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Resolve and Roots


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I've been playing this game since launch and ever since launch I've always thought the resolve system is very broken but for me was most tolerable before game patch 1.4. Now I understand the reasoning behind them changing it however I feel they've done this to please a very small portion of the swtor population.


I consider myself to be an above average player. I almost always top out on damage, and I always use all my tools (taunts, cleanse, offheals). Now I'm not trying to say I'm the best player in the world, I know there are better out there and I know there are worse. All that considered ever since they patched 1.4 I find myself enjoying pvp less and less. With how the new resolve system works I am often finding myself feeling very out of control with my toons even when I save my CC break till total full resolve. The resolve values do not add up nearly fast enough and even when they do reach full of a high amount I see it dropping very fast or even dropping while I'm still stunned.


I've been on both sides of this, I do it to people as well and its not that I'm being an jerk its a matter of stun to death or get stunned to death. I don't feel like the stuns and CC promote good teamwork what so ever now its just something that everyone seems to spam early and often. I guess you could say it really makes it unenjoyable especially to those that like to solo que and go lone ranger. So for something that was suppose to really help unorginized groups I think it really just gave the premade groups an even bigger advantage.


I'd like to know if bioware is planning on addressing the resolve issue as I'm sure I'm not the only one a little tired of how this is working right now (even though I'm more on the doing side rather then the recieving)


I'd like to suggest a couple things that might help.


Making resolve last much longer, I don't think that anyone should be able to get stunned,mezzed more then 3 times per combat situation. As it works out right now I feel you are able to get controlled for almost half the time you are in combat.


Have roots and slows effect resolve. Its frusterating to even think about this, getting rooted does nothing to resolve and even when you have full resolve these things can a affect you. Certain classes can lock you down without even filling resolve, yes this is crazy and its the stupidest thing bioware has kept. Snipers using marksman can root you multable times per fight without filling a single sliver of resolve and not to mention their stun, two knockbacks and 30m mezz. Allot of classes in the game can't even do a single point of damage to a good sniper and all cause of this massive oversight. A root controls the players ability to move so why isn't this filling resolve?


Adjust how over lapping effects affect resolve. This is where the issue really started and I'm not expecting bioware to fall back on this and bring resolve back to where it was pre 1.4 cause I know how bad that looks. What I would like to suggest is crank up the penalty of over lapping effects. Aka fill more resolve and shorten the time between when things would be considered overlapping.


If I'm the only person that feels the new resolve system to be a bigger problem then before please tell me to go home, I don't think this is the case though. I'm sure there are tons of people that just shake their head at this whole thing. I hope to hear back from you bioware :)

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can't have both roots and slows adding to resolve. at least not in any meaningful amount/degree. then everyone would just be running around with full resolve and we'd be right back where we were before the 1.4 resolve change


devs want less white bars on people

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can't have both roots and slows adding to resolve. at least not in any meaningful amount/degree. then everyone would just be running around with full resolve and we'd be right back where we were before the 1.4 resolve change


devs want less white bars on people


Why shouldn't they add to resolve? They are both controlling effects, both limit other players in their ability to react. I'm not saying they should fill the bar by half but should do something. You get a group of snipers and if they are on teamspeak cordinating they could permaroot someone. Nothing wrong with that? Its not even just snipers but they warriors leaps, when resolve is full at very min they should not be able to do anything do you.

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Why shouldn't they add to resolve? They are both controlling effects, both limit other players in their ability to react. I'm not saying they should fill the bar by half but should do something. You get a group of snipers and if they are on teamspeak cordinating they could permaroot someone. Nothing wrong with that? Its not even just snipers but they warriors leaps, when resolve is full at very min they should not be able to do anything do you.


basically you're saying nerf coordination :p


its because the game wasn't built with that in mind. do you know how many people have multiple slows and roots, and a few of the slows, if not most, can be refreshed every time to keep people slowed indefinitely


you can say it's a controlling effect, and limits the ability to react, but that's not what resolve is for in the dev's vision for the game, it's for incapacitating stuns(hard stuns and mezzes). . .the ones that actually prevent you from doing ANYTHING.


buuuuuuut, a full white bar of resolve doesn't really last very long. so i could see a full bar giving you 100% immunity to all movement effects as well

Edited by FourTwent
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I became incredibly frustrated today after being chain stunned to death most of my matches, so decided to see what other people were saying about it. Seems everyone can agree that it's a terrible system. Unfortunately they won't ever change it too much because of how they designed the game. Brilliant idea to give every class multiple stuns and slows; some have more, some have less, but everyone gets something. As a result, if you're targeted by more than a couple opponents you get slowed, stunned, knocked back, rooted, then stunned again before you can even react. 99% of the time that equals a quick and frustrating death. Even if you use the strategy of waiting out the first stun and then use your skill to break the second one, it doesn't take long for that resolve to go away. Drives me nuts and made me think of better systems. Making resolve last longer makes sense, as does say...five second immunity after two stuns. The latter in particular has worked well in other games, so why not in SWTOR?


