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Satele Shan's age


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According to the Encyclopedia she was born in 3699 BBY, so she should be 57-58 in game time. She also looks around 50 in the game. But in Threat of Peace(around 10 years before the game story) her appearance and persona was not like someone who's 40, at most 25-30.


Also she had become the youngest individual to assume the position of the Jedi Order's Grand Master in 3643 BBY, but that also brought a plot hole, she should be 56 at time. Nomi was clearly younger than that when she became the Grand Master, she was at most 30 during the Great Sith War and 40 in the end of TotJ.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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She's 59, according to the SWTOR Encyclopedia. No math required, it specifically says "Age: 59".


She looks really good in her age then, but her characterization and appearance in ToP comic is still weird if she's close to 50 at that time. Also Nomi was younger than her when she became the Grand Master.

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I think Jedi sort of have the ability to slow the aging process slightly. Or at least they all tend to look slightly younger than they are. I think Qui-Gon Jinn was supposed to be 60 and Dooku was almost 100.


Qui Gon was 60 in EP I but Liam Nesson was only around 45 at that time. Dooku was around 80 in EP II.

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Crossposting from the Tavus thread:


The reason is that the lore behind the game went through revisions between the writing of Threat of Peace and the release of the game. The thirteen-year span between the Treaty and the start of TOR was originally closer to 30 years. So, Satele was portrayed quite young in the comic, and it was hinted that Harron Tavus would become her lover. Also, the look for Satele had yet to be determined, as, apparently, had the looks for Darths Baras and Angral. Later in the development of the game, the lore was nailed down to the current dates, Satele's appearance was nothing like her portrayal in Threat of Peace, and the father of her son became ... someone else (plenty of spoilers on that around).

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Crossposting from the Tavus thread:


The reason is that the lore behind the game went through revisions between the writing of Threat of Peace and the release of the game. The thirteen-year span between the Treaty and the start of TOR was originally closer to 30 years. So, Satele was portrayed quite young in the comic, and it was hinted that Harron Tavus would become her lover. Also, the look for Satele had yet to be determined, as, apparently, had the looks for Darths Baras and Angral. Later in the development of the game, the lore was nailed down to the current dates, Satele's appearance was nothing like her portrayal in Threat of Peace, and the father of her son became ... someone else (plenty of spoilers on that around).


Darth Baras was an old man at that time, but I don't know how did he become so fat in just 10 years.

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It's worth noting that, because of advanced medical technology, Humans in Star Wars (like in Star Trek and Mass Effect) become much older than we do in real life. A lifespan of 130-150 years is not unlikely.


For example, Luke Skywalker is 70 or so in the current line of books, but still a very active Jedi, and Boba Fett, who is 10 years older and worse for year due to a harder life and clone degeneration, is still capable of doing his job.


On occasion. When his hip isn't acting up, the ol' geezer.


Satele would probably be around 40 by our standards, at most.

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It's worth noting that, because of advanced medical technology, Humans in Star Wars (like in Star Trek and Mass Effect) become much older than we do in real life. A lifespan of 130-150 years is not unlikely.


For example, Luke Skywalker is 70 or so in the current line of books, but still a very active Jedi, and Boba Fett, who is 10 years older and worse for year due to a harder life and clone degeneration, is still capable of doing his job.


On occasion. When his hip isn't acting up, the ol' geezer.


Satele would probably be around 40 by our standards, at most.


Baras' looks in the comic and the game fit his age, he just got so fat in the game.

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Qui Gon was 60 in EP I but Liam Nesson was only around 45 at that time. Dooku was around 80 in EP II.


That's my whole point. Because he was played by a younger Qui-Gon is younger and more athletic than his age would suggest.


Of course this gets screwed up in the Original Trilogy because I think Lucas set the PT much to close to it but whatever.

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I think Jedi sort of have the ability to slow the aging process slightly. Or at least they all tend to look slightly younger than they are. I think Qui-Gon Jinn was supposed to be 60 and Dooku was almost 100.


I don't think it's just Jedi, the whole human lifespan seems to be longer in the SWU. I think Han Solo says somewhere in the NJO books that humans typically live to be around 150 years(really this is just a plot device used to explain how people like Luke,Leia, and Han can still do all the jaw dropping heroic stuff at their ages in the NJO)

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