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Memory leak


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I'm really enjoying this game. Seriously I like this game a lot. There are bugs here and there and honestly they don't bother me. However whatever is causing the memory leak on my computer is hampering my gameplay. I can't possibly complete some content if my game crashes ever 1 1/2 hours. I spend 30 minutes waiting for a group to get together for whatever I'm gonna run, and part way through the content i'm running, it's gonna crash.


This really needs to be looked at. I'd even be willing to give my computer stats if it'd help get it solved.

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GM posted they are continuing to develope optimization for swtor


personally I have not experienced any game crashes or machine crashes since 1.4


not sure I've ever had any game crashes or machine crashes and I've played for 11 months.


I do look forward to continued better optimizations from the gm's though.

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After 1.4 I experienced a few NVIDIA graphics driver crashes. Only happened when running SWTOR. Didn't crash the game, but windows 7 had to restart my driver. Haven't happened in a while now tho, guess one of the later patches fixed it.


As for repeating crashes, this is something you must report, if you havent done already. There might be bugs only occuring on certain system setups etc, hence why its important for BioWare to get crash log's (I'm assuming the game got some kind of crash log) and other important info.

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I heard someone mention this the other day, and Ive never had a problem with, but I do have heaps of ram.

Anyway, I run the game in window mode(which ive done since release), so last night, I ran the Task Manager along side to see what was happening.

When I started, its around the 4.8GB, and at the end of the night, it was at 5.6GB at the same location, with around 40 less people on the fleet.

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I've not experienced more than one or two crashes since launch, but obviously there are memory leaks and some little "bugs" in the client.


"Mission update" popup freezing the client for a fraction of second, shadows and AA implementation causing hiccups in the scrolling even if I have ~60fps, mipmapping completely broken... and after 1~2 hours, the client starts to feel really overloaded.


Sure, I don't have the supercomputer of the year (i7-860 with HT disabled, 4 GB, HD5870), but it's quite a bit better than an actual "mainstream" rig.

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I heard someone mention this the other day, and Ive never had a problem with, but I do have heaps of ram.

Anyway, I run the game in window mode(which ive done since release), so last night, I ran the Task Manager along side to see what was happening.

When I started, its around the 4.8GB, and at the end of the night, it was at 5.6GB at the same location, with around 40 less people on the fleet.


wow that's quite a bit. I load and i got one instance at ~1.2gb and a second swtor instance are ~270mb in use. are you running anything non-stock with it?

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wow that's quite a bit. I load and i got one instance at ~1.2gb and a second swtor instance are ~270mb in use. are you running anything non-stock with it?


No, but I did have a browser and outlook running in the background.

Windows 64bit will use more if you have more, I have 16GB, so its quite normal to see intencive applications using more than 4GB. If you only have 4GB total, windows will allocate the memory a lot differently, probably closer to what you have stated.

But as I said, I dont any problems in game, I just done that to see the allocation for interest sake.

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No, but I did have a browser and outlook running in the background.

Windows 64bit will use more if you have more, I have 16GB, so its quite normal to see intencive applications using more than 4GB. If you only have 4GB total, windows will allocate the memory a lot differently, probably closer to what you have stated.

But as I said, I dont any problems in game, I just done that to see the allocation for interest sake.


Outlook and browser are separate apps... are you talking total used ram used or the swtor.exe's under the process tab of task manager?


SWTOR is a 32bit app. I have 64GB of ram. I don't know what you got going on but that is a lot of ram for one 32bit app... definitely something going on somewhere... like you said though when you got a bunch of ram... leaks are not that big of an issue performance wise

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Outlook and browser are separate apps... are you talking total used ram used or the swtor.exe's under the process tab of task manager?


SWTOR is a 32bit app. I have 64GB of ram. I don't know what you got going on but that is a lot of ram for one 32bit app... definitely something going on somewhere... like you said though when you got a bunch of ram... leaks are not that big of an issue performance wise


Why would you need 64GB RAM?? :s


On topic, memory leaks noticed here too. Its way worse on windows 8 for some reason, its the main reason thats forced me to downgrade back to 64 bit win 7.

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Just lately I have been having memory issues very bad. When I tried to close SWTOR tonight, I couldn't. My computer locked up. I managed to get back to the desktop, with SWTOR still frozen in the background. I saw that my computer's memory usage was at a whopping 87% while CPU usage was only at 3%. I couldn't get Task Manager to respond so I had to reboot. This is the third time this has happened to me while trying to close SWTOR. And before trying to close it, SWTOR itself was performing very poorly, after many hours of gameplay. This problem is so annoying. I hope something is done about it, but from past history probably nothing will be done, which is very disappointing and frustrating.
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Something tells me that you are quite wealthy.


RAM has been cheap for years.


Anyway, you need a lot if you do graphics rendering, but rarely anything else than that.


SWTOR still will only use a maximum of 4GB (1GB Kernel/3GB user with /3GB BIOS switch) for its process. The excess RAM will allow you to keep User-Mode memory from being paged out when other processes run, so they will simultaneously run faster.

Edited by RazielHex
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Just out of curiosity, which processor (CPU) are you using with 64GB of ram?


Intel 3930k hexcore with 12 threads with hyperthreading


If you are interested i did a couple crappy videos from my phone with some quick benchmarks and a build log


Build log


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Intel 3930k hexcore with 12 threads with hyperthreading


If you are interested i did a couple crappy videos from my phone with some quick benchmarks and a build log


Build log



Nice! .... Except for the fact that you're using a crappy Corsair H60 :p

( I'm not saying the H60 is a bad cooler .. just saying since you have the money... you could have gone full custom water cooling - all my rigs are custom water cooled, even the one's that don't necessarily need water cooling )


Going totally off topic here but..


With Windows 7 64-bit and with 6GB's of memory or greater, you shouldn't be having any crashes due to this "Memory Leak"


If you're on a 64-bit Operating System with 6GB or more ram and still crashing, then all I can say is that something is wrong with your rig.

There's a very nice post showing how to fine tune your Computer --> The Ultimate guide to speeding up win 7 on low/mid range systems ready for TOR!

Edited by nattodaisuki
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Nice! .... Except for the fact that you're using a crappy Corsair H60 :p

( I'm not saying the H60 is a bad cooler .. just saying since you have the money... you could have gone full custom water cooling - all my rigs are custom water cooled, even the one's that don't necessarily need water cooling )


Going totally off topic here but..

agreed but this is my first step into water cooling and a closed loop seemed safer and the price point was good. I added another 120mm fan to the h60 for push pull and it helped a lot on idles and a good deal when stressed. regardless stressed it doesn't get above 65C @4.25ghz (i'm at stock now though). we'll see what happens in the summer though.


Knowing what I know now I would've went with the H100 but when i ordered I was uncertain if the H100 would work with the case.

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