So why not make resolve last longer? Imagine a dps guardian/juggernaut or a marauder/sentinel or an assassin/shadow that has longer resolve...they get stunned a couple times, their bar fills up, then they are immune for longer...they'd get twice the kills they do now if not more. And therein lies the problem. Resolve was designed to balance out melee classes that would otherwise tear people apart if left uncontrolled. It was also designed with this terrible concept of giving every class multiple stuns/controls. That's the real issue. Think of other successful MMOs...usually only certain classes have true crowd control abilities. The games are designed that way for a reason. Some people can stun, others heal, others do dps...SWTOR decided to try something very different and truth be told, it has failed. There is no way to truly fix the resolve issue without taking away most people's stuns and they'll never do that. One, it would piss too many people off, and two, it would force them to admit that they'd designed the worst stun lock system ever. They'll tweak it and change it and try to fix it but that will just throw it out of balance one way or the other, so we're basically stuck with what we have unfortunately.

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Ranged dps classes are easy enough to avoid...getting shot and can't stun them? Hide behind something! Marauders, sentinels, juggs, gaurds, and all those saber wielding dps will just come track you down and continue to beat on you if you can't stop them or slow them enough to run away. This is why resolve isn't the most balanced system in the world...it hurts melee classes much more than it hurts ranged classes. That being said though, if you can't stop a marauder or sentinel from bearing down on you someway, you're dead. Of course, they use that to their advantage as well...once they have immunity you're pretty much screwed, especially if it's a guard/jugg specced for stun immunity after their leap.
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That would ruin carnage marauders and snipers in general


QFT We are more than just trans/pred, some of us(shocking I know) have actually played combat/carnage since before we had the fast trans in our tree. The ability to controll the flow of any battle is the #1 reason anyone should ever play combat/carnage spec. You can stop one person in their tracks for 15 seconds and multiple people for 6 seconds. If you would just realize root does not equal cant do anything you would have much more success.

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Snare and Roots should never add resolve.


Resolve should be reserved for any ability that STUNS you OR in some way shape or form prevents you from using your abilities. While rooted, and snared, you can still fire abilities. While stunned or CC'ed or mezzed/slept, you can not. There is a difference.


Resolve should be kept to being applied only on abilities that basically prevent you from playing and firing skills.

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Why shouldn't they add to resolve? They are both controlling effects, both limit other players in their ability to react. I'm not saying they should fill the bar by half but should do something. You get a group of snipers and if they are on teamspeak cordinating they could permaroot someone. Nothing wrong with that? Its not even just snipers but they warriors leaps, when resolve is full at very min they should not be able to do anything do you.


They shouldn't add to resolve because then everyone would be white barred most of the time. However, I do believe that if you ARE white barred you should NOT be affected by them.

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can't have both roots and slows adding to resolve. at least not in any meaningful amount/degree. then everyone would just be running around with full resolve and we'd be right back where we were before the 1.4 resolve change


devs want less white bars on people


yeah compare to now when you dont get to play at all becouse your stuck in a stun until you die and have to run and same **** happends again.....it soooo much fun =/

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Which is useless because any close quarter dps (sin/shadow, mara/sent, powertech/vanguard,jugger/guardian) has no self cleanse, or has a self cleanse on long CD.

And its the melee dps that get mostly ****ed by roots.


lolwut? that's like saying healing is useless because there's only 3 healing specs in the game.


try again, maybe you'll come up with a better excuse next time


yeah compare to now when you dont get to play at all becouse your stuck in a stun until you die and have to run and same **** happends again.....it soooo much fun =/


sorry, this game is not balanced for your solo queuing with no healer. if you can't get heals while you're stunned/chain stunned you should die. if not, no one would EVER die in the game and no one would ever cap a node.


as vimm said. i wish they'd let it happen, just so you can see how wrong you are.


people on this forum can keep QQing because they get stomped by premades, or can't get a heal during a stun and die, or can't win every single 1v1 they come across. but this game is NOT balanced that way. group up, become a team player or go play a single player game.

Edited by FourTwent
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