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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, will you ever be adding WoW style arenas?


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Awww so this is what it's all about. Fanboys from SWG. Love it. Over a year after that game's been shut down I still have people wanting to take shots at me. GG kid, stay in school.


No I didn't play SWG. Just some guildies said they played with you and that you were a horrible cry baby there too. I guess you must be like 15 then? This is coming from your general quality of insults and lack of anything interesting to say besides general QQ.

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The game is to poorly balanced to make it work. Others have mentioned working world pvp and fact of the matter is, you are never going to get it. Least not on the scale of other games right now. The engine is **** and if they haven't fixed Ilum by now, they are never going to fix it. Accept it and play or pick up one of the titles with working large scale pvp, cause this is not it.
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Add arenas, sure, but don't add any kind of reward for them except for cosmetic things.


They should be just that, a fun thing you do with a friend when you have nothing else to do. A kind of minigame.


Oh great, one of those "Don't make me do something to get something people." I don't think that arenas should necessarily have their own gear rewards, but it should give something. Like half WZ comms/half RWZ comms. That way RWZ teams are rewarded more with full RWZ comms because it takes more organizing to do them. That's just one idea though. I would also assume they would try to keep the comms/hour rate about the same with the other two, so you wouldn't win nearly as many comms per Arena as with WZs. However, thats really something to figure out how the devs want to do it, you don't want people to just stop doing WZs/RWZs, so you have to find the right balance of commendation/cosmetic/gear rewards so that each type of PVP has something to offer. Though all that said the prestige is a major driving force for people with arenas. They want to be one of those 2k+ teams, so arena systems already have a lot of incentive built in by nature.

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The game is to poorly balanced to make it work. Others have mentioned working world pvp and fact of the matter is, you are never going to get it. Least not on the scale of other games right now. The engine is **** and if they haven't fixed Ilum by now, they are never going to fix it. Accept it and play or pick up one of the titles with working large scale pvp, cause this is not it.


I've played a lot of games with much worse balance. It's not that bad here, and the problems there are can be easily fixed if the devs just make the obvious changes that are right in front of them...that said the problems aren't that bad. If you're having trouble maybe its an L2P or a gear issue? Unless you're a commando I guess, then yes you are butter and we are all hot knives.

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Add arenas, sure, but don't add any kind of reward for them except for cosmetic things.


They should be just that, a fun thing you do with a friend when you have nothing else to do. A kind of minigame.


Oh and something to do when you have nothing else to do? We are all playing a video game...we all have nothing else to do (sort of). So what you're saying is that I shouldn't do arenas until I've finished my all important world boss weekly homework? Or until I finish raiding with my guild? cuz I don't PVE so that would be awhile. If you don't want to take arenas seriously thats fine, you will be in the noob bracket and that's ok. But don't assume that no one else wants to take them as seriously as you take your flashpoints.

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I'm saying that arenas don't have have to be part of the gear progression, or people will start asking for their classes to be viable in arenas. Since in a 4v4 (or smaller) scenario it's all about group composition, that is impossible to achieve for all classes.


That is why i said that it should be only a secondary part of the game. People ask for it cause they want competition but don't want to wait for 8 guildies to be logged to get in a RWZ. I understand that, i feel that need to, but please keep them away from ever becoming a factor in class balancing.

Edited by Spoletta
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I'm saying that arenas don't have have to be part of the gear progression, or people will start asking for their classes to be viable in arenas. Since in a 4v4 (or smaller) scenario it's all about group composition, that is impossible to achieve for all classes.


That is why i said that it should be only a secondary part of the game. People ask for it cause they want competition but don't want to wait for 8 guildies to be logged to get in a RWZ. I understand that, i feel that need to, but please keep them away from ever becoming a factor in class balancing.


It's difficult but it's not impossible to get it fairly close, and as I've said earlier I think balance in this game is already a good deal ahead of the balance in most other MMOs, there are a few glaring imbalances with how easy some classes are to play at a high level and commandos being nigh impossible to play, but from my point of view the fixes for all the major problems would be fairly easy.

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To have a successful arena system classes have to be relatively balanced, class balance is one thing that SWTOR dont have.


ok. I haven't done arena since wow, and I haven't played wow is the better part of 2 years, but I don't recall those matches ever being balanced. if you played 2v2, you had a pally healer/hybrid or you lost to a team with one. the requisite compositions changed depending on the arena numbers, but the demand for one particular class or another was mighty powerful...at least when I played it.


my point: i've never seen arena in a balanced scenario. so that doesn't much concern me (well...that and I have like every possible toon at this point. lol)

Edited by foxmob
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Don't want to jump on the band wago, but this quote... it pretty much speaks for itself.


If you consider yourself a good PVPer and say that back-pedaling doesn't matter then I have to :rolleyes: at you.


I've played games where back-pedaling does matter and SWTOR's is A LOT more forgiving when it comes to back pedaling.

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