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Back for F2P launch.


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Well i've been away for about 10 months, when i left we had completed all content, on all difficulties.


Im not back with a guild but alone, for the most part. I wanted to flesh out a other classes, now i can do it for free.


Im a pretty serious gamer (not so much now im married) and wanted this game to be more than it is. Why does this game not have war? It is star wars is it not? Why is all the content aimed at a very low difficulty level?


I would love to see BW turn this clustercluck around, implement some world pvp objectives. Let the lore write itself. I come from a long (20 years gaming) background of online gaming, i killed the Sleeper in EQ1 and C'thun in vanilla, if anyone knows these bosses you wont question my pedigree. Some of the fondest memories of gaming is built around ingame events cultured by the playerbase.


BW you have an oppotunity to make this game all we wish it to be, your SSSP has to be open war. With concequences entailed. You see doing it the other way (minimal faction conflict, weak easy content etc) lost you millions of subs. F2P is the last throw of the dice, you can see your trailer vids on youtube garning like 200 comments for 5 days viewing, it should be spammed by millions of viewers, not a handful.


Well, heres to hoping SW:TOR makes the changes it needs, or face certain death within 12 months.


Flame retardant pants engaged*

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no they made this game for the elites,,and this is the consequences of that


a handful of players, egostroking each other, while spamming the forums about how awesome they are


the general public already knows this,,the fact , that u can get the game for 5$ on amazon


without the millions of casual players,,this game is going nowhere, but down

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Well i've been away for about 10 months, when i left we had completed all content, on all difficulties.


Im not back with a guild but alone, for the most part. I wanted to flesh out a other classes, now i can do it for free.


Im a pretty serious gamer (not so much now im married) and wanted this game to be more than it is. Why does this game not have war? It is star wars is it not? Why is all the content aimed at a very low difficulty level?


I would love to see BW turn this clustercluck around, implement some world pvp objectives. Let the lore write itself. I come from a long (20 years gaming) background of online gaming, i killed the Sleeper in EQ1 and C'thun in vanilla, if anyone knows these bosses you wont question my pedigree. Some of the fondest memories of gaming is built around ingame events cultured by the playerbase.


BW you have an oppotunity to make this game all we wish it to be, your SSSP has to be open war. With concequences entailed. You see doing it the other way (minimal faction conflict, weak easy content etc) lost you millions of subs. F2P is the last throw of the dice, you can see your trailer vids on youtube garning like 200 comments for 5 days viewing, it should be spammed by millions of viewers, not a handful.


Well, heres to hoping SW:TOR makes the changes it needs, or face certain death within 12 months.


Flame retardant pants engaged*


The game is a low difficulty level because the market was Star Wars fans, not hardcore gamers.


Star Wars has rarely been about war. Only a couple of war scenes in the whole saga. Mostly solo and small group action. Honestly the game really does emulate that feel.


No AAA release will ever be aimed at people who have played MMO's for 20 years. All profit motivated companies will aim for a broad market. Difficult MMO's and Sandbox based mmo's have not performed at the level easy theme park games do.


There is 0 chance of the game closing in the next year. None.

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The game is a low difficulty level because the market was Star Wars fans, not hardcore gamers.


Star Wars has rarely been about war. Only a couple of war scenes in the whole saga. Mostly solo and small group action. Honestly the game really does emulate that feel.


No AAA release will ever be aimed at people who have played MMO's for 20 years. All profit motivated companies will aim for a broad market. Difficult MMO's and Sandbox based mmo's have not performed at the level easy theme park games do.


There is 0 chance of the game closing in the next year. None.


i agree on most parts, except the last one. seeing how fast CoX went down,,,i wouldnt be sure

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no they made this game for the elites,,and this is the consequences of that


a handful of players, egostroking each other, while spamming the forums about how awesome they are


the general public already knows this,,the fact , that u can get the game for 5$ on amazon


without the millions of casual players,,this game is going nowhere, but down


HAHA, I have never seen a game more casual than this!

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Another bitter vet back briefly to cash in on Cartel Coins.


Not surprised to see the awful resolve system still the same. Can't have... *STUNNED*... the irritating 'elite' WoW players... *PULLED*.... let anyone else... *IMMOBILISED*... do something unscripted against them. But of course this game isn't serious about PvP. I'm just back to finish the class quests.


Now which 2 classes to choose to finish...?



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Well OP seeing as how 10 months ago would mean January you completed 20% of the content currently in the game now. The fact you think STARWARS is about a battefield conflict galaxy wide is a joke, not to mention you call this game a cluster**** which is just hysterical.


Starwars has always been about a hero, and his companions, fighting off forces that mean them harm. Last I checked there wasn't a StarWars Episode 1.5: Marching of the nameless drones. This isn't a shooter. You can not make an MMORPG that uses action bars into a battefield simulator. AoC tried that, and look where it ended up?


TOR has more than enough players paying, even without f2p, to keep this game afloat for a good while still. So don't hold your breathe on it dying just yet. They have regularly been releasing content and as long as you aren't steamrolling through it, it is going faster than progression. I have still yet to complete HM TFB for the sole fact that I level alts/craft/pvp/gear guildees/do dailies/World PvP (Gank) and even sit around on fleet just being social -.-


This game has is flaws but it is far from a cluster****, in fact the only game I have played that I would even consider calling a cluster**** is Diablo3. Really disappointed in that game, took Diablo2 updated graphics and then ripped apart its soul.

