo, not you, never you, you are the mighty Frequencyz from Texas, never mess with him, hes the MAN, NOT.

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Holy **** just drop it already...This went from amusing to sad really quickly.


This is just a game for **** sakes. It's not worth the energy or stress to take so seriously.


Don't like someone? Don't talk to them, simple.


Is someone hurting your ego? Why care? Why let your ego control your life? Seriously, to hell with egos. If people would stop stroking and trying to desperately protect their egos this game, this world would be a more peaceful place.


I also bought Doctor Who's pocket watch :D


Oooh, nice...


I'm almost tempted to get a sonic screwdriver from that site.


If I had more money, I'd be spending a bunch at sideshow collectibles.

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A shout out to Undercon as well who choose the right time of day to fight pug Imp groups, but nowhere to be seen when the hardcore Imp premades are about. I guess that is as good as we will get from Undercon :(.


:D You just can't help it, can you? Screeny or it didn't happen?


I'll be sure to pass the message along. Most of the active PvPers are online between 7 -11 PM EDT and sometimes later. On the worst nights we usually have one premade and on the best, three (with peeps from other Pub guilds). Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. It's about learning and playing with friends, not some desperate cry for help :rolleyes:. Queue up and seen you soon.

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A shout out to Undercon as well who choose the right time of day to fight pug Imp groups, but nowhere to be seen when the hardcore Imp premades are about. I guess that is as good as we will get from Undercon :(.


So first you say that. Then you say


5. Currently I am hostile towards a certain group of people in TOR, not all, that group of people are intent on inciting further trouble. You may be able to influence weak minds pal, but you can never influence anything that I do, and I add I will defend myself against the likes of you and any hostilities that come my way. Like or not.


Hmm... Something doesn't feel right here. Generally undercon (from what I've seen) doesn't call you out on your random BS spewing, except for maybe Evan, yet you say you only attack people hostile to you.

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So I play this game with my guild groups, and well I think this is as good of a time as any to get the whole server in on it.


When you see Fatedd on the opposing team, 50-100k buy ins, first one to get a hate tell gets the pot. Never had a game where someone didn't get a payout. (sorry pubs, but maybe you can goad him to do it in /s)

Edited by Domatron
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1. Instead of making claims, it is about time you prove it, solid proof of these "indefensible" things I have supposedly undertaken. Not a bunch of people who will back your every word because they are ya pals mate, who will agree with everything you say just to incite further trouble.

2. If you can not prove it, which you can not, then perhaps it is about time you kind of just shut up, perhaps?.

3. You may be able to conjure up allies and pals to back your every word, but some of us see through that. I just happen to be one of those people who have enough experience to see right through you like a ghost.

4. If you are unable to fight your own battles but rely on swaths of people to assist you, then you are quite frankly regarded as weak.

5. Currently I am hostile towards a certain group of people in TOR, not all, that group of people are intent on inciting further trouble. You may be able to influence weak minds pal, but you can never influence anything that I do, and I add I will defend myself against the likes of you and any hostilities that come my way. Like or not.

6. If you do not like people who look after themselves and defend themselves against such attacks, then may I suggest that you stop throwing your rattle out of your cage and not incite trouble in the first place?. Is that an option for someone like you, or is that just above your way of thinking?.

7. Have you not grasped yet, that you take everything publicly that you disagree with, whether with me or anyone you disapprove of. May I suggest that negotiation is the way forward with someone like me?. I know it is the US way of thinking to jump before it actually thinks about the consequence, maybe just maybe approaching someone like me without your hostile attitude towards me everytime I say something you disapprove of may reap some reward for you and your pals?.

8. If you wish to continue what is a futile effort, then go ahead. Gank me with your numbers when I am without my premades in WZs, do your /taunting acts in local and smack me in gen chat which I have blocked but hear you people get upto. If that is how you wish to pursue me, then so be it. but it is a futile effort,lol. Negotiation is your only way with me. Stop being afraid of doing the right thing, it is your move to make not mine.



Edited by kamikrazy
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Freq, I applaud your attempt, however.... it isn't going to stop. This going to continue to dribble out and cause problems on the server for the nightmare legacy guild. Normally i would say it is their own fault and they brought all the hate on themselves by failing to realize what most of the server already knows, however, someone has to take on the personality. I say we congratulate them for having the stones to put their guild reputation in the gutter to support the guy (in all honesty, i know a ton of people that think he is the GM). Personally, i have never seen the man do anything but spew venom, both on forums and in game, but, that isn't to say that is all he does. My perspective is a small account of the entire time he plays, so it wouldn't be fair to say that is all he does.


I vote to drop it. You can't argue with someone who is blinded by their own hate, and self perception of greatness. Eventually, he will fade away when nobody acknowledges his existence.



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