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really? try wow:p


and why arent the casuals playing it then?


Agreed WoW is more casual nowadays, but it didn't use to be. Might have not played in a while so he didn't notice the transition.


But I agree this game is still fairly casual besides the PvP community and hardcore raid guilds. I think one reason casuals aren't playing is that there isn't a tier 2 raid option in the group finder and the subscription fees. Casual players tend to like 1 time or no entry cost and the only reason WoW gets away with it at this point is time is player attachment to characters and player community.


If they added Denova SM and TFB Sm in the group finder with an item level requirement I think more casuals would be here.

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Agreed WoW is more casual nowadays, but it didn't use to be. Might have not played in a while so he didn't notice the transition.


But I agree this game is still fairly casual besides the PvP community and hardcore raid guilds..


I see the forums are still patrolled by the Biodrones....


I doubt VERY much there are ANY serious hardcore guilds ANYWHERE in SW:TOR. I am in a community of over 300 mmo and guild/clan related gamers. SW:TOR is widely regarded as the slightly retarded younger brother of online mmo's. It is infested with casual and poorly motivated players, do not take this as a personal attack maam, its just stating the facts. TOR is known as a nooby game for people that want a game they can play without too much practice or dedication required.


I don't play as much as i used too so maybe this more sedentary pace will suit me more. As i said before the leveling experience of this game i found very pleasing, however i went from 1-50 in about ten days, and did it ALL solo. The game IS a solo mmo for the most part.


Again, i reiterate, i am not having a go at you personally, i was just pointing out that this game is going down the pooper, fast. They have no where near recouped the money they have invested, the SSSP NEEDS to be competative and RELY on skill, there HAS to be real reward and REAL loss when fighting, and there HAS to be an ability to carve out the lore USING the player base. (the ability to attack faction homeworlds or co-ordinate mass trade embargos, unlocking world bosses through pvp objectives etc etc) I have no idea why developers seem to struggle to think of ways the game can be utterly absorbing, i can think of hundreds of ways to make the game addictive for many players.


If they dont, remember this post, as i and many others were posting EXACTLY the same stuff in beta, warning BW that unless they had more in game conflict and harder content it would bomb, if you are denying this game has bombed then you are even more deluded than the pilot of the 9/11.


I really dont want to see SW:TOR crash, i tried to keep our guild going as i love the lore of the SW universe. It was impossible though, IF the SSSP is good i may rally the troops to return.

Edited by Scan
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I see the forums are still patrolled by the Biodrones....




I really dont want to see SW:TOR crash, i tried to keep our guild going as i love the lore of the SW universe. It was impossible though, IF the SSSP is good i may rally the troops to return.


I was going to try to compose an intelligent counter argument but really couldn't be bothered.....I have more important things to do in my REAL LIFE (ever heard of that) and you don't warrant the effort.


All I want to says is please don't feel the need to return, and definitely don't be bringing more people with your attitude along with you...better for all involved if you just continue to sit around with your online buddies stroking each other's e-peens about your latest in game achievements and laughing at us losers going about our daily lives interacting with real people, making real life achievements then getting around to playing our retarded little computer game for a bit fun and light entertainment.

Edited by PalihoJ
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really? try wow:p


and why arent the casuals playing it then?


Because of the skills, imo. The hundreds and thousands of skills that each character class has by level 30, overflowing their quickbars and flooding every inch of screen space.


WoW managed how many skills each class had pretty well, for its time. And while games like TERA, Guild Wars 2, and the upcoming TESO realized the best way to make a game easy to pick up but hard to master was to lessen the amount of skills a player needs to manage, SWToR thought it would be better to go the other way and overload players.


It's not cool for players who can only spare several hours a week at most, to have to memorize the layout and function of dozens of different skills. Far too many skills, which do far too many similar things, and should be condensed down to maintain that casual market. I'm not saying simplify the game - I'm saying streamline it. Less skills does not equal an easier game. It equals a game that is easier to get into.


And they want to limit free players to a mere two quickbars? This won't end well...

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I was going to try to compose an intelligent counter argument but really couldn't be bothered.....I have more important things to do in my REAL LIFE (ever heard of that) and you don't warrant the effort.


All I want to says is please don't feel the need to return, and definitely don't be bringing more people with your attitude along with you...better for all involved if you just continue to sit around with your online buddies stroking each other's e-peens about your latest in game achievements and laughing at us losers going about our daily lives interacting with real people, making real life achievements then getting around to playing our retarded little computer game for a bit fun and light entertainment.


It is players like you that have been stroking BW's backs, telling them how great the game is and how much you think everything is ok, that is the problem. SW:TOR has bombed because they listened to you when they should of listened to the players that make games profitable.

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And they want to limit free players to a mere two quickbars? This won't end well...


I doubt you could be a star in Nightmare Mode in 2 quickbars, but you dang sure can do Flashpoints and be middle of the pack in PvP with it. And nobody on FTP is going to be getting in Nightmare mode groups so....it's fine.

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